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Podcast/Interview Thread (MMA/Boxing etc) ?

Egg Shen

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mentioned it before but i really recommend the Big Brown interviews, the first half of the shows are highly skippable though, just goto the interview.

I noticed Robin Black was laid off by the Fight Network a few weeks ago (downsized their online content) and he's set up his own little youtube channel to get his stuff out, highly recommend subscribing to that, he's still finding his feet but he's getting some good content up, like this..


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19 hours ago, ColinBollocks said:

 Cyborg and her man did the Big Brown podcast:


Good listen.

Cheers for this. Just watched it. Her boyfriend loves, just fucking LOVES the sound of his own voice but he does raise a lot of good points. 

Cyborg comes off well, I think. Despite the past PED issues I've always found her likeable in things I've seen outside the cage. And I do think Dana and Rogan in particular have been way out of line with some of their comments about her. They're two of the most prominent figures in the biggest MMA organisation ever and Rogan's saying stuff like "Cyborg would have to cut her dick off to make 135" and Dana's going "She looks like Wanderlei Silva in a dress and heels". Middle aged millionaires who are about as powerful and influential in the sport as it gets and they were carrying on like the absolute worst dregs of the Sherdog forums. Good on Cyborg's fella for calling them out on that. Loved the awkwardness in Schaub when Cyborg's boyfriend said "I know you and Joe Rogan are boys but tell him from me he's an idiot". Schaub was squirming like fuck and desperately trying to excuse his dickish comments. 

Schaub makes me laugh. He's there all nice as pie and full of well wishes and sympathy now but I could swear he was making the 'she looks like a bloke LOL' jokes right along with his best pal Rogan on his podcast a few times. 

Didn't know the UFC were looking at doing Cyborg vs Zingano as co-main under Cormier vs Jones 2 either. Not sure if I like that or not. Be cool to see Cyborg finally get that exposure under a massive headliner, and she'd probably make the biggest payday of her career so far. But poor Cat Zingano if it comes off :( 

Edited by wandshogun09
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Has anyone heard Ragin' Al on the MMA Hour this week? I really hope they see sense and sit down and pay him what he wants. The UFC need as many guys like him as they can get, fighters that can translate to casual fans and get people excited. Pay that man what he wants, get him back in the cage and promote the shit out of him.

Derrick Lewis said he got a huge new deal as well and that's why he is fighting again so soon after claiming he wanted a bit more of a break before he fought again.


EDIT: Sorry CB! I just posted the reply before I'd seen your comment, he really went off on a full tangent this week!

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DJ on the MMA Hour:


Some interesting notes: Apparently, Dana threatened to close the division if DJ doesn't fight TJ. Plus, DJ doesn't get PPV points, ever, so no idea how he's planning on making a million without suddenly becoming Conor.

Pleased DJ has grown a pair. By the sounds of it, Dana and the UFC have been very happy exploiting the whole "company guy" gimmick DJ gets praised for.

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I hope this pays off for DJ. I think he's unrealistic in his expectations of big paydays, but at the same time it's a cunt move to do what the UFC have just done. I'm not altogether surprised: Dana's a complete cock, and WME, especially Ari Emmanuel, are the very image of the bullying management company who treat their talent like cattle and show them little respect.

I'd like to believe they've just done this as a goad to try and provoke some controversy to generate interest in 125 by eliciting some rare anger out of the normally stoic DJ; the world of entertainment management can be that labyrinthine. I really doubt it, though - it doesn't have that ring to it. However, it could still have that effect, in which case it could turn into one of the most ironic occurrences in the history of MMA.

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In a way DJ is the worst thing for the division. He's so much better than everyone else that there's just no credibility to fights at the top end of the class. Everybody knows that the moment someone fights DJ, they're getting destroyed*. There's just no interest in it.


*danced around for a decision loss :p

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9 hours ago, Chunk said:

*danced around for a decision loss :p


I know you put the :p but people do actually spout that and they're serious. And it's shite. Hot steaming shite. He's finished 6 of his 10 title defences. With both strikes and submissions. He's been more of a finisher as champ than GSP or Jones were. 

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Miletich's commentary skills were critically acclaimed. Much more so than other Strikeforce alumni. Of course, I am very biased, and would argue that Franky Shams was decent on commentary - but I can't ignore that it was Pat that received universal praise. 

If a space opens up at the UFC commentary desk down the road, then Pat would be a wise choice.

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