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ITV World of Sport: Tapings postponed until July?


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55 minutes ago, machinegunn said:

I almost don’t want to watch it in case it pushes the viewing figures over the 650k mark


Do you even know how viewing figures work? They don't count every single tv set. 

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18 hours ago, PunkStep said:

Interesting, they're definitely looking to capitalise on the biggest demographic that tuned into the show last week (male 45+ or something). I thought they'd try to target the younger audience a bit more to try and boost that rating.

Dermot trailed this interview last week before the show had aired, so it was already mapped out this way (I seem to recall Dermot is a lapsed fan?). 

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I can't decide whether the obvious canned crowd noise as the fans visibly sit on their hands at ringside or the camera work that annoys me most. They're good wrestlers, but the presentation is pretty awful.

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I enjoyed it but would have scrapped the first match and just had Hendry challenge for next week and do vignettes for the main event. The main event was quality and gave a good idea of anybody can win, just had no build.

When Hendry did lose Kirby should have cost him the match, give a reason for next week. He has to win next week, can't lose 3 weeks running. 

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The post-production can go jump off a cliff. I don't need reminding every 2.5sec that there are eleventy cams and each one needs to be used, and that the replays appear out of nowhere with no call and no effect on continuity.

Odds are this won't change during the season and all the eps were done before they started screening.

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As a long term wrestling fan, I'm really confused by Hendy. He seems like he can go in the ring and has a really likable personality, but I've been conditioned as a wrestling fan to believe that more often that not, if a wrestler sings his/her theme tune then they are an arrogant heel.

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Alex Shane went full-blown Alan Partridge with that I Stand Corrected quip

* If Liam Slater gets knocked off a ladder, will his bump make a sound? Apparently not

* I question Nathan Cruz’s Hull-ness. No-one from Hull calls it Kingston-Upon-Hull, but we do use words like “Hull-ness”

* “Old-school British wrestling pinning combinations, it’s like taking a time-machine and going backwards, but we’re not, we’re in the modern era”- is it old-school or modern, make your mind up Alex

The camera work is still far too frantic and I doubt that it’s going to be an issue that gets addressed. Some more absolutely massive edits during the matches too. Much like the first episode, the matches themselves are fine, but the production of the show lets everything down. We really could have done with some biographies on people so that people are given some reason, ANY reason to invest in the wrestlers, because the commentators just saying “this guys one of the best” doesn’t cut it

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1 minute ago, seph said:

The post-production can go jump off a cliff. I don't need reminding every 2.5sec that there are eleventy cams and each one needs to be used, and that the replays appear out of nowhere with no call and no effect on continuity.

Odds are this won't change during the season and all the eps were done before they started screening.

I think there was a point during the Hendry/Rampage match where one of them went for an armwringer and it cut to three separate angles of it in those few second. I think I few times the camera in the corner of the arena showed something completely different happening during that women's match from what they were calling as well. If anything is going to put me off this product it's that camera work.

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1 minute ago, jazzygeofferz said:

I think there was a point during the Hendry/Rampage match where one of them went for an armwringer and it cut to three separate angles of it in those few second. I think I few times the camera in the corner of the arena showed something completely different happening during that women's match from what they were calling as well. If anything is going to put me off this product it's that camera work.

Well if all the eps are in the can already it would take an inhuman amount of screeching to get something saner done on a couple of week's notice.

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That's true. It'd be a time consuming and pricey operation to go back and re-edit everything now. The sound editing is still a bit rough as well. The crowd noise is being piped in too loud. Cutting to that kid giving the thumbs down while the babyfaces are doing something sends mixed messages as well.

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