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Bowler 2 - Electric Boogaloo (The end of the UKFF)


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PowerButchi any chance you and me can meet up, sit down and have a chat about all this bullying ect and then we MIGHT see each other points of view and you would see me differently to what you see on here. No fighting or anything just talking as I want to make things right with everyone

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Have there ever been actual UKFF punch ups? Fludder turning up at people's houses who copied his stuff aside.


Didn't somebody get twatted at a grappling show for something they said on here?

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batz people get beat up from most social media sites. I seen storys where people have had small rows on facebook and they gone to the persons house or work to attack them and Lion I am happy to answer questions on here which I think are right to answer no need to start bullying me on another thread. I am professional these days but have said some daft stuff and I am sorry for that I be more kinder from now on and watch my words.

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I have never seen someone not understand the log out button less than this guy. I'm a frey'd Bentos about his mental state

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The log out button is easy its at the top right hand corner of this site mate, 2nd I like some of these conversations but its pointless sometimes to reply to people like you who just want to push people and wind them up.


There has been some good advice and questions on here and I think some people are seeing the real me and the real bullying of ukff. Yes I made mistakes and I am sorry for them but least I am trying to make things right with people

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PowerButchi any chance you and me can meet up, sit down and have a chat about all this bullying ect and then we MIGHT see each other points of view and you would see me differently to what you see on here. No fighting or anything just talking as I want to make things right with everyone


You're having a laugh if you think I'd ever sully myself by going to dirty Leeds. 120 miles away from where I live.

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No need to be nasty about a great city mate, plus I was trying to sort things out with u and maybe you see everyone is wrong about me but its cool I understand you don't have any money to travel.

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