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5 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Who’d have thought one of my most anticipated matches at All In would involve AR Fox? That’s not even a knock on the card, the build-up to that match has been really strong. I don’t think they’ll do this, but I would love to see them have Swerve get the pin on Sting; immediately elevating him to the level he deserves to be at. 

It's a coffin match so no pin. I imagine the crowd might hate seeing Sting lose, but I think it could inspire the last run. I've had a taste of death, but I ain't dying!


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2 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

On the whole it’s still not the most ‘Wembley worthy’ of cards, although I’m absolutely looking forward to some of the matches. It’s the end of the day, it’s an historic PPV, so I hope that we have at least one match that feels of that magnitude. 

I agree. BUT, how many times have AEW PPV’s looked poor on paper and then over delivered in execution. I think red hot crowd will make this an absolute banger.

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I don’t think it could be more ‘Wembley worthy’ really… they’ve booked their hottest live story as the main event. That’s all you can ever logically ask for. Everything else is just people setting their own expectations.

I can hope Megan Fox is waiting for me when I get home tonight, I don’t think I have the right to be cross when she’s not and I have to take my dog for a shit at the park.

There’s nothing of real meat currently on the shows that I’ve seen that also isn’t being represented at Wembley. I’ll take that all day… bay bay.

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Depending on how Cole v. MJF goes that's probably the only real chance at something historic. The card's starting to fill up. Decent, sure they'll be good matches. Don't think it will even be the best AEW PPV this year.

  1. World Title: MJF v. Cole
  2. Women's World Title: Shida v. Toni Storm v. (let's face it) Saraya and Britt Baker
  3. Tag Titles: FTR v. Young Bucks
  4. Coffin Match: Darby & Sting v. Swerve & AR Fox
  5. ? Samoa Joe v. CM Punk
  6. ? Omega v. Takeshita
  7. ? Jericho v. Ospreay
  8. ? something involving BCC/Best Friends/Death Triangle
  9. Zero Hour: MJF & Cole v. Aussie Open




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Looks great.

I suspect we’ll get a Punk/Omega confrontation.

Even on this show, with Taz saying over the FTR/Bucks staredown that “a lot of bad blood between these groups… if you know, you know”… it just feels like that’s where everything is leading, now.

I think the card is great. FTR/Bucks matters, MJF/Cole tag match means we get the fun before the serious title match, Punk in a proper match, Sting… I’m pretty pumped, I think it’ll be a great show.

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If Jericho/Ospreay happens - and I imagine we get the build for that from next week, given they're doing a Callis/Jericho segment and the G1 will be over by then - that will probably feel like a "historic" match to a lot of people even if nobody here particularly cares for it. Someone was complaining about not having any "first time ever" matches recently, but we're getting that one, however you feel about it.

I still wonder if Joe vs. Punk is going to be a bait-and-switch, given that they had Joe give Punk a week to respond, and in the meantime gave Punk more reason to want a rematch with Ricky Starks. Punk might turn down Joe because he wants another match with Starks, which either makes Joe attack him for feeling overlooked, or take it out on someone else. Maybe we get Joe/Punk/Starks, or two separate matches, but I'll be surprised if they have Punk work almost exclusively with Starks and not have that lead to a match on this show.

The MJF & Cole/Aussie Open match might end up also involving the Kingdom in some capacity.

Eddie Kingston should be back soon, so he might get involved against Claudio or with whatever the BCC are doing - maybe a big crazy multi-man street fight gimmick.

Trios Champions aren't on the card yet. Andrade wanted something with Malakai, hopefully that turns into House of Black vs. Andrade/Rush/someone - probably Dralistico or Preston Vance, though I'm going to cross my fingers and hope they throw Vikingo in somewhere.

Presumably Hook/Jack Perry in some capacity, whatever Jarrett's up to, whether Grado or not. Paul Wight has made noise about wanting to be on the show (I think he'll be in the same match as Jarrett). 

That still leaves Orange Cassidy (assuming he's not in a Best Friends multi-man), Hangman Page, Kris Statlander, The Acclaimed, and Christian Cage and Luchasaurus unaccounted for, in terms of people you'd expect to make PPV, as well as outside chances of Anthony Ogogo, Dustin Rhodes, The Hardy Boys, Bullet Club, Keith Lee, and the (former?) members of the JAS being booked in some capacity.

