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Elimination Chamber 2020 (post-show discussion)

Fatty Facesitter

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2 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Though they would’ve had Shayna start the match and beat everyone in the 5 minute periods, which admittedly makes the rest of them look like a right bunch of no-hopers and makes Shayna look a little too strong, or she comes in last and wipes everyone out, but then people would moan that she should’ve done because she was fresh. Instead we got a mixture of the two, whereby she comes in part way, disposed of two lowly competitors quickly before taking a little more time against the veteran. Liv Morgan, who it must be said has a lovely bottom, quickly gets eliminated too before Asuka, who was dominant for so long, is the only one who puts up a bit of a fight but is overcome. King’s closing line of “she made it look so easy” set Shayna up as well as anything in the match

To be fair, I'd've absolutely loved them to have committed to Shayna RR 2020 Brock Lesnaring her way through her first Chamber. It's one of my bug-bears about Chamber matches, that seemingly no one comes in with the mindset to eliminate everyone as quick as possible without any body-destroying stunts or high risks, especially if you've got a finish that can put people away in a heartbeat. They've had flashes of this before in Goldberg (because of course) but it'd be nice to have a gimmick match where the competitors WEREN'T obviously going for the 30-minute marathon.

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1 hour ago, UK Kat Von D said:

Didn’t rate any of the show and was expecting it to get trashed on here. If other people thought that was good then I think I’ve just grown out of WWE. I’ll tune back in for Mania then give up for a while 

What didn't you like about the whole show out of interest?

Most expectations were low anyway to be honest. That helped.

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1 hour ago, UK Kat Von D said:

Didn’t rate any of the show and was expecting it to get trashed on here. If other people thought that was good then I think I’ve just grown out of WWE. I’ll tune back in for Mania then give up for a while 

Honestly, I’m not entirely sure why you bother tuning in at all.

I read more than I post on here, and all I ever read is you trashing WWE, so confused why you bother.

I know if I watched something as much as you trash WWE, and posted online how rubbish I thought it was near weekly, I’d just give it up.

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21 minutes ago, Mat said:

Honestly, I’m not entirely sure why you bother tuning in at all.

I read more than I post on here, and all I ever read is you trashing WWE, so confused why you bother.

I know if I watched something as much as you trash WWE, and posted online how rubbish I thought it was near weekly, I’d just give it up.

Well I watch the PPVs out of habit, because for a long time even when the weekly shows didn’t get my attention they would pay off with enjoyable PPVs. In fact for a while the best ones where the ones where expectations were low. I haven’t regularly watched Raw since Punk lost the title but I’ve kept up to date and sought out the bits which got my interest. I’ve stopped watching NXT’s weekly shows since the switch to two hours and the day changed.
Maybe the quality hasn’t gone down and AEW is just much more to my taste. Like I said, I’ll watch Mania and then give up for a while. 

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Bryan v Gulak was a good Young Lions style match with the kind of intensity I like. It wasn't mind-blowing but I don't think B PPV openers ought to be. 

Tag cage was a deathless purgatory, a dirge of midcarders and no one looked cooler coming out than going in. The Usos spent literally 15 minutes lying down on the apron. 

Black v AJ made no sense really, the work was okay, but don't get having unused ringside guys in a no DQ and then using them. Undertaker looking more like Bette Davis with each passing moon. 

Hated the handicap tag. OK it was an angle, but what a waste of everyone's time. 

Main event booking was great, I thought. Match layout less so, with the Riott Squad break-up not getting much air and altogether too many time gaps after Shayna slept someone. You might think she's the wrong person to put over but she was convincing as a brute and that's all I ask. 

I didn't see the rest. First WWE PPV since WM34. I give it a D. 

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1 minute ago, King Pitcos said:

Why did you choose this one of all shows to dip back in on?

hahaha good question. I haven't been avoiding on principle or anything. Been really busy for quite a while and limited my viewing to a couple of promotions, but I found myself free after a rough patch and just wanted to watch some current wrestling and my pal uploaded it to a shared drive. I'm not a WWE fan in general so anyone should take my opinion with a pinch of salt.

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There was mention earlier of Otis looking lost and I actually thought Shayna also looked a bit lost/awkward in the main event, albeit for different reasons.

The gaps where she was on her own awaiting the next entrant were far too long and she struggled to whip up heat from the crowd. Just holding your arms out constantly isn't going to cut it. You need a master in charisma like Shawn Michaels to fill that time. Even after she won it was like she didn't quite know what to do. Loved the booking of her strong performance but these bits took away from it. Something for her to work on however she definitely remains an interesting character.

Echo the love for Gulak and Brian. A welcome change of pace, which didn't capture me immediately but built to something I was really invested in. A welcome break from today's flip flop fast moves style and something I'd like to see more of.

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