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Well I'm sure we all look forward to your continued positivity throughout the tournament.


I though day 1 was pretty rockin. Three out of five matches delivered. I know not all of his matches can live up to the one with Ishii (who just never has a bad singles match) but I'm fully behind Tenzan going all the way. Well alright not all the way but if he was still in contention on the final Block A night the atmosphere in Sumo Hall would be insane.


Tana/Sanada just comes in at second place but still a really good match. There really has been nobody as good for as long (maybe HBK) than Hiroshi Tanahashi. Coming back from injury could be a great excuse for him to have a bad tournament and lose to Okada, Marufuji, Tenzan and Ishii.


Main event was very good too. I like a bit of Marufuji in small doses. His kicks looked fantastic. Block is wide open



My dream final would have been Naito/Shibata but that can't happen. Naito absolutely must get to the final. I admit him beating Tana or Okada in the final looks the most likely result but I'd like to see Naito vs A.N.Other from Block A. Maybe Ishii, hell maybe even Tenzan. The building is already sold out on the final night so why not have an outsider in the final. My favourite final, at least that I saw live, was Okada/Anderson, just because I didn't even realise Karl was still in contention until they announced he had made it to the final after beating Tana on the same night

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Watched Super J Cup 1st round, a mixed bag, I have put my comments and results in spoilers.



Rydal (ROH)  d/ Tomato (K-Dojo) ***1/4, good match to start the show, crowd into it but too short. I enjoyed Tomato's work and would be happy to watch him in the future.

Kenoh (Noah) d/ Gurukun Mask (Ryukyu Dragon) DUD very slow, very boring. Neither deserved to be in the tournament but at least Kenoh will face Kushida who will make the match decent at worst. Crowd was silent throughout.

Taichi (Suzuki Gun) d/ Yuma Aoyagi **1/4 Took ages to get going, a shame as the 2nd half was not bad. However did not deserve 12 minutes. Again silent crowd.

Liger (NJPW) d/ Eita (Dragon's Gate) ***1/2 Good energetic match but sadly given less than ten minutes. 

Osprey (Chaos) d/ Titan (CMLL) ***1/2 Another fine energetic match, and I really enjoyed Titan's work. 3rd match to get less than 10 minutes and the ones that got 12 were either poor or passable. 

Kanemaru (Suzuki Gun) d/ BUSHI (LIJ) ***1/2. Good match but odd. BUSHI played the bending the rules face with the crowd cheering his name, really behind him. The match was to get over Sazuki Gun as they were cheating and BUSHI was on his own. Kanemaru was decent however. 

Taguchi (NJPW) d/ Harada (Noah) **** Not a fan of Taguchi but this was really good. I look forward to seeing Harada again.

KUSHIDA (NJPW) d/ Ishimori (Noah) ****1/2 Fast paced, exciting, great technically but that is how you describe almost all KUSHIDA matches. Ishimori looks great. 



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Elgin is IC champ  not Omega, but Elgin lost also. I agree it shows anything can happen. You can keep other wrestlers looking strong by beating champs but champs usually coming out strong overall. Such as in Super Juniors, Kushida did not win the tournament but he beat the winner in the follow up title match. 

Edited by westlondonmist
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  • 2 weeks later...

What with Battleground, Raw and Smackdown last week, along with all the other stuff I have been reduced to a hermit trying to keep up with the G1, it has been great so far, night 8 was just fantastic, for me it had at least 3 4* matches and featured a must see match between Omega and Elgin, if you are cherry picking the best matches rather than watch it all then start there, it was brilliant.


Fale has impressed me also, he obviously has to be in the right match with the right guy, but he has had some good matches. Evil has looked good, Elgin may be the MVP so far. Fascinating stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Block A final standings


* BLOCK A WINNER – Hirooki Goto (6-3)
* Kazuchika Okada (5-3-1)
* Hiroshi Tanahashi (5-3-1)
* Naomichi Marufuji (5-4)
* Bad Luck Fale (5-4)
* SANADA (4-5)
* Tomohiro Ishii (4-5)
* Togi Makabe (4-5)
* Tama Tonga (4-5)
* Hiroyoshi Tenzan (2-7)

Basically says winner of Block B wins the competition. Bad choice overall. Goto is a decent wrestler but does not come across as someone who could win the title or main event Wrestle Kingdom.


Edited by westlondonmist
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Block A final standings


* BLOCK A WINNER – Hirooki Goto (6-3)

* Kazuchika Okada (5-3-1)

* Hiroshi Tanahashi (5-3-1)

* Naomichi Marufuji (5-4)

* Bad Luck Fale (5-4)

* SANADA (4-5)

* Tomohiro Ishii (4-5)

* Togi Makabe (4-5)

* Tama Tonga (4-5)

* Hiroyoshi Tenzan (2-7)


Basically says winner of Block B wins the competition. Bad choice overall. Goto is a decent wrestler but does not come across as someone who could win the title or main event Wrestle Kingdom.




So, Tenzan had a bit of a shitter then?


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Bollocks to spoiler tags in this case. Seriously, if you're big enough a New Japan fan to read this thread, you'll know to stay out until you've watched the show if you care about staying unspoiled, and you're a fucking moron if you enter it on Friday night if you didnt yet watch Fridays show.


Yes, the final is now somewhat moot. Goto is not getting a WK main event at this stage. Naito is, yay!

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Could work a few ways. He could be against Shibata in the main which is an intriguing matchup even if the winner is "obvious" (though I'd never trust NJPW not to drop the ball on Shibata.) Alternatively, he could pull of an upset and be the sacrificial lamb who loses the title shot/briefcase before the Dome Show to establish that it can happen.

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Ha, that would be such a Goto thing to happen too. I agree that Goto v Shibata IS the more interesting final than another Naito v Goto main event so soon after their title match but.... I can hardly bet against Naito now. What a cunt.

Edited by air_raid
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