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I don't think it did Ibushi any favours that the match went on so long after he entered. But it didn't seem like he was remotely interested in the story anyway. The bit where Ibushi slowly strolled over while Moxley was torturing Omega on the bed of nails was bizarre. 

Having Nick Jackson and Wheeler Yuta brawl around ringside, climb up the cage and then the blow off being Jackson pouring thumbtacks into the ring was also weird. What's the point? 

I don't like modern War Games matches anyway because I feel like the style of wrestling that suits that match is a casualty of the more modern hybrid style that wrestlers and fans are used to. This match was a fun emotionless CZW style car crash. It'll live on on gifs if not in our hearts.

The MJF thing has improved from that awful WWE style promo they did weeks ago, purely because MJF is in Butlins mode. Long term, the team has been so entertaining that I now really can't be arsed with the inevitable split because then they're going to do more shitty dueling promos as opposed to the comedy work which Cole is clearly better equipped for (even if it is MJF who's carrying it). But at the moment, it's a lot of fun. 

I'm not convinced by heel Jack Perry outside of the ring, but he did well in his match with Hook. Not quite sure why Perry was so fine with taking a count out win at one stage, maybe he forgot the title was on the line, but otherwise a decent little match.

Britt got quite a pop considering her squash felt like a "oh shit, we haven't got any women on the card, chuck someone out there for 3 minutes as a token gesture!"

Also, did I imagine it or did they hype up Rampage by saying they'd reveal matches for Collision on it? 

All that said, I enjoyed it. 

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52 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

It's like they all wanted to get their shit in and nobody stopped to think if it made sense, or was too much

A perennial problem with AEW, and NXT as well to be fair in the Higgenbottom era.

 There’s a lot of good bumpers in AEW, and not many good sellers.  Every match has to be long, back and forth, with high spots just because, or blood just because.  A law of diminishing returns therefore applies.

 Better pacing of each match and card would help, which is what the road agents should do.  If someone’s doing a piledriver in match 3, don’t have that spot in any other match.  If you want to use nails, don’t have glass in the first minute.

WWE main roster is traditionally good at this; I think I remember that they actually have a board set up to track this stuff.

AEW needs to evolve beyond the “not WWE, give wrestlers the freedom” and start planning better.

Edit: to that point, the Britt Baker squash was a nice change of pace!

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20 minutes ago, Vamp said:

Also, something I hadn't thought about till now, how does buggering off not count as surrendering? 

Add to that that the director MISSED THE FINISH and didn't show Moxley throwing in the towel, so the commentators had to explain to us why the match ended!  They seem to also love cutting to the crowd just before a big moment, terrible.  They did manage to show Moxley blading though.

It's stuff like this that drags the product down - I mean I didn't HATE this match but considering the effort, sweat and blood given by so many contestants, it missed the mark.

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31 minutes ago, Vamp said:

Also, something I hadn't thought about till now, how does buggering off not count as surrendering? 

PAC quit on the team, not to the ref. Takeshita walked out. Sometimes in multi-person tag matches you'll have someone taken out for legit injuries or the fake medical attention to set up the return. The match continues, why would this be any different?

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I agree with whoever said that should really be the end of the BCC now. Seems a perfect time for them to disband.

Maybe Mox can finally take his vacation now. Bring him back after All Out.

If everyone stopped being such babies the next feud for the Elite is nicely waiting over on Collision for them.

Ibushi, good lord he was bad.


Edited by The King of Old School
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13 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

I agree with whoever said that should really be the end of the BCC now. Seems a perfect time for them to disband.

Maybe Mox can finally take his vacation now. Bring him back after All Out.

If everyone stopped being such babies the next feud for the Elite is nicely waiting over on Collision for them.

Ibushi, good lord he was bad.


Damnit, I want Mox at All In! 

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I hadn’t seen Ibushi for a good few years. Last time I saw him he still looked phenomenal and was spectacular in ring, so even after reading up on the injuries this appearance was quite jarring and a bit sad to see. Totally agreed that the directors missing Moxley throwing in the towel to save Yuta was a gigantic fuck up. Commentators rushing to explain it didn’t save it. Match still had plenty of bonkers action but yeah, a real shame it’s a few years too late for Kota. 

MJF and Cole tag was loads of fun though, helped by the crowd being rabid for all of it, so even the slightly more risky campy elements completely landed. They might need to add the double clothesline to the banned moved list though, can’t risk guys taking something that devastating too often. 


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I understand the frustrations of the visual ending. I'm sure it's something they wish they could tweak, but it's not like there was a literal towel thrown. Mox defeated, handcuffed to the opposing ring unable to help, gave up to the ref. No one was playing up that side of things.

All the action was on the Elite focusing on Yuta, 3 of them pulling the chain by the end. Could maybe have Kenny goading Mox to get him to quit for the replay.

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Just now, The King of Old School said:

If everyone stopped being such babies the next feud for the Elite is nicely waiting over on Collision for them.

I'm wondering what needs to be done backstage to make that work? I've read that Punk is happy enough to move on and work together for the sake of business and making money, but don't know if that's true. 

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So FTR are the heels in this upcoming tag match? What with that whole bitchy "Tony should play our music" crying and playing up that they were pissed at MJF and Cole, probably because they've been goofy. I can 100% see some promos about the pair making a mockery of tag wrestling.

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