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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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3 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

Thats definitely something I struggle with. There's so many stop starts in AEW that it's hard to get invested in some guys because you know soon enough something shiny will go past TK and off he goes again. Very few are lucky enough to get the sustained momentum they need to break through to the next level. And there are plenty there that are capable of it. Too many.


I can understand in one respect Tony's thinking in that having as many stars as possible in your deck can only be a good thing. Evidence of this being when Punk & The Elite were all fucked off after All Out and the shows didn't really drop in quality due to having so much good talent ready and available to go. However obviously it's hard to create and establish true top stars and the all importing pecking order when you're not willing to really chuck everything behind someone which is what you need to do to create proper main eventers. 

As for diversity, AEW will get there naturally I hope. They certainly have the talent who could maybe fill those slots but they need to build the right people up for them rather than just throw them in. Problem is making sure the booking is right so that those slots open up and the opportunity is there for them to try and then stick with them once things start to pop. AEW seems to be building up the next batch of top stars right now: Swerve, Jay White, Starks etc. all feel on the cusp of big moves. Fingers crossed we see it. Side note: RUSH is not currently under contract, he's got bids from both AEW and WWE, I've got literally everything crossed he signs back to AEW. He's a natural fit and should be a big star here.

As for Collision, it's an enjoyable watch with good wrestling but just lacks that fundamental spark that a truly exciting wrestling show needs. I enjoyed the latest episode, especially Jay White. I just love watching him work. Everything he does looks real and great and he's always in exactly the right place at the right time. Bullet Club Gold are tremendous. Surrounding the cool as ice leader Jay White with three annoying, screaming lunatics is just perfect booking.

Edited by LaGoosh
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8 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

As for diversity, AEW will get there naturally I hope. They certainly have the talent who could maybe fill those slots but they need to build the right people up for them rather than just throw them in. Problem is making sure the booking is right so that those slots open up and the opportunity is there for them to try and then stick with them once things start to pop. AEW seems to be building up the next batch of top stars right now: Swerve, Jay White, Starks etc. all feel on the cusp of big moves. Fingers crossed we see it. Side note: RUSH is not currently under contract, he's got bids from both AEW and WWE, I've got literally everything crossed he signs back to AEW. He's a natural fit and should be a big star here.


Starks seems to be getting built up, but I'd perhaps switch out Swerve in that list for Takeshita. I've no idea what they're doing with Swerve right now, other than dropping the ball. I hope they right that wrong, as he's bloody brilliant. 

As far as Rush goes, I wasn't aware of that. I wouldn't be shocked to see him make the jump to WWE; given that AEW haven't really gone "all in" on him (perhaps, to be fair, due to his contract situation). 

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Swerve is losing almost every match but still getting featured every week which seems like a good thing. All he needs is a big win and he'll be back on track, I'm expecting him to beat Darby this week. Really hoping he does, anyway.

Rush was only signed to a one year contract so it makes sense they never gave him a big push. I think he definitely has way more potential in AEW, really can't see him being able to be the proper Rush in WWE. Imagine him no selling Seth Rollins for 15 minutes straight on Raw and hammering the shit out of him? I just can't imagine it.

EDIT: also somehow forgot to mention Daniel Garcia as a future top star. Can't stress enough how much I love that man.

Edited by LaGoosh
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4 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

Just remembered something. 

Did anyone else notice the words yes and no very briefly flash on the screen during the opening promo?

No idea if it was a production mistake (would be a pretty weird one) or deliberate. 

It's happened a few times on AEW programming over the past few months, without any explicit reference. I think it must just be a tech slate accidentally being triggered when live.

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3 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

Just remembered something. 

Did anyone else notice the words yes and no very briefly flash on the screen during the opening promo?

No idea if it was a production mistake (would be a pretty weird one) or deliberate. 

I didn't notice it this week, I was more listening than watching the opening promo. It has happened before. The last time seeemed more intentional with a Yes and No flashing over specific people.

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It's one of those things with AEW. They tend to have a lot of technical problems, but it's not something that has been there in the years before.

Yet if it was intentional i'm sure one of the dirtsheets would have ran with speculating over what it means.

Somebody somewhere might have found a new way to fuck up.


Looks to be a FITE thing. Doesn't appear on a TNT version.

Edited by Infinity Land
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3 hours ago, RedRooster said:

I also think he could do better when it comes to introducing different styles to the main event scene. Big Bill is totally different from anyone else who wrestles at the top of the card in AEW. He's also a strong promo, so he would be a great addition to the main event scene.

I said this the other week in one of the other AEW threads, I think. 100% agree. Big Bill could be easily built up into a main event and I'd go further: I think he'd be a wonderful heel champion for a bit. I think it'd be fresh and it would work.

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3 hours ago, RedRooster said:

I also think he could do better when it comes to introducing different styles to the main event scene. Big Bill is totally different from anyone else who wrestles at the top of the card in AEW. He's also a strong promo, so he would be a great addition to the main event scene.

Double post.

Edited by 69MeDon
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44 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

Just remembered something. 

Did anyone else notice the words yes and no very briefly flash on the screen during the opening promo?

No idea if it was a production mistake (would be a pretty weird one) or deliberate. 


39 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

It's happened a few times on AEW programming over the past few months, without any explicit reference. I think it must just be a tech slate accidentally being triggered when live.


38 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

I didn't notice it this week, I was more listening than watching the opening promo. It has happened before. The last time seeemed more intentional with a Yes and No flashing over specific people.

This can only mean one thing. spacer.png

Edited by SuperBacon
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Yeah Christian’s meant to be a heel for posing as the champion and taking the credit etc. but not a single viewer wanted to see  Luchasaurus in that match or any other match. 

Please god let RUSH choose AEW. Give him a proper contract and let him run wild. If he can’t choke people with cables at ring side then it just ain’t RUSH. 

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6 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

Imagine Big Bill as TNT Champion with Christian right now...it'd be incredible. Instead it's that useless prick Luchasaurus. 

I’m not sure that angle works with anyone other than Luchasaurus, weirdly. Anyone else effectively being cucked by Christian would be damaged by it. Luchasaurus is so ill-defined as a character that it doesn’t really matter. 

While I totally understand the logic behind presenting Christian in this way, I’m not convinced that they wouldn’t have been better off just putting the TNT title on Christian. The emotional release from this is seeing Christian get his comeuppance, but if he doesn’t get pinned, it’s harder for that to happen. You’ll probably get Luchasaurus get berated by Christian when he does eventually lose, then Luchasaurus beating up Christian; but that takes away from whoever does win the TNT title, and is it really worth wasting the heat Christian has built up on a Luchasaurus face turn?

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