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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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I'd quite like them to find a way for the Axe Man to make his own way to the ring whilst everyone is standing there waiting for the match to start only to have a returning Sheamus pulverise him before he can enter.


I'd love this to happen at next year's royal rumble as well. Really drag it out. 



The only problem with that is that it means Axel remains employed for another year. This Axelmania thing is the only time he's ever been interesting, and I'm not convinced he can maintain it for the next year.

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I'd quite like them to find a way for the Axe Man to make his own way to the ring whilst everyone is standing there waiting for the match to start only to have a returning Sheamus pulverise him before he can enter.


I'd love this to happen at next year's royal rumble as well. Really drag it out. 



The only problem with that is that it means Axel remains employed for another year. This Axelmania thing is the only time he's ever been interesting, and I'm not convinced he can maintain it for the next year.


I would like to see him refusing to be thrown over the top rope being incorporated into his matches as well. Even going so far as low blowing his opponents for a DQ if they try and throw him over rather than get 'eliminated'. If he's smart enough, with just little bits, I think they can keep this going.

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I'd quite like them to find a way for the Axe Man to make his own way to the ring whilst everyone is standing there waiting for the match to start only to have a returning Sheamus pulverise him before he can enter.


that would be quite funny but the problem is that any momentum he has going into mania is then just killed off as well as his character and they might as well give him his release and say bye bye see you in TNA. if he wins the battle royal at least he can say im the best i won the battle royal and still in the rumble.


a better entrance for shamus if the battle royal starts with all the guys in the ring match starts and after the bell starts the match. a min or 2 later shamus' music starts and he comes tearing down the isle. or you could leve it till later in the match when theres less people maybe 4 or 5 left then comes in and wins. or have it come down to him and axel last 2 then have hogens music play and axel dumps him out while hes distracted.

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a better entrance for shamus if the battle royal starts with all the guys in the ring match starts and after the bell starts the match. a min or 2 later shamus' music starts and he comes tearing down the isle. or you could leve it till later in the match when theres less people maybe 4 or 5 left then comes in and wins. or have it come down to him and axel last 2 then have hogens music play and axel dumps him out while hes distracted.



How is that better?

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They wont get rid of New Day for different reasons, Xavier Woods is a good PR man for them with his multiple degrees and Big E is a John Cena guy and also they probably still see potential in him.

They wont get rid of New Day for different reasons, Xavier Woods is a good PR man for them with his multiple degrees and Big E is a John Cena guy and also they probably still see potential in him.

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I wouldn't get too carried away with Axel losing momentum. The only time he's ever been anything above bang average is as a comedy jobber who's promos/entrance last longer than his matches. There's only so much you can pad out the Axelmania stuff so he might as well work his way in to the Santino spot to get maximum longevity out of it before he's shit canned.

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Just finished writing a preview of Mania for FSM and I don't think I've ever had to use the words "at press time" so much. It's 25 days to the show and the official announced card at the moment is:


Reigns vs Lesnar

HHH vs Sting

Barrett in a ladder match with Truth and a bunch of TBAs

Eight jobbers in a battle royale with more to come


I realise a lot of the other matches are pretty much known and their just biding their time announcing them because they want to stretch out angles to fill TV, but I'm sure we've never been this close to WrestleMania and only had two complete matches official.

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The full card is pretty much set just not officially, and I think it looks like we could be in for a great show to be honest. It's just the build up this year is boring as fuck.  They will probably make up for it on the go home Raw and throw everything at it.

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Cant remember the last time I wasn't buzzing about WrestleMania, but this one doesn't look appealing at all. They usually step it up around this time of the year, but this seems like your typical PPV build. Just a bunch of matches put together, rather than a bunch of matches made because there is genuine buzz surrounding them.

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I think it is a decent show, yeah we all wanted Daniel Bryan Vs Brock Lesnar but other then that what do you expect from the current roster, 2015 will be a good year for WWE once they bring up Balor, Steen, Zayn, maybe have Samoa Joe in the mix, fresh faces, fresh matches, also Roman Reigns aint that bad, we get a Ladder match as well so a decent spotfest match, Sting Vs HHH and Undertaker Vs Wyatt will be decent spectacles.


I mean if Daniel Bryan wasn't available could you make up a better line up for Mania, just be happy with what we have, we as wrestling fans are very lucky to have so much wrestling to choose from.

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I'm not at all hyped for this year, for the first time since I started watching again regularly (around Punk's Pipebomb). I will watch the go-home Raw, Mania and the Raw following Mania, and then I reckon I might be done for a while. 

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