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As well as being a crisp nonce and a football shirt nonce, I am also a bit of a soda nonce. I love fizzy drinks and drink far too much of it if I'm honest.

There might very well be a cost of living crisis going on, and I like everyone else, have had to make sacrifices, but I still will think nothing of spending £2 on a can of Fanta if its something I have never had before. Which doesn't sound a lot but it is to me.

I also just really like trying things I've never had before or things that you can't normally get, similar to crisps.

Clearly, and there will be NO debate about this, Coca Cola original is the best. THE BEST. But these are some I've enjoyed recently.

Also, all cold drinks welcome and most of these aren't fizzy. For instance, I've tried most of the Prime drinks, and they're alright, far too sweet for me, but I can see why my 10yo likes them. Some of these purchases are her strong arming me into getting them, but I need very little cajoling.

Coca Cola Quebec Maple

I was REALLY looking forward to this, and it was nice, but a bit too close to Pepsi for my liking. I do like Pepsi, and will drink it, but it's not a go to for me. You can taste the maple syrup flavour, which is great, but a tiny bit disappointed. 6/10


Mountain Dew Fruit Quake 

Just fucking rank. Like drinking raisins. 2/10


Mountain Dew Spark Raspberry Lemonade

Forgot to take a photo, but this is wicked. Like drinking refreshers. 9/10


Various Gatorade and a Peace Tea

I enjoy a Gatorade, so these were all good, but the apple one (green) was the standout. Will definitely be buying again. The Peace Tea was outstanding, and now pick up one whenever I see them. 8/10


Sprite Lemonade Legacy

Obviously I bought this for the hip hop themed can, but it was really nice. Strawberry Lemonade is always a winner in my opinion. Have I, a 38 year old man, kept the empty can? Maybe. 8/10


Arizona Mucho Mango

A fairly insipid effort if I'm honest. Not worth what I paid for it all. 4/10


Arizona Fruit Punch

Much better. Not too sweet, and a nice mix of flavours, even though I can't tell what they are. 7/10


I also got this cool Coca Cola bottle but it just tasted of normal Coke (Obviously a good thing)


So there you have it. It's clear, that just like with crisps, I am easily swayed by a gimmick drink, and love to try anything "new" looking even if it's not something I particularly like.

For instance I don't even like Dr Pepper, but you better believe I'll buy one if I see a new flavour. I had a Jurassic Park one recently. It was shit.

So what are your go-to's? Anything interesting recently? Do you mainline Pepsi like SpursRiot used to? Are you a drinker of Satan's spunk aka Diet Coke? 

Edited by SuperBacon
All cold drinks welcome baby
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I have a severe addiction to Pepsi Max. Diet Coke when there’s no other option. Regular Coke, or fat Coke as some people call it is vile. 

I tried Tango watermelon and strawberry recently. That wasn’t very nice.

This thread has reminded me that I’ve not had a Tizer in years. 

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18 minutes ago, TheBurningRed said:

This thread has reminded me that I’ve not had a Tizer in years. 

Had a can the other day, as the kids said they had never tried it, along with Irn Bru. They hated both. Idiots. 

Edit: Liked your response, but keep your Coke slander away from here thanks.


Edited by SuperBacon
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There's a shop near me that sells different drinks that you don't find in most places. I've really taken to A&W cream soda, can't get enough of the stuff. Best cream soda I've ever had. Their Root Beer is quite nice as well.


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I used to love cream soda with a scoop of ice cream, not had it for ages but I really fancy one know.

Also the Pepsi soda stream syrup is perfect for adding to the water when cooking a ham.

@SuperBacon what's your take on that Tango and coke mix German does? It's objectively horrible but I couldn't not buy it often.

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Diet coke is barely a drink, its vile. I switched from original Coke to Coke Zero and whilst original is obviously better, Zero is a decent substitute. At home we've switched from Coca Cola to Karma Cola which is actually really great. Its more herbally tasting along the lines of Curiosity Cola but better in my opinion.


I hate all Pepsi other than the Raspberry Pepsi Max, the rest can go straight in the bin. 

Edited by deathrey
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18 minutes ago, Tommy! said:


@SuperBacon what's your take on that Tango and coke mix German does? It's objectively horrible but I couldn't not buy it often.

