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The Annual Under-Mania Speculation Thread


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He looked pretty fucking old last year if I'm honest.


He's done, isn't he?  The WWE may be hoping he'll pop up for Wrestlemania, but I doubt he's interested.

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He'd be better off getting a good rest and coming back for one final go if he feels up to it.

More rest than 364 days a year????


A year with no work at all might give him more time to heal than his yearly battering which I assume takes him awhile to recover from. Weren't people saying he could barely walk after Mania last year?

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My take on Undertaker at WM31, FWIW...


The matches that have been bumped about are Taker v Sting, Taker v Wyatt. I can see the point in Taker v Sting - the ultimate retirement match between two legends of Wrestling, followed by both going in the HOF at joint main eventers, so to say.


Taker v Wyatt - I don't see the point. Do we need to see Taker lose again at WM? No. DO we need to see Wyatt lose? No. I don't like that idea at all.


WWE have teased, aside from a taker match, Sting v HHH and Sting v Rollins. Sting has said on multiple occasions that he wants to wrestle Taker, so anything else on the big stage would be disappointing to me.


I hope we get that first suggestion this year, it's what is best for all. I guess it depends how hurt Taker was/is and if he can still put a decent match on.

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I was just talking to a mate of mine about the supposed Taker/Wyatt match. As weird as it sounds, I don't see what Wyatt has to gain from it. If the streak was still intact it would be a completely different story, but now that has gone if he wins he would just be beating a billion year old looking man, and if he were to lose then he has lost to a billion year old looking man. Sure, the promos in the buildup might be decent, but I don't see what else this would have going for it.

Having said that I don't know at this stage who you could put Wyatt against unless he's going to make a play for one of the midcard belts. The Ambrose feud will be long over as I reckon they'll only have one more PPV match at the Rumble.


I don't think we'll get undertaker/Sting at Wrestemania, the seeds were firmly planted for Sting/HHH. I know this week Rollins has name dropped Sting, but c'mon now, we all know that Sting/HHH is a billion times bigger a match than Sting/Rollins

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I was just talking to a mate of mine about the supposed Taker/Wyatt match. As weird as it sounds, I don't see what Wyatt has to gain from it. If the streak was still intact it would be a completely different story, but now that has gone if he wins he would just be beating a billion year old looking man, and if he were to lose then he has lost to a billion year old looking man. Sure, the promos in the buildup might be decent, but I don't see what else this would have going for it.

Having said that I don't know at this stage who you could put Wyatt against unless he's going to make a play for one of the midcard belts. The Ambrose feud will be long over as I reckon they'll only have one more PPV match at the Rumble.


I don't think we'll get undertaker/Sting at Wrestemania, the seeds were firmly planted for Sting/HHH. I know this week Rollins has name dropped Sting, but c'mon now, we all know that Sting/HHH is a billion times bigger a match than Sting/Rollins


Might we see Sting v HHH at the Rumble?


The one good thing about the elevation we've seen in Wyatt is that him winning the IC belt would really make it mean something again, to me at least. Can't see it happening like.

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