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2 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Apologies for not accurately predicting the exact time of the match. But it still should have only gone 30 seconds and the "will Hangman be able to compete after the backstage attack" story was pointless and rubbish.

And yes Jeff would have been ok with it, of course, he's a pro. However as viewer I found it off putting.

It gave it an excuse to pad out a little longer. So wasn’t pointless, just wasn’t for you. Not being for you doesn’t equal things being shit 

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I loved the whole Jarrett match.  They addressed his father's passing, and then let him do what he loves, playing the heel.  Watching Jeff Jarrett and Billy Gunn going in the ring in 2023 makes me very, very happy.  

The rest of the show was entirely missable apart from the main event - the girls felt like the star power this week.  Hands up who wants BCC v Dark Order?  Who's pumped for another round of Christian Cage v Jungle Boy?  Nobody?  Who's dying to see Danielson become champ?  Anyone?  It's all a bit... boring.  MJF is just not the top line star they hoped he'd be, and without Omega and the Bucks the show felt flat.

If AEW suffers from anything atm, it's shades of grey booking.  Everyone has competitive matches with everyone else, nobody stands out.  At a time when your competitor is putting on their best stuff in years too.


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15 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

Hangman and The Dark Order not even getting a quarter of the reaction as they once did is just fucking sad.

Yeah, the crowd going mild for the Dark Order was pretty depressing. Who can blame them though, they've been gutted and are hardly around anymore. This Hangman/Moxley feud is deathly dull too. They're both guys who need someone more colourful to bounce off of. 

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24 minutes ago, Louch said:

It gave it an excuse to pad out a little longer. So wasn’t pointless, just wasn’t for you. Not being for you doesn’t equal things being shit 

It shouldn't have been padded out longer. That's the problem! They could have told the exact same story with Mox/Hangman without even including this match.

The amount of top stars not on this show that should've been but instead Kip Sabian is getting TV time is one of the biggest issues in AEW right now.

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Been trying to think of a way to accurately describe how I feel and why I feel it about Dynamite and AEW as a whole but it's hard because so many things are wrong and without major overhauls likely unfixable. They have a bloated roster and keep signing people, they have four shows and only bother doing storylines on one of them, sometimes scraps on Rampage, they're great at building stars and then do nothing with them or put them in ice cold feuds. The issues are with nearly every part of the show and I worry about how they'll get back on track.

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I think really as much as the "we don't use writers" thing was a selling point when AEW started it's got to a point where actually some writers are probably required because the booking is a mess.

Shit, just hire Supremo to do it. I reckon he could sort it out.

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

It shouldn't have been padded out longer. That's the problem! They could have told the exact same story with Mox/Hangman without even including this match.

The amount of top stars not on this show that should've been but instead Kip Sabian is getting TV time is one of the biggest issues in AEW right now.

Who should hangman be beating if not the lower card heels? Yeah there’s guys who should be seen more, but is him beating say Brody King in 7 mins gonna make either look good? 

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22 minutes ago, Louch said:

Who should hangman be beating if not the lower card heels? Yeah there’s guys who should be seen more, but is him beating say Brody King in 7 mins gonna make either look good? 

Nothing wrong with beating jobbers, but going 7 minutes with them isn't how you book top stars or captivating television. Stone Cold never went 7 minutes with Mideon. The Rock didn't sell for Grandmaster Sexay. Ask yourself, if they are building up to Mox vs Hangman at Revolution what did Hangman facing Kip Sabian do to make you want to see the PPV? Smarter booking would be Hangman brutally murdering Kip in under 2 minutes and then calling out Mox to show how pissed off he is.

On a side note, Hangman and Brody King beating the shit out of each other for 7 minutes is basically exactly my type of thing.

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Hangman match was all about the post-match angle with Mox. It should have been the 'In Action' squash match. That AEW know how to do, thinking of the Acclaimed v. Outrunners most recently to get to the Gunns.

Something I found more infuriating was Daniels promo with MJF. At first it's fine typical AEW promo where one of the people feuding isn't actually there, so they need a proxy. Except there's Danielson right at the end to make a silent appearance. Really? He's just sat in the back while MJF's running his mouth and Mox & Claudio were fighting one of his battles since the tag match stemmed from RUSH trying to take him out.

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10 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Nothing wrong with beating jobbers, but going 7 minutes with them isn't how you book top stars or captivating television. Stone Cold never went 7 minutes with Mideon. The Rock didn't sell for Grandmaster Sexay. Ask yourself, if they are building up to Mox vs Hangman at Revolution what did Hangman facing Kip Sabian do to make you want to see the PPV? Smarter booking would be Hangman brutally murdering Kip in under 2 minutes and then calling out Mox to show how pissed off he is.

On a side note, Hangman and Brody King beating the shit out of each other for 7 minutes is basically exactly my type of thing.

The rock used to face al snow and have a back and forth, triple H had a competitive match with Taka, stone cold rarely wrestled on tv but then when he did he had an 8 min match with spike Dudley. So hangman going 7 with Kip Sabian after a 3 on 1 attack, guess that is how you book top stars 

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