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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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PSN+ offers you PSN (that's PS3, PS2 and PS1) games for cut prices, and I think the occasional free one. It's not a bad deal, I just haven't got it because I forgot it existed.


You should look at Heavy Rain as a PS3 exclusive - it's not necessarily a game, more of an interactive movie, but it's a lot of fun. Similarly, the Walking Dead game was the best game I played last year. Also Tokyo Jungle and Journey from PSN are both worth a download.


Also the PSN online features are all free - you can play games online without having to pay. Netflix is really good on the PS3 too.

Edited by Nexus
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Having finished Far Cry 3 (excellent) and Assassins Creed 3 (decent but not the best AC game), thought I'd try and give Bioshock another go to see if I'd want to buy Infinite when it comes out. I'd played a bit of it a couple of years ago, but for some reason didn't continue on with it. Don't know why because it's brilliant. Started to get a bit samey towards the end but am glad I went back to it.


I went straight from finishing that to starting Bioshock 2, which is pretty good as well. Some nice new locations and characters, but dealing with brutes and big sisters is getting a little tiring, although hiding behind a big daddy when a big sister shows up and letting them battle it out is pretty cool.


Aside from that and the aforementioned games is there anything else i need to get? Not really into RPG type games but aside from that i'm happy to try anything.


EDIT: Also i'm curious about this PSN+ account people are talking about. If i pay for this membership does it allow me to download games to the HDD for free? Or does it just allow you access to pay for them like Xbox Live ?


When you subscribe there's a variety of PS3, PSN and Vita games to download for free, and they usually replace a few each month. You can play them until your subscription expires and you don't renew, at which point you can't play them again until you re-subscribe. If you signed up for PS+ at the moment you can download Little Big Planet 2, Sleeping Dogs, Vanquish, InFamous 2, Motorstorm Apocalypse plus a few others for free. Next month they are making Mass Effect 3, Dead or Alive 5 and Joe Danger 2 available for free (replacing a few of the current games).


In terms of exclusives to try, you've mentioned Uncharted (get all three of them), other than that try God of War III and Heavy Rain (it's a bit of a marmite game though, but your wife might like it as well). If you didn't have a PS2 (or even if you did) try some of the HD collections like the ICO & Shadow of the Colossus one and the God of War collections.

Edited by TUFCfan
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When you subscribe there's a variety of PS3, PSN and Vita games to download for free, and they usually replace a few each month. You can play them until your subscription expires and you don't renew, at which point you can't play them again until you re-subscribe. If you signed up for PS+ at the moment you can download Little Big Planet 2, Sleeping Dogs, Vanquish, InFamous 2, Motorstorm Apocalypse plus a few others for free. Next month they are making Mass Effect 3, Dead or Alive 5 and Joe Danger 2 available for free (replacing a few of the current games).


I didn't know this. And then I checked how much a year.

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When you subscribe there's a variety of PS3, PSN and Vita games to download for free, and they usually replace a few each month. You can play them until your subscription expires and you don't renew, at which point you can't play them again until you re-subscribe. If you signed up for PS+ at the moment you can download Little Big Planet 2, Sleeping Dogs, Vanquish, InFamous 2, Motorstorm Apocalypse plus a few others for free. Next month they are making Mass Effect 3, Dead or Alive 5 and Joe Danger 2 available for free (replacing a few of the current games).


I didn't know this. And then I checked how much a year.

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It is worth mentioning that if you let your subscription lapse you lose ALL of the games you've downloaded through the service, if you renew it subsequently you would only have access to the 10 games currently on offer.

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It is worth mentioning that if you let your subscription lapse you lose ALL of the games you've downloaded through the service, if you renew it subsequently you would only have access to the 10 games currently on offer.

Don't think that's true. Games you've downloaded and kept on your hard drive should work again, and if you've deleted any you can normally download them again through your download history. I did that with burnout paradise and it worked.

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It is worth mentioning that if you let your subscription lapse you lose ALL of the games you've downloaded through the service, if you renew it subsequently you would only have access to the 10 games currently on offer.

Don't think that's true. Games you've downloaded and kept on your hard drive should work again, and if you've deleted any you can normally download them again through your download history. I did that with burnout paradise and it worked.


I stand corrected then. As you were.

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Just bought Skyrim on deal of the week for 15 quid. Any tips before I start playing or should I just jump in? The only other one of these games iv'e played was oblivion.

Edited by Inspector Paul Solo
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TUFCfan is correct, aslong as the PS+ game is in your download history it can be downloaded again once you restart the service. You don't even need to have started a download, just "purchase" the game and it'll be waiting there.


I started playing Crysis 3 a few days ago and it's shite, the graphics are stunning on PC but everything else is generic as generic can be plus the stealth elements which you are pretty much pushed to used are way below par. It's no Far Cry 3 that's for sure.

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Just bought Skyrim on deal of the week for 15 quid. Any tips before I start playing or should I just jump in? The only other one of these games iv'e played was oblivion.


Yeah, quit your job and say goodbye to your family.

Luckily i'm unemployed and only have to do some finishing touches for Uni at the minute. Seems if it's going to consume everything nows the best time for it.

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  • Paid Members
Just bought Skyrim on deal of the week for 15 quid. Any tips before I start playing or should I just jump in? The only other one of these games iv'e played was oblivion.


Yeah, quit your job and say goodbye to your family.

This. Your real family aren't as good as the Dark Brotherhood, anyway.

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