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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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Just now, stewdogg said:

(don’t call him) Boris is going to be in charge again soon isn’t he? I don’t know how it can happen but they are in such a mess at the moment. 

Truss could resign as PM but stay leader, then the MPs put him forward to Charles to form the government.  Absolutely nobody votes on it so they’d probably go for that!

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I'm thinking it must have been the rise of mass communications that probably put paid to it, but it is interesting that prime ministers don't "come back" any more. Last one to do that was Harold Wilson in the 70s. Not having been alive during any of those times, I wonder what it was about the public's political consciousness that they might change their mind and vote someone back in that they'd previously decided they didn't want any more?

I don't imagine that the possibility of BJ coming back is similar to most of those previous situations - whilst I don't entertain any illusions that most governments of the UK were ever really worth a damn, it doesn't strike me as being a common occurrence that an awful prime minister's successor was so much worse that they were reduced to bringing him back. Nearest I would hazard a guess at would be Douglas-Home and MacMillan (Tories, unsurprisingly).

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27 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

but it is interesting that prime ministers don't "come back" any more

In our lifetime, surely it's more the fact that power doesn't shift between parties from GE to GE? From the late 70s the Tories won 4 on the bounce, then Labour won 3, and the Tories have since seemingly won a hundred over the past 12 years. Cameron wouldn't dare come back considering he is the biggest reason this country is going down the shitter (and is probably having a fruitful life without the worry of politics) and May was deemed a joke- so I don't ever foresee either back at the helm. 

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I hate the “Yassification” of May that went on, because she was terrible, but I do feel she was undermined by the boys club of the parliamentary tories because she is a woman. Same can’t be said of Truss though, she’s just terrible and out of her depth, and clueless, and shit, and a clueless shit Tory. 

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1 minute ago, PunkStep said:

In our lifetime, surely it's more the fact that power doesn't shift between parties from GE to GE? From the late 70s the Tories won 4 on the bounce, then Labour won 3, and the Tories have since seemingly won a hundred over the past 12 years. Cameron wouldn't dare come back considering he is the biggest reason this country is going down the shitter (and is probably having a fruitful life without the worry of politics) and May was deemed a joke- so I don't ever foresee either back at the helm. 

That's true, but then, rather than explain the PM situation, it raises the wider question of "why does that happen now?", I guess.

It's difficult to know without seeing an example of it in the modern day, but I get the impression that, in the modern political culture, a PM that got voted out wouldn't get the job back even if their party got voted back in again at the next GE. There seems to be a sort of "life-cycle" to politicians at the upper level. 

Cultures always change - we might see non-consecutive term PMs make a reappearance again in our lifetimes, but for the moment, it seems to me that we appear to assign a certain amount of time to a PM, and that, once they're out of office, they're done and need to move on to something else.

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4 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

That's true, but then, rather than explain the PM situation, it raises the wider question of "why does that happen now?", I guess.

I think it’s because they aren’t in it for public service and are in it for themselves. At least Miliband and May returned to being MPs but Cameron, Osbourne and others who held the top jobs almost saw their political careers as gateways to more lucrative jobs. Johnson moaned about the PM salary but now he will cash in on the books, the after dinner speeches, and the lobby groups. 

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That's true - the post-politics speaking career is now a thing in itself. Looking back, the first person who comes to mind is Blair; I don't remember hearing much about Thatcher or Major doing it. Kind of fits, really - always had Blair down as a spiv.

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It's time to bring him back. He sorted out Brexit when it was a mess, so why not go down the "oven-ready" stick it in the microwave and get the job done approach again? 

If he defeated Covid and single-handedly negotiated Brexit he'll have no problem getting the quid back in top form. 

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3 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

Yeh, he was a great Conservative prime minister

Speaking of which. What happens now. There is no way Truss makes to December 2024. I'll be shocked if she makes it to the November budget unless she sacks Kwarteng, and even that won't be enough. So will we get another leadership race, will they be able to trigger an early GE? 

A sentence I never expected to ever have to write is thus. I am really looking forward to the Tory Conference next week. I think it will be the beginning of the end.

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To be absolutely frank, I'm hoping she either hangs on or Johnson comes back. They're both albatrosses around the Tory party's neck now, and the longer they hang around, the more they'll damage the Tory brand. I don't doubt that the Great British Public will forget in pretty short order and vote the fuckers back in sooner than would be reasonable, but it would be good to see the Tories damaged badly and long enough that Labour (about whom I have no illusions, but trust a little better) might have enough sway and time to undo at least some of the harm they've done to people.

I'm just glad Sunak didn't get it. He's still a rancid Tory cunt, but he gives the impression he might have slowed the Tory decay by being moderately competent at his job. He certainly wouldn't have gifted Labour the economic fuck-up that Kwarteng and Truss have.

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20 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Yeah I dunno. I personally have the luxury of being able to ride this crisis out and play that long game but (more) people are definitely going to die due to this incompetence.

I really don't like thinking in these terms, but I'd argue that more people will die long term if the Tories are allowed to continue in power in the long term - whether they're run by a competent politician or an incompetent one, the politics of this particular strain of Conservative are inherently inhumane and deleterious to human life. Sunak's brand of Toryism is just a slower method of manslaughter, as it plays out.

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