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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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The Witcher 2 battle against the dragon was pretty cool. Theirs also the Darksiders series that has some cool boss fights, and wasn't the last DMC made by a UK studio? I haven't played it but the fighting/bosses in there looked pretty much the same as the old one's.


I remember reading that the DMC boss battles were thanks to Capcom. It was something along the lines of they were shocked that the original bosses that Ninja Theory came up with were all just larger versions of previous enemies so they basically had to talk them through how to make a proper boss battle. Hopefully that'll serve them well for their future games though.


I didn't enjoy how the game was mostly stealth mechanics, but the controls and feel of the game didn't match it. If you're going to put so much stealth into a game, sort out the clunky movement and dumb AI first.


How did you find the AI dumb? Thought for the most part it was quite good apart from the odd glitch, especially how you often got flanked by the humans and had to be very careful in planning when facing the infected.

In mine, the two AI companions never take cover, they just stand aimlessly about. Also whenever I throw bricks or bottles, they often mistake this as an attack and open fire.

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I had that exact same problem with The Last Of Us. When your mates start wandering around and making the baddies kick off when you were just calmly hiding behind something waiting for the right time to sneak past. Infuriating. Sometimes they'd even walk right in front of the baddies (were they called Clickers? I called them Dickheads) but wouldn't be seen at all, which was just as absurd. The woman in CEX proper snarled at me when I traded it in as well. Snotty cow.

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I had that exact same problem with The Last Of Us. When your mates start wandering around and making the baddies kick off when you were just calmly hiding behind something waiting for the right time to sneak past. Infuriating. Sometimes they'd even walk right in front of the baddies (were they called Clickers? I called them Dickheads) but wouldn't be seen at all, which was just as absurd. The woman in CEX proper snarled at me when I traded it in as well. Snotty cow.

Yeah, Clickers. They're the main reason I stopped playing the game because they're only the 2nd or 3rd enemy you encounter and they're these mad 1-hit-kill machines that the AI would just walk about in front of or shoot at with no rhyme or reason. They're bullshit.

If you're going to do a stealth game, having AI follow you the duration of it is a shocking decision. Having bad, enemy-triggering AI follow you is just too much.

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How strange. I've played it through twice and never once did my companion trigger the enemies to attack or attack an enemy before I did. It is a bit ridiculous when they walk in clear view of the bad guys and they don't notice but I'd rather that than be attacked everytime Ellie walked out in the open. I found the stealth worked really well and was great fun as opposed to other games where it's a pain in the arse and complete nightmare.


Plus, the winter section of the game is the best 2-3 hours of any game I've ever played. Simply incredible.

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San Andreas has been re-released on 360, there's a price glitch and it's showing up at £2.99. I'm tempted but twitch users are playing it and saying the controls are all botched, it's an android port or something.


That's can't be right. Not as if they're using touch screen controls, is it? :D:p

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Oh, so my missus bought me an Xbox One with Shadow of Mordor for my birthday :)


Fucking love this game. So much fun.. I spend a lot of time just sneaking around Strongholds assassinating Uruks and getting distracted from actually doing proper missions.


I have also spent a lot of time running away from hordes when this plan goes wrong and I get overwhelmed, especially when you end up accidentally facing multiple captains at once.


I didn't bother with the Detonate ability for ages; what an idiot I was! It's brilliant.

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Is there any clues as to whether the 360/PS3 versions are any good yet? I'm not making the jump yet, so I'm well up for the 360 version if it's decent. I'm worried that the old gen version could be half arsed. WWE 2K15 for example.

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Is there any clues as to whether the 360/PS3 versions are any good yet? I'm not making the jump yet, so I'm well up for the 360 version if it's decent. I'm worried that the old gen version could be half arsed. WWE 2K15 for example.


It's not out for a couple of weeks, so reviews will start hitting about the 17th. Knowing what's been left out (the nemesis system specifically) I can't see it being near as good.

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