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Ryback shoots!


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Who's to know, they maybe would have decided they didn't like him come 'Mania, but Cena getting injured before HIAC was what really screwed him up. Jericho said instead of facing Fandango at 'Mania, they told him months out they were going with Ryback and Jericho was going to help push him to the next level (like it did Fandango).


Then some of the people with power decided they didn't like him so he's where he's at. "Unsafe" and all that.

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Ryback is a goon whose act dies as soon as he steps off the stage.


Has a juiced up look without the strength to support his physique.


He was given a platform and did very little worthwhile with it.


Bitching about the basic economics of the entertainment industry. If you pull in less dollars you earn less. Simple as.


That said... an employee shooting on Vince in 2016 is GOLD.

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I've always thought he was shite and that promo where he went on about believing in the power of positive thinking solidified him as the ultimate nonce, but he's got a lot of good points about the pay structure, I reckon. Problem is, does he have any leverage? He's never recovered from being fucked after that Punk loss and at the minute he's a guy who's lost on a pre-show twice in a row that no fuckers paying to see so he hasn'y exactly got them over a barrel like. What're the chances he gets what he wants or anything changes here?


Maybe Japan's the best bet for him. Or Preston.

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Obviously the first time they fucked him was when he lost to Punk in the title match at Hell in a Cell.


But they also fucked him when he returned as a babyface in time for the Authority vs Team Cena match at Survivor Series 2014. Even though he'd been booked as a total loser for most of the last 18 months he was really over and the fans were buying into him again. So of course they ruined it by having him tease joining the Authority and then at the actual PPV he was the first one eliminated thus letting everyone know he was still a nobody to them.


I've always liked him, he's so much more than just a meat head. He's always had a weird goofy charisma to him and aside from Punk has anyone ever said anything bad about him? Daniel Bryan seemed to love The Ryback.


 Him having the balls to stand up for himself here makes me like him even more, much better having guys do that than just stay and take shit forever like Ryder and Ziggler. And knowing how weird Vince is this might make him like Ryback more.

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Is the heat with him and Punk a legit thing? If so I support the big guy.

Apparently it all started when Punk accused Ryback of trying to break his ribs. Ryback claimed Punk set out to sabotage his big push late 2012.

Punk buried him in his Colt Cabana shoot not long after he left WWE. Loved telling that story about Ryback calling himself dumb after he kept hurting Punk in their matches. Listening to it made me sympathise with Ryback and just furthered my opinion of how much of a nob Punk is.


Whatever the Big Guy does, good luck to him. He's capable of so much more. As others have said, New Japan would be a great move for him. I hope WWE see his potential, keep him on and somehow find a way to use this to propel him. Sadly I don't see it happening.


Only just noticed he's started having 'The pre-show stealer' on his belt, which is brilliant.

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His act dies as soon as he's off stage? As in he's no longer acting like his wrestling character when he's not wrestling?


Doesn't have the strength to back up his physique? So what? It's pro wrestling, perception is reality otherwise no one's buying skinny Dean as a tough guy or cuddly Kev as a killer.


He raises some interesting points about the pay. How can he prove his worth if he's trading losses on b shows and never being rewarded for his hard work yet the company feel his value is diminishing because they keep booking him poorly. Obviously the best most over guys deserve the most pay but how is he to prove he's one of those guys?

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I've always liked him (fellow Secret and law of attraction believer) such a great look and size, looks better and more main event in trunks, there was a few flirts of him being a top guy (punk hitc has been done to death on here) and his heel run against Cena, but for every good thing they did with him they did something to kill him before or after it.


After Punk hitc stuff, which in my opinion didnt damage him to much as that wasnt what they wanted with him and as we know they had fuck all other options. He should've been kept away from the belt until he was winning it which he wasnt at the time, instead of losing 3ways or ladder matches.


Should've won the Rumble leading to him Shellshocking Big Show for the world title at Mania 'Mania Moment' for sure or stay with henry but he wins cleans since the Cena fued started the next night, he lost momentum losing to Henry 


His teaming with Heyman fizzled out and was only to prolong the Punk Heyman story


When he came back as a face for Series wwe had another chance to reset and use him right (they didnt) Andre Battle Royal last year (wasted on Show) and as recent as changing to trunks/heel turn in feb was screwed up.

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His act dies as soon as he's off stage? As in he's no longer acting like his wrestling character when he's not wrestling?


Doesn't have the strength to back up his physique? So what? It's pro wrestling, perception is reality otherwise no one's buying skinny Dean as a tough guy or cuddly Kev as a killer.


He raises some interesting points about the pay. How can he prove his worth if he's trading losses on b shows and never being rewarded for his hard work yet the company feel his value is diminishing because they keep booking him poorly. Obviously the best most over guys deserve the most pay but how is he to prove he's one of those guys?

Nice inference... but not exactly what I meant.


For me the most interesting thing about him is the entrance. A lot of his performance has felt lacklustre for a long time, aside from his opening warm up as soon as he walks through the curtain. So by stepping off the stage, I literally mean the only thing which I find engaging about his character is the first five seconds of his entrance.


In terms of strength/physique, for me he looks far stronger than he is. He struggles physically with the power moves and lifting that are a) the staple moves in his arsenal and b) should make him stand out from the crowd. Nothing to do with believability in his persona, just a physical observation on my behalf.


As for the pay, yeah they booked him less favourably than others. But what is there to him, what intangibles does he have, which would warrant further attention from.management or elevation to a higher pay bracket?


I'm genuinely surprised that a few people really rate him, so honestly, what is it you see in him that WWE management have misused or underrated?

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I think he has almost all the tools to be the face of the company, but I'd wonder how the live crowd would react to him. If he's given corny shit and bad booking, he could get booed like anyone else if he's a face. Some on here have said part of the reason Reigns gets booed in this day and age is because he's handsome and the crowd aren't gonna cheer that (even though they liked him in The Shield). Ryback isn't handsome, but he has a look that stands out.


However, some might feel he's not main event material. He's certainly not Superstars/pre-show material though. He's top of the card, occasional main event material for sure. Kevin Owens plays a tough guy role. Can you put Ryback in a ladder match like Owens at Mania and him be as entertaining? Probably not. Can you have Ryback play the role of tough guy and pull it off more convincingly than Owens? Yes. In fact, can you have Samoa Joe do both of those things better than Kevin Owens? Yes. Sorry, I couldn't contain it. Off on a tangent/rant.


I suppose WWE want their main eventers to be great workers. Ryback, much as I love him, doesn't have many great matches. I'd say he's not a three-dimensional character, but that's through lack of decent stories and booking. He can be a heel who doesn't play for laughs and cool points and as a face who'll captivate casuals and get me on board. Great music, great look, great work ethic, decent talker. I reckon he'd do well with the media and Be A Star stuff too.

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Gutted, I always thought he should've been world champ level and they obviously fucked that but he was still always one of my guys no matter what. The way he was booked was bullshit, I hope he somehow manages to stick around despite this but it's hardly likely. I wonder what he'll do next, he'd do great in WCW if this was 1998.

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