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The Notorious v Money


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6 minutes ago, herbie747 said:

Do you know what the problem is now? I've just realised...

The circus & fun is over. Next stop - McGregor getting beaten in 12 rounds of boring boxing where he is outclassed and will probably gas badly after 7 or 8 rounds. And we'll all feel deflated. The "what if?" we were hoping for won't happen, and that'll be that. We've had our fun.

I think that's something that most of us have accepted. And, in his heart, I'm sure McGregor knows this as well. I'm sure he'll give this everything he has and more, but I'm sure Conor knows that this is win-win, even in the event of an almost-guaranteed humbling decision loss.

When he loses (inevitably by decision), he'll just claim that it'd be a different story in the cage, invite Floyd to a rematch in MMA, call him a bitch when he refuses and cash the biggest cheque of his career - all with his own star power and media interest boosted by 1000%.

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Well, a few of us were looking forward to the pressers more than the fight.  Looks like Mayweather doesn't just use his elusive, spoiling defence technique in the ring.  I was thinking about the build up to the Hatton fight and how Mayweather was a brilliant heel.  Hatton was good but he is no McGregor in the verbals.  He's as untouchable on the mic as Mayweather is in the ring.

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Precisely, @L_E_T_H_A_L

Conor has to know himself. He just has to. As do his coaches - but none of them can ever say it out loud. And when he brings in high-level sparring partners, they must also know after 2 minutes of sparring. 

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That's the thing, even in defeat McGregor will probably gain more than Mayweather from this. He mightn't make the money Floyd is getting but his stock will be raised massively and in the end he had the balls to step into boxing and face the best boxer on the planet. On the flipside, even if Floyd wins a one way shutout decision, what has he done really? He's cherry picked a 0-0 MMA guy to get that 50th win on his record. 

Whatever happens, Conor is coming out of this with his stock raised, his star and profile raised beyond the MMA bubble and his bank balance bursting at the seams. Imagine cutting a deal for yourself where your worst case scenario is you walk away with $100 million and lose nothing. Floyd's worse case scenario ruins his entire legacy. 

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1 minute ago, wandshogun09 said:

That's the thing, even in defeat McGregor will probably gain more than Mayweather from this. He mightn't make the money Floyd is getting but his stock will be raised massively and in the end he had the balls to step into boxing and face the best boxer on the planet. On the flipside, even if Floyd wins a one way shutout decision, what has he done really? He's cherry picked a 0-0 MMA guy to get that 50th win on his record. 

Whatever happens, Conor is coming out of this with his stock raised, his star and profile raised beyond the MMA bubble and his bank balance bursting at the seams. Imagine cutting a deal for yourself where your worst case scenario is you walk away with $100 million and lose nothing. Floyd's worse case scenario ruins his entire legacy. 

Of course - that's all well & good for Conor. But I'm looking forward to the fight - that's what this build is for, and it's going to be a severe disappointment. I mean, I knew all that before the presser - but it kinda made me suspend my disbelief for a few days and now I've snapped out of it again.

Good for him though - it really is win/win for his career & his financial security. Genuinely happy for him - but I still want him to pull it off so badly!!

Even watching those training clips of Eubank Jr tonight made me realise how fucked Conor is. These top-level pro boxers are a different league - 100% dedication to 1 craft.

He sounds so fucking confident though, doesn't he?

WHAT IF THOUGH, LADS??? :laugh: :omg:


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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

How he ever became a star is beyond me. He's the worst ever.

By being the best boxer of his generation, and the best defensive boxer of all the times, chico.

He ain't no TUF-era Kimbo Slice, I'll give you that, but the boy can throw hands and cash cheques.

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@herbie747 Yeah, I just have to find a way to frame it as a win for Conor because the depressing reality is he's going to lose this fight, badly. 

I keep hearing people go 'Yeah but if Conor lands his left hand' and all that. But look at all the boxers, way better boxers than Conor, who couldn't land that knockout punch. And even when they did connect, Floyd took it well or rolled with it or deflected it with his shoulder or something. He's a master at taking the effectiveness out of an opponent's offence. 

It's crazy how quite a lot of people are buying into McGregor's confidence to the point they're thinking Floyd is fucked if McGregor's left hand even brushes against him. I think it's half people going heart over head and half Conor's self belief kind of hypnotising some people. But I just don't see it at all and I never did. I refuse to set myself up for even worse disappointment and I'm giving  Conor no more than a punchers chance here. And even then I think that only applies to the first few rounds. When you strip away all the hype and bullshit, and you look at it sensibly, it's one of the soul crushingly easiest fights to predict ever. It's the highest profile mismatch ever, is what this is. 

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On the night, I will be surprised if McGregor lands a single meaningful blow. 

However, strange things can happen in combat sport. Especially when it comes to striking. It's an overused cliche, but it only takes one punch. The best example I can think of to prove my point, is when Benji Radach took on Danny Lafever in 2003.

At the time, Radach had won 15 of his 17 pro MMA bouts. The only blemishes on his record was a loss to top-ranked welterweight Sean Sherk, and a no-contest against Steve Berger (which he had initially won by stoppage, but it got overturned by the commission on appeal) For his time, Radach was a serious fighter.In contrast, Lafever was a local tough guy, who in addition to having little formal training, was quite a bit smaller than Radach. The fight only happened due to the pair having a dispute about a woman. 

On paper, it was a mismatch. In practice, it should have been as well. However, on the night, Lafever hit the jackpot. He landed a punch in the opening minute of the bout, and did what no MMA fighter had done previously; he knocked Radach out cold. It's instances like this that give me that 1% hope that McGregor will land big. It's the faintest of hopes, but it will exist in my psyche until August 26th; when Floyd inevitably plays with Conor like a kitten plays with a ball of string. 

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2 hours ago, David said:

By being the best boxer of his generation, and the best defensive boxer of all the times, chico.

He ain't no TUF-era Kimbo Slice, I'll give you that, but the boy can throw hands and cash cheques.

Wrong. The reason Floyd has done so well for himself is down to the only attribute that truly matters is this game .....number of tattoos!


God bless Sky, I know they aren't super knowledgable when it comes to the UFC, but who panicked and decided to list number of tattoos as a meaningful attribute to compare?

Also, because this tour wouldn't have been complete without it, here's a pic of GAD being as GAD as ever. 


Maximum GAD. Brilliant.

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Q&A from London. Really good stuff. As fun and ridiculous as it is when he's cutting promos like a maniac and calling people stupid baldie twats, he's definitely at his most engaging just answering questions off the cuff.

His confiendence is fucking insane. 


EDIT: Oops, didn't see Herb had already posted it. Apologies!

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The "He's too small" schtick is getting on my nerves.  Yes he might be small but if he can drop someone the size of Big Show, he'll have no trouble with someone McGregors size.

edit - Herbie posted that vid a few posts up?

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