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Small things you appreciate

Gus Mears

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Small things that you really enjoy or appreciate in everyday life, especially those which are in theory pretty mundane. Think bubble wrap and things like that. 

I just got a totally disproportionate level of satisfaction from watching two bits of toast go popping out of the toaster. While it's evidence of the fact my neck is fucked, I also enjoy the ridiculously loud crack it makes after waking up, though I realise this makes me little better than knuckle crackers. 

Any minor things like this you really enjoy?

Edited by Gus Mears
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4 minutes ago, Silky Kisser said:

Waking up early on a weekend and enjoying the quiet with a cup of coffee. 

Totally agree with this one. Due to wanting to improve my health and also being a relationship, I've largely stopped getting trollied every Friday and now really look forward to a nice cup of coffee on a Saturday morning, probably with the news and then Saturday Kitchen on in the background. The other half sleeps for England as well, so quite often manage to sneak in a repeat of the baseball the night before too.  

Edited by Gus Mears
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22 minutes ago, Silky Kisser said:

Waking up early on a weekend and enjoying the quiet with a cup of coffee. 

My version of this is getting out to walk the dog early on a weekend. Really satisfying when I don't see another soul for the entire walk. It's a busy wood and park where I go walking, so it's a rarity when I don't see anyone at all regardless of what time I go out, so I really enjoy it when it happens.

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28 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Before that happens I'd like to say when the train stops with the doors directly in front of where I'm standing.

Nailed it. 

- Also, walking to a road crossing and the green man appears instantly without a shit wait.

- A massive conker

- Overpowering dust/flavouring at the bottom of a bag of crisps/nuts.

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As some other users have already pointed out, being up on a Sunday morning before anyone else and nursing a giant mug of joe whilst you have free reign of the telly is sheer perfection. If I won the lottery, that would be my routine every day.

Edited by Accident Prone
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