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Has anyone else picked up the Amiga Mini? I'm absolutely loving it, I felt a real rush of nostalgia upon hearing the Chaos Engine and Project X themes again, I really hadn't expected to play those games again. Same goes for Zool, but for a different reason (it's a bit shit). 

If you've been contemplating a purchase, I can't recommend it enough. A lot of the games have aged well, and save states are an absolute godsend for the harder games on the console. 

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10 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Has anyone else picked up the Amiga Mini? I'm absolutely loving it, I felt a real rush of nostalgia upon hearing the Chaos Engine and Project X themes again, I really hadn't expected to play those games again. Same goes for Zool, but for a different reason (it's a bit shit). 

If you've been contemplating a purchase, I can't recommend it enough. A lot of the games have aged well, and save states are an absolute godsend for the harder games on the console. 

I'll likely grab one when GAME ends up reducing them, they've done it with the ZX Spectrum and C64 mini's so far. I've actually been emulating the Amiga again recently seeing as my PC can no longer play 3D games.

Have you added any games yet? I hear it's pretty easy but the compatibility with USB sticks is iffy.

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1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

I'll likely grab one when GAME ends up reducing them, they've done it with the ZX Spectrum and C64 mini's so far. I've actually been emulating the Amiga again recently seeing as my PC can no longer play 3D games.

Have you added any games yet? I hear it's pretty easy but the compatibility with USB sticks is iffy.

I've not, but I definitely plan to. Cheers for the heads up about USB sticks - I hadn't been aware of that!

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Despite never owning one I absolutely love the Amiga.
I've always put it on a pedestal since I was young and me and my parents had Shadow of The Beast 1 and 2 on the Mega Drive. I must have been no older than 5 but I remember reading that big thick Shadow of The Beast 1 instruction manual cover to cover. The Shadow of The Beast 2 death screen was scorched into my brain forever with that bold red beam and that insane guitar riff. I'd never heard anything like it.
I remember the bullshitter across the road from me claiming he had Shadow of The Beast III on his Mega Drive but me and my Dad looked into it and found it was an Amiga exclusive. His games were shit, he had Michael Jackson's Moonwalker and Space Harrier 2 and he used to beg me to take Mortal Kombat 3 round so there was no way he had it and we knew it.

Looking back at my childhood so many of the games I took interest in and remember fondly are considered big Amiga games that I just happened to have the Mega Drive/SNES ports of; Zool, Chuck Rock, SoTB, and California Games to name a few.
When I was about 10 a lad my age with the same name as me moved in across the road from my Granddad and he convinced me to go over and make friends. Thankfully I did because he had an Amiga! 
Sadly I never got to play it but I remember being in his bedroom and wrestling a Hulk Hogan Wrestling Buddy and reading the massive boxes and instructions for games like The Chaos Engine, Lotus II, GODS and Speedball 2 Brutal Deluxe, the latter of he also had on the Mega Drive so we played that version a bunch. The Bitmap Brothers seemed cool as shit to me.
Another mate of mine borrowed me Toki: Going Ape Spit on the Mega Drive which I loved despite not being able to do the first level. Only recently I bought and finished the remake on Switch which I enjoyed.

Years later and tying into the Gauntley bollocks in the 1PW thread too, between 1PW and before he scammed people with miniature arcade cabinets, Gauntley had a Retro Magazine which I can't even remember the name of that I had a 3 page spread in about Shadow of The Beast with interviews with Martin Edmonson and Tim Wright. I don't know if I still have the PDFs of it but it's not worth posting anyway. I was 19 and didn't have a clue what I was doing but I loved the fact I got to do it all the same. I believe it was Martin that in our emails repeatedly corrected me from definately to definitely. Naturally I never got paid for the work and the magazine was defunct within months.

Fast forward a few more year from that and I'm sat watching Gamescom 2013 with my mate and they show a trailer for a Shadow of The Beast remake and I lose my god damn mind. I can't believe what I'm seeing!
I had to wait 3 years for it to come out, and it wasn't perfect by any means but neither was the original. You can see and feel they really tried though. The gameplay is a bit clunky but it's fast paced, fun and action packed. The soundtrack is faithful but it gives you the original sountrack choice anyway and a full port of the Amiga original is unlockable. 
It didn't quite capture the magic of the original but it came bloody close considering. Sadly the developers never remade the trilogy which I believe is the biggest disappointment as the games were rightly always seen as a complete trilogy.

