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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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Is Rock v Triple H happening next year then? It seemed like that's what they were going for at the start of the segment but then it sort of veered of course and was just Stephanie mouthing off for half an hour while the other three stood around pulling faces. It was the only thing on the show I think they could have done better with.

I thought the main event was fucking tremendous, maybe my favourite Lesnar match since he's been back, he's just a pure spectacle.  The suplexes were relentless and that clothesline off the apron looked so stiff I actually winced, he done a fine job of selling Reigns offence before the cash-in too, so glad he's re-signed because he is by far their biggest star atm. Reigns needs to be commended, he played his part perfectly and I was actually rooting for him towards the end which is surprising because I have felt completely indifferent about him since he split from The Shield.  Happy with the ending too, opens up a lot of options and could keep tv fresh from now until Summerslam which seems to have been a challenge for years. Not to be all ECW ROOLZ! but how much does a little bit of blood add to the match? It made Brock look like a proper psycho.

Rest of the card was solid too, ending to Sting HHH was a bit phony but I'm guessing that's just so they don't have to address anything after last night as Sting will probably be off tv for a while now.

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Paige getting emotional at the end of the match was a really cool moment. I always enjoy it when you can see people actually care and they aren't playing a character. Was a lovely moment, wish she'd gotten the pin herself but I'm sure that'll come another year.


I went to walkabout to watch Mania and ended up getting white girl wasted. Being twatted is the best way to watch Wrestlemania, because I was super involved in every match. Lost my shit at the Orton/Rollins finish and the HBK super kick sent me off on one.


Seemed a great show throughout and I'm looking forward to re-watching it sober

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I thought it was an alright Mania, but nothing spellbinding. The pre-show matches, the ladder match and Taker vs. Wyatt were fine. Cena vs. Rusev, Orton vs. Rollins and the main event were decent.


I'm in the minority here, but I thought Triple H vs. Sting was a mess. Everything from the shit entrances, to the overbooked interference, to the nonsensical ending.

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I'm completely fine with the overbooking of Sting Triple H, at Wrestlemania you need to your share of nostalgia and I'm glad they included it in this match rather than trying to make a it a 25 minute epic singles match.  It was a very surprising dose of self-awareness from Triple H. Plus it was great to see Hollywood Hogan again and Hall taking that bump was brilliant, they all looked like they were having the time of their lives, it certainly added to the match rather than take anything away from it.

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I'm in the minority here, but I thought Triple H vs. Sting was a mess. Everything from the shit entrances, to the overbooked interference, to the nonsensical ending.


Yeah, gotta agree - it was very anticlimactic. It was great to see DX and the NWO - so I definitely popped, but it turned the match into an illogical mess - so if the ref is allowing interference, then why did DX & the NWO decide to just stand in their respective corners and not interfere anymore after a few mins - did they decide "well that's enough interference for now - let's chill for a few mins"? Pity Sting lost too.


All the 'big' entrances were lacklustre, since they had zero control over the lighting. Triple Hs' entrance was just dumb; sure it was a spectacle, but I was laughing at it.


Decent show overall. Really enjoyed the main event. Orton/Rollins was great too. Loved the Rousey segment although the stalling by Rock lasted way too long and Rhonda kept having to pull the same face over & over after each of Rock's lines.

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Other than a few slow spots that was a fun as he'll show.


Loved the MERICA video before Cena came out, perfect jingoistic hilarity. You also just have to love Vince, he doesn't even try to hide his political bias.


Sting Vs. Triple H was great for what it was but fucking hell WWE don't have come off as insecure over a long over war that they actually won.


Main event was great.


Over all not quite up to last year's standard but still a damn fine Wrestlemania.

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Probably my favourite Wrestlemania in years. Excellent show from top to bottom! The only thing I thought was a let-down was the ladder match. The main event was great and putting the belt on Rollins makes sense in the long run. Raw should be interesting tonight.

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Other than the Rock segment (Turn up, say your lines and fuck off mate. Stop waiting for the chants.) which could have done better on Raw, that was great from start to finish. One of the best Wrestlemanias I'd say.

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It was a very surprising dose of self-awareness from Triple H.

