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Surprised to see Henry up for eviction but not so much Zak who half the house had it in for over the last couple of days. That being said, the final vote of the night going to Henry stopped it being something like a 5 way race so it was very close.
Early polls on Reddit and such are showing Henry a favourite to stay but I think it could go either way. I've noticed a strong LGBT presence both online and in the live audiences and I think Henry is more popular with that core crowd as opposed to Zak who gives me more Love Island vibes.

Kerry continued to be repulsive, feigning stress about it being a head to head when she didn't know she was a single vote for Henry from being up as well and as good as locked in to be gone. Also putting on a shouty show in her nominations (I DON'T LIKE HIMMM), picking who I assume will be her gang's next target in Matty. Notice how she goes for the drifters like Zak and Matty rather than core members of groups and then will also relay her dislikes to impressionable and equally as nasty Hallie.

Speaking of Hallie, I've seen a sneak peak of tonight's show as her and Olivia are dropped into the shit in front of everyone for talking about nominations. Big Brother caught them writing "NO is a gameplayer" on Olivia's back, NO apparently about Noky as Hallie told her to stop spelling out loud after the NO. Big Brother gathers everyone and tells them outright "is a gameplayer" was written in code. No confirmation on the punishment yet but it was confirmed on last night's show this week's evictions won't change. I'm hoping the house press them on who they were talking about.

Like @Gay as FOOK I sympathised with Henry about going up. He genuinely feels against a loud and confident lad like Zak he doesn't stand a chance and almost resigned himself as gone. It gave an interesting look at the house dynamics as Henry's group all rallied around him and told him it's not over yet and he has to remain confident. Zak's group already had the confidence and seem to be sure he's staying. I think it might be close but I think Henry has turned a lot of people around since he came in as the Posh Tory. He's bonded with heavy left-leaning Trish in the house and unlike Kerry is aware of himself and his privelage.


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Zak is gone but more importantly the live crowd went into business for themselves and loudly chanted “GET KERRY OUT” during the eviction. Everyone heard it. Kerry heard it. I hope it sits heavy on her mind until she’s booted out.

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2 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

Zak is gone but more importantly the live crowd went into business for themselves and loudly chanted “GET KERRY OUT” during the eviction. Everyone heard it. Kerry heard it. I hope it sits heavy on her mind until she’s booted out.

Quality, wasn't it. Looking forward to seeing the fallout of it. Shame it's not on a Saturday night. 

I'd previously thought I was sick of the rent-a-mob thing because the crowd getting themselves over post-Get Grace Out got annoying but the live shows need it every now and then. 

On the flip side, Zak getting boos initially but then getting cheered on the way out was lovely to see. It just got crazy for a few years there where seemingly everyone who was evicted got really uncomfortable public shame heat. 

Jordan and Matty getting exorcist sick in Tom's bed trying to drink those smoothies was an all-time Big Brother moment. 

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The dynamics in the house are all over the place since Zak's eviction on Friday and a few people are starting to unravel.

First off the "Get Kerry Out" chants have gotten to Kerry but also made her a bit of a pariah amongst the other housemates. A lot of private conversations about why they chanted that, what has she done, can we trust her?

What some people are calling a love triangle has emerged between Jordan, Henry and Matty but honestly it makes all of them look pretty pathetic. Jordan and Henry have been peas in a pod since going into the house, and Henry has developed a little crush on Jordan. Jordan however, upon seeing Henry up for eviction and I think a few comments from other housemates that made him uncomfortable, has made him move on to Matty who has a boyfriend but is in an open relationship. I don't think Matty has feelings for Jordan.
So now you have this pretty grim dynamic where the usually reserved Jordan is making very strange advances on Matty, saying odd things and semi-flirting in a really odd way while Matty hasn't had the guts to tell him to stop outright but keeps asking if he needs to have a serious talk. Henry is sat in the sidelines watching with puppydog eyes.
I think it will end in disaster, specifically for Jordan who has taken 3 weeks to come out of his shell but now he has is a bit creepy.

