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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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It's about time Big Show finally won an important battle royal. At least now when next year's Rumble comes around and they try to push him as a favourite, there'll be a bit of support to the claims. And nobody else, bar Ryback if they cared (but if they cared, he'd have been treated different in 2012, and 2013 and 2014), needed/warranted a win there. Mizdow needed to stand up to Miz, and he did. I can't think of anyone else remotely important who was in it. Rowan, maybe? But they've no plans for him.


Yeah, I thought Big Show winning was fine.  Nothing wrong with the obvious favourite in kayfabe terms actually winning once in a while.  Mizdow got over by finally turning on Miz, and if he had won the thing he'd only have been Cesaro'd anyway.


I know it's wrestling and all that but if it was a no DQ, why did Sting release the Scorpion Deathlock when HHH reached the ropes?


They always do this.  Not that it isn't always stupid, but they always do it.

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This goes back to what I mentioned above, did they only announce the DQ match before/during the match or weeks in advance. With all the Raw videos, talk and re-runs of video build ups I don't recall at any point anyone mentioning before tonight it was a DQ match?


Its like they changed it last minute to fit in the DX/NWO smokes and mirrors finish.

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Only announced it on the night, just like all the attitude era main events. The point earlier was interesting about them building a super-serious blood feud then changing their minds and doing what was almost a nostalgia comedy match. They've been quite inconsistent/unclear about what the feud actually was, too. Triple H talked for weeks about it being about WCW, then Sting said it's nothing to do with WCW, but everyone ignored that (including Steph moments after Sting said it) and on the night it was WWE vs WCW again.

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I do wonder whether they changed tact in the sense of the whole stadium, running order, light/dark skies and everything else. Of course they build matches and knew what they would be but with taking the tag titles and the battle royale and putting it onto the pre-show you do wonder whether they needed this kind of nostalgic match with smokes and mirrors to appeal to all audiences and to keep things different from the rest of the matches. Maybe initially they had the battle royale as a light relief match on the show, realised it wouldn't fit with what else had been planned to go on and changed ideas? You could see they were trying to drag out the Rock/Steph/HHH promo to make it as dark as possible for Wyatt/Undertaker. I guess maybe an outside stadium somewhat dictates what matches go on first/last too. 


Or they were trying to appeal to the hardcore old loyal fanbase, even the WWE adverts on the radio promotes Sting vs HHH as the main match to see, I'm sure Brock vs Reigns was like mentioned as if it was just 'another match'.


My insight probably isn't as good as many others on here but feels like the show was built around the stadium setting rather than the matches around the card if that makes sense.

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What was the point of LL Cool J?

Weird choice to put him in the intro video after building him up as being there , then not have him anywhere else

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I have to say, I bloody loved this show. From opening to end I was entertained, it flowed well, nothing seemed too rushed or dragged out overly long ( The rock segment could have been a little shorter but that's as much as i'll have to complain about), we got a show full of matches that were all at least decent, with a main event ending in a newsworthy, surprising finish after a great effort from the two men involved, Sting and HHH was everything I wanted it to be. I wanted smoke and mirrors and silliness and nostalgia rather than them go 22 mins by themselves and saying afterwards that they went 10 minutes too long. They must have knew as a duo what they were capable of and this was far more preferable to some other kind of match. I understand the booking problems in that it seemed to get away from the story they had going into it, and reverting to the WWF vs WCW narrative, but fuck it, I enjoyed every second of it. The handshake was a bit silly but my guess is that's sting away for quite a while, whereas HHH will be on TV every week. We had Hall taking a back bump like the nutcase he is, Hogan taking his first bump back in Wwe for bloody X-Pac, it was great entertainment.


Thank God Undertaker won. I'm not watching wrestling to see Bray Wyatt win against The Undertaker at Mania despite everything I heard from others this weekend wanting that to happen. Exactly what was needed to give us some Taker at 'Mania in a pretty safe match, and give him a runout before a potential retirement next year. He looked pretty great too so fair play to him.


