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WWE Elimination Chamber 2015 Discussion. *SPOILER ON WWE APP*


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Didn't help that the shit are commentary team totally missed or ignored Sheamus's door shenanigans. Perfectly highlighted how fucking rotten they are.


They are getting worse by the show.


Stopped caring about Cena Vs. Owens after kick out 2489. Nice to see Owens go over clean though.


As much as I was hoping that they would do it I didn't buy a Title switch for a second and switched off as soon as the ref started his DQ routine. Good match though.


Ambrose will probably win MITB. That or we get some sort of co-win shenanigans with him and Reigns setting up a triple threat.


IC chamber was shit, tag one was ok.


Divas match was garbage and Neville Vs. Bo was boring as sin.


All in all I have seen better shows and I have seen much, much worse. I set my expectations low so wasn't as pissed over the shitty finish as others.

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Went to bed after the Cena/Owens match, sounds like it was a wise choice.


Think watching the Ambrose finish in person would have caused some form of migraine. It would have made 100x more sense for the Authority to have pulled the DQ thing tonight by pressuring the ref, leading to a night of J and J, Kane etc trying to find Ambrose to get the belt back, finally doing so for Reigns to show up, even numbers and help him escape.


But yeah WWE Booking.

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Happy for Ryback for winning and for it not being the obvious choice of Sheamus or Barrett who as someone said tend to be there holding pattern champs.


The tag chamber might have been better if they started with 6 guys in the ring with there partners in the pod, yeah it would be a cluster but with that many guys teams/guys its bound to happen. then you'd have the element of guys getting eliminated before there partners get in the match, New Day hiding to survive, Cesaro getting in last clearing house etc

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Was a one match show for me.


Enjoyed the Tag match but it seemed like the crowd fell asleep after Kidd and Cesaro were eliminated. Cesaro is fucking amazing, I hope he and Kidd change their attire and entrance a bit up though.

Didn't enjoy much about Owens/Cena other than the finish. It started out decent but ended with too long of high spot kick outs.


Nice to see Ryback win, other than that the match was really boring.


Paige is beautiful. I love her. I really really love her.


Main event was great. As much as I'd have just had a clean win I don't mind about the finish. Glad they pulled it all out at once rather than a half hour promo on Raw to explain it all

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Absolutely chuffed for Owens. To be given a win over Cena in his first official match on the main roster is just tremendous for him. Some one sees a lot of potential in Owens.


Me too, although it does beg the question, where does he go from there?


Another 3 matches with Cena, losing them all then trading wins/losses with the likes of Ziggler, Ryback etc?


I hope not.

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Main event was great. As much as I'd have just had a clean win I don't mind about the finish. Glad they pulled it all out at once rather than a half hour promo on Raw to explain it all

That was absolute madness. They had a reason for people to watch Raw - particularly millions of people who don't have the network and would tune in to find out what happened. Never mind the actual content, they had a hot title change that would have people talking about the event. Crazy decision to end it all on the night. No-one is tuning in because Dean stole Seth's belt.


Didn't enjoy much about Owens/Cena other than the finish. It started out decent but ended with too long of high spot kick outs.

It was a proper Rock/Austin home run that came across as epic as it should have done. John Cena rarely gets pinned clean so you have to hit him with everything you've got. They told us that Kevin Owens has just as much about him as Cena and both guys did a wonderful job of conveying the agony and frustration. I thought it was superb personally.

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Enjoyed the tag title chamber and Cena vs Owens match,everything else was fairly meh. I don't give a shite about Rollins or Ambrose so not all that arsed about the finish to their match. Glad to see Ryback finally win something. Would be nice if Owen's refused to wrestle Cena again for a week or two, instead of them instantly announcing a re-match at MITB for no particular reason.


Oh, and Cole with his constant "it's over" calls that ruin any drama of a false finish, King's general senile ramblings and JBL's attempt to cram inane references to American sports/shit pop culture into nearly every line of his commentary don't half make WWE tough to sit through at the moment.

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First off, much better than Payback but still not a great show by any means.

They need to do something about the in-ring mics. They're either ultra sensitive and pick up absolutely everything or the guys are just not making any effort to conceal their spot calling. Ziggler & Cena in particular was like having them sat next to you.


Super cuffed that Owens won and it was a clean win. Only thing I'd have changed is to not have Cena out of the pop-up powerbomb the first time. Would have been a great way to get that finisher over by leaving the 15 time world champion laid out.


Biggest suprise of the night was R-Truth making it past the 5 minute mark in a Chamber match for the first time...and then he went past 10 minutes!

Glad Ziggler didn't win. Wasn't really fussed who won to be honest so long as it wasn't him.


The main event was decent enough as you would expect from Rollins & Ambrose and was genuinely suprised at the three count as I honestly never for a second thought there was a remote chance of Ambrose winning. I can see why people would be pissed at the end result, but I'm actually quite happy that it actually follows the damn rules of wrestling. From here you can have a fun gimmick match to get a definitive finish to what was only ever going to be a short feud to fill the gap for Rollins before Lesnar comes back.


All in all, an ok watch if you have time to kill but only thing worth any kind of replay value was Cena v Owens

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Got to disagree with you stick. I'll be watching Raw because Dean stole the belt? I think reversing decisions the following night is a much more of a cop out than how it went down. I would rather they did it in one hot angle instead of using it to trick people into tuning in. If fans watch Raw to see a new champ, its because they want to see the champion. Your confusing heal heat with actually burning people.

This way everyone watching knows exactly what we are getting.


I understand the logic, but it didnt hold my attention at all. Just turned into a boring sequence of moves and kick outs.

Does it bother anyone else the way Cena's arms arch backwards when he is being powerbombed? His elbows always hit the mat first and it looks like he is going to fuck up his shoulders every time

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Oh, and Cole with his constant "it's over" calls that ruin any drama of a false finish


I’ve noticed this when watching NXT (as I watch very little main roster stuff except the odd PPV). Every pin-fall attempt, without fail, an announcer says something like, “For the win! …No, [wrestler] stays alive.” Stop it! It’s just so distracting and clichéd.

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Does it bother anyone else the way Cena's arms arch backwards when he is being powerbombed? His elbows always hit the mat first and it looks like he is going to fuck up his shoulders every time

Yeah, I thought that looked a bit shit. He doesn't do subtle though, does he? And he's still ace so I'll let him off.
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Does it bother anyone else the way Cena's arms arch backwards when he is being powerbombed? His elbows always hit the mat first and it looks like he is going to fuck up his shoulders every time


I noticed it, but it didn’t bother me. If he wants to bump like that then so be it.

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Thought the main event finish was shit, like really shit, well, Ambrose running off with the title was fine, and it's fine that he's not actually won it, but he got DQ'd? What the hell? I wanted to see Ambrose kick the shit out of that referee, getting in the way of a move and then calling off a PPV main event - just what the hell? Refs take knocks all the time!


IC was a bit of a mess and I can't believe R-Truth is now officially higher up the pecking order than Barrett after two pins


Owens/Cena was the best WWE match i've seen this year, no doubt


Tag chamber was good, but New Day won a bit underwhelmingly. Whoever's idea it was to have Titus O'Neil pin Cesaro and more or less reveal the matches outcome at the final 2 stage needs a good talking to though.

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