Not tried that, but if its anything like when the kids go mad on the free serve machines anywhere they are, I'd definitely buy it. Love a good Fantoke :)

@deathrey I love a Karma Cola. I actually once interviewed for a sales job with them back when they were starting but even all the Cola you could drink couldn't make up for the salary :)

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Mountain Dew Red Alert and Ice Blast are tasty syrup treats. Normal Coke is shit, Pepsi Max is best. Had one of those poncey Fentimans Cokes and that was shit. Dying for an OG Sprite, might seek one out this weekend but the worry is I pay £2 and it tastes like shitty EU Sprite. Fucking Brexit and we still get shit Sprite.

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13 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

Mountain Dew Red Alert and Ice Blast are tasty syrup treats. Normal Coke is shit, Pepsi Max is best. Had one of those poncey Fentimans Cokes and that was shit. Dying for an OG Sprite, might seek one out this weekend but the worry is I pay £2 and it tastes like shitty EU Sprite. Fucking Brexit and we still get shit Sprite.


2 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

Edit: Liked your response, but keep your Coke slander away from here thanks.


I don't mind Fentimans, although the Lemonade is much better than the Cola.

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1 hour ago, Tommy! said:

I used to love cream soda with a scoop of ice cream, not had it for ages but I really fancy one know.

My father in law takes a big bottle of cream soda and a bar of dairy milk to bed to consume throughout the night when he wakes up intermittently. 


It will not surprise you to learn he doesn't have any of his own teeth left. 


Getting some deja vu typing that, i think I may have told that anecdote on here before, but it really makes me laugh when I think about it. 

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Diet Coke is my first and only love.  Pepsi is never ok, just tolerated.

If I'm feeling exotic I love to sink a Ting (fizzy grapefruit) which you can even find single cans of in regular supermarkets now as well as little Afro-Caribbean shops.

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I suspect @SuperBacon will be starting a diabetic thread soon enough but credit to you for including fruits in some of your pictures for balance. Original Coke is king of the Cola's but how I pine for mid 90's Cherry Coke, that was the good stuff.

If it's reasonably priced, I'll give new flavoured drinks a go but they only get once chance. During the pandemic, I smashed Pepsi Max Cherry as it was £8 for 8 2L bottles at my local Food Warehouse but the last year I've been sticking to sugar free 7-up and adding cordials to it if I want a different flavour.

I will say that post pandemic there's been a surge in choice of drinks, not for the better but at least there's market variety and occasionally one will be good enough. I find most of the American drinks to be off-putting as they use too much sugar/corn syrup. The following is what I can remember trying the last few months:

WHAM: A faint taste of the bar which is nice, followed by an aftertaste of overpowering sickly raspberry/blackcurrant rush. 

Sherbet Dib Dab: Pure sugar/diabetes, one sip was enough to tip the rest away.

Fruit Salad: Inoffensive, not overpowering like the Wham was. Faint taste.

Flumps: Tasted like a cheap birthday cake. I'm not saying no to birthday cake.

Mentos Sour Apple: Ungodly abomination. Has large 'jelly bites' in it that I clearly ignored/didn't see before consumption. Immediately threw up.

Iron Bru Ice Cream: If you can't stand Iron Bru, you're not going to like this. Just a firm no on this.

Miranda Strawberry: Mild, inoffensive but don't drop it anywhere. It will stain immediately and is very stubborn to get out of white clothing.

KA Strawberry Soda: It's a red Mr Freeze ice pop in a can. Would love them to release it in big bottle form but it is high in sugar.

Pepsi Vanilla: I don't know where the guy in my local shop got these from as I thought they were discontinued but I cleared every can out. Absolutely divine, way better than Coke Vanilla. Want more. MORE!

1 minute ago, Chest Rockwell said:

My father in law takes a big bottle of cream soda and a bar of dairy milk to bed to consume throughout the night when he wakes up intermittently. 


It will not surprise you to learn he doesn't have any of his own teeth left. 

I bet he's very happy though.

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17 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

My father in law takes a big bottle of cream soda and a bar of dairy milk to bed to consume throughout the night when he wakes up intermittently. 


It will not surprise you to learn he doesn't have any of his own teeth left. 


Getting some deja vu typing that, i think I may have told that anecdote on here before, but it really makes me laugh when I think about it. 

You definitely have, but it's well worth repeating often.

What a way to live your life. Superb.

Edit: @johnnyboy Ting is fantastic. Morrisons sell it.

Edited by SuperBacon
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