Rusev had a tank. The best entrance I've ever seen especially as there was some kind of military guy Sat in front of me that was disgusted at it and was full on Patriotic mode, saluting Cena's pre entrance video and everything. He seemed thoroughly disturbed that any heel might win at any point.


Overall I think it was one of the most well rounded big shows in many a year. WWE took a very lame build and delivered big style on the night in terms of entertainment, payoffs to existing feuds or planting seeds for the summer and beyond. A job well done by all I think.

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Overall, I enjoyed most of it but there was some terrible shite in their too. My thoughts:


The Good

- Rollins vs Orton

- Sting vs Triple H, until the ending.

- Bray vs Undertaker, until the ending

- Rusev's almighty entrance

- Reigns vs Brock was just superb.

- The glorious sunshine and stadium giving the event such a different feel from the same boring steup every other show has.


The Bad

- The ladder match. It was so very very meh. All the guys in this match deserve better. Ambrose could have legit died from that powerbomb but by the finish of Orton/Rollins no one remembered and no one cared.

- Sting/Triple H was filled with all kinds of ridiculously glorious fun but by the time HBK came out it had all dragged on far too long. Too many false finishes by far. And that handshake was complete bullshit.

- Paige singing along to her own entrance music when she came out. Made her look like a right berk.

- Rusev/Cena sadly did not meet my expectations. Their Fast Lane match was awesome but this one I felt they were trying to give the match and "epic" feel but went into it too quickly and hadn't earned it yet.

- The Steph/Rock/Rhonda segment. FUCKING HELL. It went on forever, it was boring and Stephanie should never be on television ever. She's such a terrible terrible performer. They basically booted the battle royale to the pre-show to get this fucking shite on the show.

- The battle royale. As I said, this should have been on the main show. And why the fuck did Big Show win? It basically makes the match pointless because no one cares about Big Show. Just give Ryback a chance for Christ's sake. He could have really done with this win.

- The entrances. The sunlight didn't help but the special entrances were all terrible. Since when was Sting Japanese? Did Triple H think he looked cool dressed up in his Poundland Terminator costume? Why was Bray Wyatt bringining scarecrows to life? And Reigns should never have been put in a position where thousands of people can slap him in the head when he's walking to the ring.

- Why did Undertaker have to win? He looked good out there but damn did Bray ever need a big win now more than ever. He is completely dead in the water at this point. There's nothing they can do with him now.

- The cash in. A good moment but they should have really just kept their bottle and gone with a Reigns win. It was an incredible match and I don't see how anyone could boo Reigns afterwards. He was fantastic. He proved he belongs in the main event. Reigns should have got the big win and then do the cash in on Raw during a Reigns/Brock rematch.

- Those fucking mutants in the crowd. You know who I mean. They make me hate wrestling. I hope they all die.

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There’s most likely something wrong with me, but I’ve watched Mania twice (for the most part) and I absolutely loved the Sting/HHH match from start to finish. It was up there with Hogan/Rock in terms of giddy moments for me.

Best Mania I’ve seen in many a moon.


It's just the hand shake at the end i didn't like. other than that, it was great fun!!

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What was the point of LL Cool J?

Weird choice to put him in the intro video after building him up as being there , then not have him anywhere else
I thought he would be performing at the very least, even though it's not 1999. On that note, I'm surprised there hasn't been any mention of how shit Skylar Grey was. Up there with the worst live performances ever.
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What was the point of LL Cool J?

Weird choice to put him in the intro video after building him up as being there , then not have him anywhere else
I thought he would be performing at the very least, even though it's not 1999. On that note, I'm surprised there hasn't been any mention of how shit Skylar Grey was. Up there with the worst live performances ever.


Disagree. Don't get me wrong, I didn't rate the sung much at all, but I thought her performance was alright to be honest. Worst live performances? Pimping Aint Easy from WM16 or anytime R-Truth sings during his entrances.  

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