Dylan and Trish finally butted heads as de-facto leaders of the house, over a sausage sarnie of all things. Dylan was cooking a chicken dinner and Trish went and started cooking sausage sarnies for herself. He told her if she was having sausages he won't give her any chicken. Shit booted off and he backtracked on himself. Both of them in the wrong to be honest, who makes themselves a proper sandwich as they're cooking everyone a meal?
Dylan should have been honest though and stuck to his guns.

Trish and Paul also butted heads over Paul pissing about at night while people are trying to sleep. Trish was in the right, Paul is gross and an idiot. I don't think Trish being so outwardly confrontational will help her in the long run though.

It's hard to say who will be in the crosshairs this week. Kerry might have a target on her back now and they might see it as an easy sacrifice to keep themselves in, but I also think Trish will get a few nominations for being in two arguments before the weekend was even over. I can see Dylan, Noky and Paul all getting votes too.
If I had a gun to my head I would say Paul vs Trish or Paul vs Trish vs Kerry.

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55 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

Trish and Paul also butted heads over Paul pissing about at night while people are trying to sleep. Trish was in the right, Paul is gross and an idiot. I don't think Trish being so outwardly confrontational will help her in the long run though.

Yeah, I reckon she’ll be up this week. 

I agreed with her on Paul, but the stuff about ‘food monitoring’ was all sorts of nonsense. ‘Everyone has different eating habits, and different relationships with food’ - fine, but when you don’t have a luxury budget to play around with, compromises have to be made. What if everyone ate what they wanted, when they wanted? You’d have nothing left. 

Chanelle is quietly becoming one of the best housemates. She’s great value in the diary room, and has some great one-liners. She and Yinrun are both a lot of fun, while Olivia is - surprisingly- growing on me.

1 hour ago, FelatioLips said:

So now you have this pretty grim dynamic where the usually reserved Jordan is making very strange advances on Matty, saying odd things and semi-flirting in a really odd way while Matty hasn't had the guts to tell him to stop outright but keeps asking if he needs to have a serious talk. Henry is sat in the sidelines watching with puppydog eyes.

Yeah, it’s a bit uncomfortable. He’s just coming across as a horny bastard. I’m totally with you when you say ‘what some people are calling a love triangle’ - it’s not a triangle at all when there are only two one-way lines to draw.

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Bit of a bizarre episode today, I realise that everything is heightened in that kind of environment, and paranoia of being branded sexist probably overtook logic for Chanelle, after innocent smacktalking - but why on earth did Trish end up getting the blame for that? Even after she pointed out to Dylan that it wasn’t her who said it, he didn’t backtrack. It was really odd. 

Not that I think Olivia should have apologised either - and she’s actually grown on me since the first week. She’s often immature, occasionally slightly mean and she can be obnoxious sometimes too…but I still find myself liking her. 

Dylan and Paul, on the other hand, have dropped down even further in my estimation. They both seem like very angry people, in a way that isn’t fun to watch at all. I’d happily see them go before Kerry.

23 hours ago, RedRooster said:

Yeah, it’s a bit uncomfortable. He’s just coming across as a horny bastard. I’m totally with you when you say ‘what some people are calling a love triangle’ - it’s not a triangle at all when there are only two one-way lines to draw.

Turns out this was wrong. Matty seems as interested as Jordan does. Perhaps Jordan’s natural awkwardness made this feel a little more one-sided than it apparently is.

Yinrun continues to be a delight. I’d absolutely love to see her win. 

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Agree last night’s episode was unusually tense. It seemed like everyone just wasn’t in the mood for being dressed as ants.

