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Bowler 2 - Electric Boogaloo (The end of the UKFF)


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No need to be nasty about a great city mate, plus I was trying to sort things out with u and maybe you see everyone is wrong about me but its cool I understand you don't have any money to travel.


Bowler doing himself even more favours there. Can't you see why you get shit off people coming out with stuff like that? I travel quite a lot in fact, often to watch wrestling shows (Not yours for obvious reasons, namely you being a knob on here). But the idea of sitting on the other side of a pub table while you bitch and moan  before becoming a whole laughable 5'8" of red faced, breath holding, foot stamping, skinny rage as soon as someone doesn't agree with you is one of the worst wastes of a day I can possibly think of. But yeah, you can't even take a light hearted jibe about the place where you live. Which, as someone who used to live in West Yorkshire, I can confirm isn't the greatest place.


The fact is a promoter who knows what he's doing wouldn't pay any attention to people giving him well earned pelters and would just concentrate on putting on a good show. It's your actions that put people off, nobody else's.

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You're welcome to travel here though Bowler. I'll be in the Stem and Helmet pub in Llanars. Mind you, I dunno if you can afford it, as unlike me, you've never made a profit, as pitiful as it is, from an involvement in wrestling.

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So let me get this right its ok for you to jab things at me but I can't give a few back I don't think that is fair do you. But if you feel like that was a bad jab at you I am very sorry. I am happy to sit down with anyone and sort out what stuff I have done to them but I say this all this crap I don't deserve everyone has made mistakes even all of you.


Good day lads as I am off, got a life to get on with

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No, you're more than welcome to give them back (although it shows you up as a horrible bully), if anything it just adds to your air of profeshunalism and fine customer service skills which we've come to expect from LPW.

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1)I ain't a bully I just defend myself from scum who bully me


2) I be a better promoter from now on and I try better with customers which I do anyway, everyone who I have talked to whos been to the shows have loved it and they think its great. BUT I will try harder MAYBE ukff'er I might even give you a discount next show to show how nice I really am. That's if do come which I don't think so don't want u all feeling left out now do we.

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Them people don't know anything about wrestling, maybe they thought it was suppose to be a bingo night or a pie eating contest. I admit show 2 & 3 were not great but the rest have been better. IF anyones got problems with what I say about this they know where to find me on FB and I am happy to listen to them without fighting

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