This is a good point, although not so surprising these days. Twelve years ago, Trips would have tried to have a "Ric Flair" match with Sting back when he was desperate to prove himself able to have a good match with a broom stick, etc. Now he appreciated the need for a dog & pony show, particularly to hide weaknesses like last night.


I know we rarely agree on anything as wrestling fans but given how unbelievably low expectations were for WM and how good the show looked and how brilliant some of the matches were, I can't really believe anyone isn't buzzing about it.

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Honestly think that was one of the best WrestleMania's ever. The crowd were good, there were some genuine shocking moments and everyone seemed to bring their A game.


Sting/HHH was just amazing. It was a proper attitude era clusterfuck with everyone coming out, and the ending didnt make a lot of sense and seemed quite silly, but fuck me, in the moment it had me going crazy.


The main event and how it all went down was brilliant, I really like Rollins, will be interesting to see if he is positioned as the top guy when Cena and Bryan are now champions beneath him and are bigger stars, If he is presented as a the star he is/could be then theres something very special on our hands.


Only disapointment for me was Taker/Wyatt, yeah Taker looked good, but something just didnt feel right, the match was clunky, Taker was knackerd, it looked like someone performing an Undertaker tribute act, leave the memories alone and call it a day i'd say.

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nexus it was just emotion, the build up is so intense, the messages she got were in the thousands it's the ultimate show in wrestling and Mum was front row just hit home bud.


Ah cool.


How proud were you guys?!


Also can't get over 'Norwich, England' being called out on WWE programming!

We were very proud buddy.



Can't speak for most on here Ricky but watching the show this morning with Paige's entrance, my first thought was how proud you, Saraya and the rest of the family must have been seeing her walk the aisle at the biggest show of the year


Absolutely loved the show, not as good as last years, but still enjoyable none the less. I'd read about the stuff in the Sting/Triple H match on another forum and tbh wasn't too mad at the finish, considering the sledgehammer shot to finish it came while Sting was midair doing the Stinger Splash (something the critics seem to have missed) and the DX/NWO face off was a mark out moment. The respect handshake has had a lot of critics too but thats more because of Triple H's behavior later on


Speaking of which, that whole Authority/Rock/Rousey segment dragged a bit too much but I think that may be more to drag the show so it was darker for the Wyatt/Taker match. Never really noticed before as I'm not a UFC fan but Rousey is quite hot, loved her judo throw on H. Wonder what the odds on a mixed tag between the four headlining either Summerslam or next year's Mania?


Got a kick out of them doing the whole patriotic thing for Cena only for him to get massively booed when he came out, think it was the right call to end Rusev's unbeaten run and don't buy that his career is done now for losing, he still came away looking strong from it


Ladder match was a great way to kick off but felt a bit uncomfortable with the way Bryan and Ziggler were trading so many headbutts from that high up on the ladder, especially after Bryan's neck problems last year. Looking forward to a program between the two if they go that way


The pre show matches were good for warming up the crowd, props to Jey Uso for doing the match solo and Kidd and Cesaro who are fast becoming one of my favorite teams right now. The battle royal probably didn't need one of the Local Men winning things but at least we finally got the Miz/Mizdow breakup which got a huge pop


Wasn't a fan of Taker/Wyatt though I loved the spider walk/sit up spot for Bray's reaction alone, and at least Taker walked away with minimal damage this year compared to last


The main event rounded a top night off, I'd been debating with a couple of lads in work yesterday about whether Rollins would cash in or save it for Raw tonight, never expected it to happen during the match though. It was clever heel tactics from Seth considering the beating Reigns and Lesnar had given each other. The math he had with Orton was great too, especially the RKO to win it, poetry in motion that was

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Was there any reason why the ladder match was 7 people and not even 8?, I could understand if they left a slot for a surprise entrant but didnt, surely Goldust would've slotted in there fine with his Stardust feud and nice final wwe appearence if he's going back behind the scenes.


And whats R-Truth done to get a Mania match? its like being on the cover for Mania 25 again.


Shame Ambroses entrance was kinda missed he looked badass with the leather and shades (as most do), and that was a nasty bump he took through the ladder

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