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13 hours ago, SpiritOfTheForest said:

Incredible. Keep them coming! I only found out that outcome was possible much later 😅 By the way Keith, the most minor of spoilers, but at some point in the main quest a priest will ask you to have a beer with him. Make sure you take him up on his offer - what follows is not only my favourite quest of the game but very possibly my favourite quest ever. It'd be a shame to miss it. 

Haha will do!  I thought I’d take the heroic approach with the guy who owed money on my next attempt and got my mates from the tavern to help me beat him up!

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@Keith Houchenmy Youtube recommendations showed me this, and I thought it may be of interest to some of us, but particuarly you. I can't imagine it gets anywhere near as exciting as the world championship of Microsoft Excel, but probably still one to watch.


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I got well excited when Top Spin 5 got announced but as new games are so ridiculously expensive and I’m now old enough to think about how little value most games give me, it’s a no from me.

So colour me chuffed when I saw CDKeys were selling AO Tennis 2 on Switch for £3.99. It’s basic enough and the game didn’t get great reviews, but for four quid it’s a solid portable tennis game and I’ve been having fun with it.

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Top Rank Tennis on the Game Boy is where tennis gaming peaked, I think you'll find. I cracked the screen of my Game Boy, ruining it forever, when I headbutted it in frustration. I couldn't beat the top seed, no matter how much I played. 

Good to see tennis games coming out though, it's been over a decade since Virtua Tennis 4, which was the last good one I can remember. 

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Speaking of games that used to have lots of quality titles, I quite like the look of the new boxing game that’s coming out later in the year. Hasn’t been a proper one since Fight Night Champions. I also saw one called Democracy 4 where you become the prime minister and run the government. I can’t wait to turn it into a socialist utopia whilst filling the cabinet with cronies and yes men. 

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It's a shame what's happened to sports games. In the same way with other games, you get AAA games and indie games, but a lot less mid tier stuff, you still get the big sport franchises, but way less competition and some sports get no representation at all. I suppose licensing is extra burden too. 

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Red Dead Redemption 2

Spoilers ahead.


I'm now playing as John Marston and I'm over it. Same as I was when I originally played Red Dead Redemption 1. Never been a fan of killing the protagonist for cheap heat, wasn't then and still not now. It was way worse in 1 than it was here though because at least you get told hours before that you have TB and will succumb to it. It was well done for what it was, and he got a fairly nice death all considering, but still, would have been happier without it. It's lazy. Not as lazy as killing my horse though.

The length of the game just isn't for me, I think. Everything I wasn't keen on in the start but then came around to has now came back full circle. It's a beautiful game, and one of the reasons I started to get OK with the constant boring travel was because of that. Let me tell you though, 20 hours playing around in swamps and bogs will change that.
I've seen all there is to see in terms of views so the back 1/3 of the game where you're constantly moving between the Indian reservation way up North and your base way down South is an absolute slog, especially with your worsening health and (I'm not sure it's deliberate as your health gets worse or unlucky) constant rain and fog. Getting the game wrapped up before the shipwreck would have been perfect for me in terms of length. I feel like the actual shipwreck was one too many ways to have the gang fail and was a bit of a jump the shark moment.

The story is great but I found myself ignoring side missions and just doing main ones because I'm ready to finish the game. I did see off some of them like the widow who's husband you caught TB off, Penelope Braithwaite, and booting Strauss out the camp. If your logo on the map was white and I didn't recognise your name though then tough tiddies, I wasn't spending 20 minutes real time riding my horse to you.

As I start the epilogue my feelings at this point are excellent story, really well-done characters (except Micah, fuck him) and beautiful to look at, but there's just nothing to do in such a big world. Not that it's comparible to Zelda, but Breath of The Wild and Tears of The Kingdom had something to do or find in every nook and cranny of the game, whereas this is huge empty spaces of nothing between towns and once you get over seeing the mountains or wildlife, it has nothing going on.

Excellent game and well worth the £15 I paid, but I want to be done with it and move on now. My guy is dead, my horse is dead, so who cares.



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