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Living the Gimmick

Gus Mears

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Inspired by Sergio's clip of Little Richard being absolutely mashed and going 'WOOOOOOO' within seconds of appearing on screen:

2 minutes ago, Sergio Mendacious said:

My favourite Little Richard moment — coked off. his. head.



What celebrities live the gimmick? We all know about wrestlers who have gone so far down the rabbit hole that they can't return (Hulk, Flair etc.), but what about people off the telly who have done the same?

I think it was @Thunderplex who mentioned David Dickinson announcing himself as he walked through Cheadle, 'David's going to the chip shop now. David's crossing the road' etc. I also had a similar Dickinson experience in Swindon, when he came out the pasty shop and started loudly saying to confused old crones,  'Oh yes, this is wonderful.MMMmmmm delicious. Oh yes, outstanding pastry, you should try one of these dear' while wearing a pinstriped suit. He is absolutely the same massive twat we all know and love from whatever shite he's on nowadays.

Any suggestions or experiences?

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2 hours ago, Gus Mears said:

Inspired by Sergio's clip of Little Richard being absolutely mashed and going 'WOOOOOOO' within seconds of appearing on screen:


What celebrities live the gimmick? We all know about wrestlers who have gone so far down the rabbit hole that they can't return (Hulk, Flair etc.), but what about people off the telly who have done the same?

I think it was @Thunderplex who mentioned David Dickinson announcing himself as he walked through Cheadle, 'David's going to the chip shop now. David's crossing the road' etc. I also had a similar Dickinson experience in Swindon, when he came out the pasty shop and started loudly saying to confused old crones,  'Oh yes, this is wonderful.MMMmmmm delicious. Oh yes, outstanding pastry, you should try one of these dear' while wearing a pinstriped suit. He is absolutely the same massive twat we all know and love from whatever shite he's on nowadays.

Any suggestions or experiences?

It was indeed.  Not seen him there for a while, but it used to be a regular Saturday afternoon “treat” for the peasants of Cheadle.

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Big Ron Atkinson


Turned up on the Big Match one time with a glass of champagne too

Big Mal Malcolm Allison


Some great stories in the biographies about him. He lived the gimmick 24/7

Joe Namathnamath2.jpg

In his younger years definitely "Broadway" Joe Namath. Still an entertaining guy now. The A Football Life two parter about him is really good. 

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14 hours ago, Armitage Shanks said:

Brian Blessed? 

Don't you mean BRIAN BLESSED!! ?

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BRIAN BLESSED is an excellent shout. He did a talk at Bath Literary Festival that I attended last year and was a madman. Spent the entire 70 minutes talking about space, Russia, shagging and other completely random topics.  The poor lady who basically his handler during that tour must have been scarred for life.

He'd overran by about 5 minutes and she said from just off-stage: "Brian, I'm really sorry, but we've ran out of time", to which he replied "SHUT UP YOU VILE WOMAN! BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA" and proceeded to ramble on for another quarter of an hour. I am pretty sure they knew each other, so it wasn't 100% out of nowhere.  

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Chris Eubank 

We all know he jumped on the bus and went west a number of years ago, but what initially seemed like a gimmick clearly took over his entire being. The idea of him wearing this, pulling up in this, in your Cul de Sac after a day of graft. Fuck off Chris.



Aside from Chrith, the most recent one that has sparked a bit of chatter in other threads is Jumpin Jim Carey. The Netflix doc about Andy has a lot of people questioning Jim’s sanity and that it’s a work gone a bit wrong, whilst in other discussions I’ve taken part in people are simply saying it’s a very elaborate work and he should be recognised as a genius. I think he falls somewhere bang on the middle I can appreciate the concept of genius purely based on the fact the whole idea behind the doc, is a work based on a work but arguably more in depth. The part that asks you to question his sanity is the lengths he’s willing to go to in order to keep the work alive.

Does it make him anymore nuts than the likes of the Jackass crew? Arguably because we’re talking about a psychological threshold rather than a physical one. We can all relate to physical pain and quince when Steve-O gets a fuck brick dropped on his bollocks for fame. But we are generally scared of psychological fuckery and are quick to brandish someone as losing the plot.

Man, if nothing else he’s really really created a new lease of life for himself and the sheer discussion going on about him, almost in the form of an evolution of an eccentric is incredibly fascinating.

He’s properly living the gimmick.

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