Paul and Dylan had a really bad episode. Paul especially finally got camera time and it was obvious why he hasn’t so far. Petty, aggressive and needlessly defensive. Don’t think he impressed anyone last night and I can see him getting possibly the majority of votes this week because of it.
Dylan I think sometimes lets this de-facto “grown up” of the house role go to his head and finds it necessary to have an opinion or to get involved with every spat. What isn’t helping either is his habit of not being able to admit fault and instead lie or backtrack.

Trish I think got a lot of the blame last night because of her previous track record when it comes to being serious. When Olivia was shouting about being sexist and everything it was a bit more obviously a joke because she’s a gobshite that’s always on the wind up. When Trish then jumped in after I think people got flashbacks of when she called Zak sexist, which despite them both saying it was a joke, saw Zak get kicked out the house and also booed. You’d be forgiven to think the housemates saw the Trish thing as a deciding factor. She also, like Dylan, sometimes tries to be the adult of the group but her version of that is having deep discussions about everything and the housemates just don’t enjoy that.
Personally I don’t mind her but I can see how the housemates would be getting sick of her. A lot of them are young and want to just have fun and fuck about and she’s way too serious sometimes.

Yinrun had moment of the night where she wandered into the garden and when Kerry begged for help told her she was going to steal her eggs and then started splashing water to make her want to piss.

I think this Ant Challenge may be the beginning of the downfall of a lot of people. It’s somehow brought out a lot of drama that I don’t think housemates will forget.

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1 hour ago, FelatioLips said:

Trish I think got a lot of the blame last night because of her previous track record when it comes to being serious. When Olivia was shouting about being sexist and everything it was a bit more obviously a joke because she’s a gobshite that’s always on the wind up. When Trish then jumped in after I think people got flashbacks of when she called Zak sexist, which despite them both saying it was a joke, saw Zak get kicked out the house and also booed. You’d be forgiven to think the housemates saw the Trish thing as a deciding factor. She also, like Dylan, sometimes tries to be the adult of the group but her version of that is having deep discussions about everything and the housemates just don’t enjoy that.
Personally I don’t mind her but I can see how the housemates would be getting sick of her. A lot of them are young and want to just have fun and fuck about and she’s way too serious sometimes.

I think that's a really good assessment of her. I find her a bit much personally - she comes across as a right wing person's vision of what a left wing person is like; she never really switches off from sharing her views or calling out what she perceives to be bad behaviour. And that's all well and good, but when you're suggesting the right thing to do is be respectful of people's eating habits in a situation where food is in limited supply, that's rightly going to frustrate people.

I didn't think she deserved to be treated as she was last night though, and Dylan came across as a bit of a tool. 

This week's nominations are difficult to call - but I suspect Paul and Trish might both be in trouble. 

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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

I think that's a really good assessment of her. I find her a bit much personally - she comes across as a right wing person's vision of what a left wing person is like; she never really switches off from sharing her views or calling out what she perceives to be bad behaviour. And that's all well and good, but when you're suggesting the right thing to do is be respectful of people's eating habits in a situation where food is in limited supply, that's rightly going to frustrate people.

I didn't think she deserved to be treated as she was last night though, and Dylan came across as a bit of a tool. 

This week's nominations are difficult to call - but I suspect Paul and Trish might both be in trouble. 

The political dynamics are very interesting. You have Trish as you described who can’t resist making everything political and can be very preachy. She might mean well but she views herself as a leader when nobody asked for one. Then you have Henry who everyone thought would be a posh tory arsehole based off his intro but has developed into a friendly, interesting and emotionally complex character. He fits with what some would consider the nicest housemates, has been called out for being lazy but survived a public vote. He definitely defied expectations, whereas like you said, Trish is personifying the worst traits of what people expected her to be.

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Henry stating that his views were changing on certain things - such as immigration - based on learning from other people, and interacting with other people in the house. He's still relatively young, and hopefully he'll emerge a better person from this experience. Ultimately, he strikes me as a bit naive and a product of his environment. His reason for liking Boris Johnson was that 'he's funny' - not that he agreed with his politics (how could you, what are they?), or anything along those lines. Perhaps exposure to people outside of his own background will lead him along a less dark political path. 

