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Clocks go FORWARD! (1am. 27th March 2016)


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  • Paid Members
Right, it's that time of year again.


Clocks go FORWARD at 1am on SUNDAY 27TH MARCH 2016. Daylight Savings Time begins. 


Once it hits 1am, it turns into 2am. We lose an hour sleep, which is a pisser, but we don't need to worry about the snow and ice for a few months. Hope you get through it ok!

  • Paid Members

Baz's clock change threads have been a staple of my year for a decade now.


Yeah, unless you work or have other commitments in Sundays you don't really have an hour less. I used to go to a conference every year that always coincided with the clocks going back. Meaning you got an extra hour on the Sunday to pull yourself together after the Saturday evening's inevitably heavy session.


Its perfectly timed for me


I work at 8am Sunday Mornings so usually am awake for 6.30-6.45am so when the clocks forward I really feel it However being Easter Sunday I don't have work so losing the hour isn't as big an Issue as it usually would be for me 

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I don't know if my phone clock has gone forward and I cant be bothered to look at the clock downstairs. I'm going back to bed for an hour, just to be on the safe side.

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So many things in my house update the time automatically that I'm not sure which ones have changed and which ones haven't. I don't know which ones to trust now.

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So many things in my house update the time automatically that I'm not sure which ones have changed and which ones haven't. I don't know which ones to trust now.

My oven is a right shifty bastard.


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