For a good few years I had a job in a retro games shop and we played so much of the Amiga music library over the shop speakers I would hear it in my sleep. We got a working one traded in with Lotus II one day and I had that plugged into the shop's behind the counter CRT monitor for weeks and when the shop was quiet would sneak a few laps.

I'd love to pick one of these Amiga Minis up at some point but quite frankly I don't have Amiga Mini money and I'm worried that finally owning one won't live up to the Amiga I've built up in my head. This unbelievable computer with classic after classic on it, music that blew the 16 bit competition out the water and graphics that did the same. I've went back and played some of these games in the year gone by and they're style over substance.  I've got my memories of the ports, remakes and instruction books but my eyes are also open enough to see that fucking Psygnosis owl coming a mile off and that is one siren that will crash you right into the rocks. 

A youtube channel worth checking out is this one I've been following for years now. A lot of classic Amiga/c64 sountracks uploaded on there, some of them Dolby sound quality and some real rare cuts on there too for those who were into the scene at the time; 



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I played a heck of a lot of Lotus III with the RECS (Racing Environment Construction Set) when I had my Miggy. Played a lot of Pac-land as well, abd the woeful port of Street Fighter II. It's a cracking machine. Find yourself a copy of WinUAE and the ROMs and enjoy the Amiga that way.

Capcom have announced 2nd Arcade Stadium. The free game this time in SonSon, but you can also get a free copy of Three Wonders if you pre-order the Fighting Game Collection. I wonder whether they'll stick some Street Fighter Alpha etc on there this time around.

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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The little one is getting into a regular, normal sleep pattern now (at least by his standards) meaning I can finally cram some gaming time into my evenings. After looking at all the wonderful and exciting games that I haven't played yet, and seeing more than enough of them on Game Pass, I went ahead and bought the Arkham Remastered Trilogy for £14.99 instead. This will be my third time playing Arkham Asylum and my second time playing the next two games, and it's just what the doctor ordered.

Arkham Asylum looks fantastic on the Xbox One, and still gives me the same thrills and chills. The controls are noticeably looser and clumsier, but I don't know if that's an error on the remake's part or if the game always felt that way. Also I'm playing through on hard after going the medium pace route the first two times, so I'm dying A LOT. I've found the best strategy is to solve every Riddle possible on the way and focus the upgrades on health and combo-attacks, then I'll grab the enhanced decipher upgrade as soon as it's available to unlock even more riddled-XP.

It's good to be reunited with the Batman again! I'm thinking I'll continue the late 00's/early 2010's reunion tour by revisiting the Saints Row games afterwards. New games? Who needs'em. Pish.


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1 hour ago, Tommy! said:

I loved SR3 but on replaying it it was striking how repetitive it was, like a 1 hour game on a loop. 

That's probably why it's the SR game that I remember the least about. I can't remember anything that I hated about it, but then again I can't actually remember it. For the record, my Saints Row code is 2431.

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The second Saints Row is really the only one you need. The first was one was an absolute mess and the third and fourth were far too goofy for their own good (especially 4, fucking hell), but SR2 got pretty much everything right. Now that I'm thinking about it, I might install it this afternoon and spend a few hours throwing innocent pedestrians into the sea. Great fun, that was.

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The first one was finding its feet. I see what it was trying, but it felt a bit bare bones. I enjoyed what I played of 3, but those helicopter missions are ridiculous. 

I tried a bit of 2, but didn't really get into it properly. I've not tried 4, or the add-ons yet, but they look more like Crackdown games than Saints Row. I wonder how the remake will be? 

None of them are as repetitive as Agents Of Mayhem, though. 

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1 hour ago, CAREBEAR LUVVA said:

The second Saints Row is really the only one you need. The first was one was an absolute mess and the third and fourth were far too goofy for their own good (especially 4, fucking hell), but SR2 got pretty much everything right. Now that I'm thinking about it, I might install it this afternoon and spend a few hours throwing innocent pedestrians into the sea. Great fun, that was.

I really loved Saints Row 2; it's the game which practically sold me on the 360 after Yahtzee gave it a tremendous review. The soundtrack also gelled with my music tastes at the time, which meant spending ages flinging shit at people to the sounds of MCR, Taking Back Sunday, As I Lay Dying, Agony Scene and The Used.

And The Mix radio station too, of course.

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Managed to make it through Jedi: Fallen Order. I don't think I'll be rushing to play a proper FromSoft game as I struggled with this one in places. Maybe if they really drop the price of one of them or give one away I'll have a go. 

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