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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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It's a better version of the game too, Sega got a modder in to help tighten things up from the original. Said modder is now the lead developer of Sonic Mania too which plays brilliantly, I tried some funfair type level at EGX and it's easily on par with the old Casino stage.

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Just finished Fallout 4. Felt a bit empty really, didn't much like the last 25% of the game. Will still probrably end up buying Fallout 5 when it comes out though.


Next I have the Witcher or Batman Arkham Knight. Any suggestions on what's next?

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I'm still playing Fallout 4 exclusively, one year on.

Me too. I've become insanely addicted to the Vault-Tec DLC, I've spent hours building and improving my massive vault. Preston has been sent on his own far away from the other dwellers to guard, because he's a prick.

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Loved Far Harbour, but found Nukaworld very dry. May return to it one day to try one of the othe endings, but not head over heals any more, which is a shame.


Witcher it is!

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That's definitely one to watch.


Their other games aren't for everybody, but they're to be commended for always trying something different.


Personally, I loved Journey, quite liked Flower, and wasn't particularly gripped by fl0w.  As they were released in the opposite order though, I've every reason to anticipate the next one with keen interest.

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Is anyone after a flash card that will play original DS games on the 3DS? I bought one recently, assuming it would play actual 3DS games (you'd think it would, based on the site that was selling it), but it only does the oldies. Bit of a swizz really. Seeing as I've already got a regular DS flash card, this new one is totally surplus to requirements, but bollocks to farting round trying to return it to a dodgy Chinese website. Any 3DS owners want to take it off my hands? 15 quid and it's yours!

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