That's before getting into whether they use any more NJPW talent - I can see Zack Sabre Jr ending up on the card - or any one-offs like Nigel McGuinness, or another ECW lad coming in.

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30 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

On the whole it’s still not the most ‘Wembley worthy’ of cards, although I’m absolutely looking forward to some of the matches. It’s the end of the day, it’s an historic PPV, so I hope that we have at least one match that feels of that magnitude. 

I'm not even sure "Wembley worthy" is a thing. That Summerslam 1992 card is dogshit from top to bottom apart from maybe two matches. Nailz vs Virgil, Crush vs Repo Man, a Martel vs HBK double countout. It's brutal even for that time period. The entire show rested on the shoulders of a Bulldog win in the UK.

I think as UK fans and this being the second ever Wembley show we feel entitled to the best of best cards, but there's definitely not a history there of great Wembley cards.

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They mentioned PAC being injured and that he won't be at Wembley quite a lot on this show. This is probably just to hammer it home to me (me, specifically me) that he is definitely injured and he definitely won't be at Wembley and yet I still hold onto hope he's going to turn up in a week or two and challenge the BCC and/or Best Friends/OC for All In.

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28 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I don’t think it could be more ‘Wembley worthy’ really… they’ve booked their hottest live story as the main event. That’s all you can ever logically ask for. Everything else is just people setting their own expectations.

I can hope Megan Fox is waiting for me when I get home tonight, I don’t think I have the right to be cross when she’s not and I have to take my dog for a shit at the park.

There’s nothing of real meat currently on the shows that I’ve seen that also isn’t being represented at Wembley. I’ll take that all day… bay bay.

That perhaps goes to the overall booking direction of AEW.

On paper i'd say 4 of the matches are what people would have had expectations for once Jamie Hayter went down.

  • MJF title defense. Post Pillars, him v. Cole was getting dragged out. Felt like a good chance after the draw it would end up at Wembley. They just stumbled into the Brochachos which helped save it.
  • Sting & Darby clusterfuck tag
  • Women's 4 way involving the biggest names
  • FTR v. Bucks

Pretty much everything else is personal preferences on how they would use the same people in different spots. Or simply use them at all in the case of Hangman that's completely idle with no direction. Jay White signs and one of the first things that happens is he's put on the poster. Might not even be there.

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I would say if you ‘expect’ 4 matches and get them, that’s a pretty good hit rate.

And, I don’t buy that adding Jay White makes it ‘Wembley’ worthy, as much as I like him.

I just think there’s one thing expecting them to deliver a meaningful PPV level show of their own talent, which is fair, and expecting some lofty HISTORIC card that people can’t really put into words what they mean.

Like, for you, what would make this Wembley worthy?

I think given the tools they have to work with they’ve put together a decent looking show, with more to come, that meets the brief of a big PPV.

The only thing that would take it over the top for me would be live dodgeball between MJF and a local school.

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26 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

I'm not even sure "Wembley worthy" is a thing. That Summerslam 1992 card is dogshit from top to bottom apart from maybe two matches. Nailz vs Virgil, Crush vs Repo Man, a Martel vs HBK double countout. It's brutal even for that time period. The entire show rested on the shoulders of a Bulldog win in the UK.

When I say ‘Wembley-worthy’, what I mean is something fitting of the historic setting. It’s a record-breaking crowd and AEW’s biggest ever PPV. I’d like it to feel like that, rather than a card that could take place at any other AEW PPV. It’s not necessarily a criticism, more a preference - I’d like there to be one or two ‘blockbuster’ matches on the card. I think the PPV will be good either way though, it’s not a bad card by any means.

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2 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

When I say ‘Wembley-worthy’, what I mean is something fitting of the historic setting. It’s a record-breaking crowd and AEW’s biggest ever PPV. I’d like it to feel like that, rather than a card that could take place at any other AEW PPV. It’s not necessarily a criticism, more a preference - I’d like there to be one or two ‘blockbuster’ matches on the card. I think the PPV will be good either way though, it’s not a bad card by any means.

Okay, but what? What matches? You can’t just dine and dash, what matches could they realistically put on that you’d say ‘yep, that’s it, they’ve nailed it. That’s Wembley worthy!’

FWIW, if the only answer to that question is Omega/Punk… I’d personally much rather see MJF/Cole with build than a quickly tossed off match between Kenny and Phil. But, as far as I can see, that’s the only one that stands out??


Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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