Maybe I'm trying to justify to myself that it's OK to feel as warmly towards the guy as I do; but regardless, he does seem open to the idea that his own world view isn't necessarily the correct one. 

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5 hours ago, RedRooster said:

Henry stating that his views were changing on certain things - such as immigration - based on learning from other people, and interacting with other people in the house. He's still relatively young, and hopefully he'll emerge a better person from this experience. Ultimately, he strikes me as a bit naive and a product of his environment. His reason for liking Boris Johnson was that 'he's funny' - not that he agreed with his politics (how could you, what are they?), or anything along those lines. Perhaps exposure to people outside of his own background will lead him along a less dark political path. 

Maybe I'm trying to justify to myself that it's OK to feel as warmly towards the guy as I do; but regardless, he does seem open to the idea that his own world view isn't necessarily the correct one. 

Henry is fascinating though because you should be able to like or dislike someone based on things other than political ideals. I couldn't tell you the political leanings of any other housemates other than Kerry, Henry and Trish and it's better like that.
Like if Yinrun came out and said she voted for Brexit right off the bat, depending on your personal ideals that would either make you like or dislike her, whereas as you've seen with Henry sometimes it just doesn't and shouldn't work like that. Then on the opposite end of the spectrum you find Kerry who came across as unlikeable anyway and then also came out as a huge Tory and it just reinforced opinions on her.

I think it's nominations tonight and that should be very interesting. I think it's still going to be Paul vs Trish with Kerry, Noky and Dylan eating a few rogue votes. If Paul goes up for eviction though he's toast based on what I've seen online. I think he may have overtaken Kerry as least popular housemate, at least temporarily.
I don't have a great concept of timelines for old series but has another house crumbled as easily as this lot?
We're only in Week 3 and the amount of housemates that have cried, or gotten into petty fights, or immediately started gossiping and shit stirring is shocking. Sometimes it feels like there's no build at all and something will just kick off.

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2 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

Henry is fascinating though because you should be able to like or dislike someone based on things other than political ideals. I couldn't tell you the political leanings of any other housemates other than Kerry, Henry and Trish and it's better like that.

In different times, I’d agree - but with the current incarnation of the Tory party, I find that harder to swallow. If you vote Tory, you’re voting in favour of forcing refugees onto flights to Rwanda, or on to barges; if you vote Tory, you’re voting against trans rights; if you vote Tory you’re supporting policies which make the lives of disabled benefits claimants harder, all as they greedily funnel money to their rich friends. You’re voting for a party that now openly says racist and sexist things that would make some UKIP politicians blush. I think it’s reasonable enough to dislike someone based on the fact they are willing to tolerate that.

As far as Henry goes, he does seem to be learning - and to be fair, he’s not indicated that he supports, or is even aware, of these policies. I get the impression that his interest in politics may be very surface level, although I may be wrong.

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8 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

n different times, I’d agree - but with the current incarnation of the Tory party, I find that harder to swallow

But the last time he could vote, it was for a party lead by someone who made him laugh. Without derailing into other threads, I can understand why people voted Tory previously, but if they vote for them again? That’s a different matter. 

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1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

But the last time he could vote, it was for a party lead by someone who made him laugh. Without derailing into other threads, I can understand why people voted Tory previously, but if they vote for them again? That’s a different matter. 

Absolutely - he’s proudly proclaimed his Tory allegiances as if it was support for a football club, though - but by the same token, he’s also admitted his views are changing based on the people he’s met. So credit to him for that. 

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6 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Absolutely - he’s proudly proclaimed his Tory allegiances as if it was support for a football club, though - but by the same token, he’s also admitted his views are changing based on the people he’s met. So credit to him for that. 

Plus the change from Johnson to Sunak isn’t much of a change like, say, Corbyn to Starmer is. 

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