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Best things to watch on the network?

Jimmy Boy

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There's always a few missing when they do bulk uploads.  It's happened with PTW, TNT, Raw.  The missing ones usually get added soon after.  Could be some legal reason that it needed to be edited (advertising, music etc) and they'll upload it when it's sorted.  Or could be that that episode's master is just in poor condition.

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I'd encourage everyone to check out that bonkers Smackdown "Xtreme" episode from February 2001, the tag titles are defended in a tables match amongst an Angle title defence against The Rock and a first blood match with Haku and Rikishi teaming up against Taker and Kane.


With regards to the tag titles match, it was really entertaining but what I noticed in particular was a spot where Jeff Hardy is about to be superplexed through a table by Bubba Ray, but Matt saves the match by putting himself through the table as by the time the superplex is hit on Jeff the table was already broken.


Has this spot been done since? I can't remember it happening before or after and in a match where so many things get recycled its interesting that I don't think that one has been used at all apart from this random Smackdown match.

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Caught Swerved and the Tough Enough post - show discussion this morning. I can't believe that Miz hasn't been used more as a presenter for shows on the network. He made what is a very one dimensional show rather interesting.


Swerved is ok, it's easy viewing but I won't be going out of my way to watch any future episodes. I forsee it will be the sort of show I view whilst trying to keep myself awake on the early morning baby feeds!

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I watched Swerved as well, they need come up with more tricks as seeing the same trick done to different people is tedious (you saw this trick applied on ZACK RYDER, but just wait until we do it to ALEX RILEY!)


That Punk'd series with Rio Ferdinand on the England boys at the time was good, the tricks were well planned out and seriously awkward and everything. You had Rooney dealing with a young fan's "dead" dog or something, Beckham legging it out of a car cos the driver started chatting weirdly and wanted to do something on the way before he dropped off Beckham, nice humble ol' Shaun Wright Phillips inadvertently causing a scene in a restaurant. Needs to be more like that

Edited by sj5522
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What the hell are WWE doing at Battleground having Brock return against Rollins!?


This should be a mega match - either at SummerSlam or next years WrestleMania. To give it away at a 'B' show doesn't do the match justice. I am sure the match will be decent but build to it properly for god sake! 


I still think they should have had Reigns win MITB then roll into WrestleMania XXXII with Rollins vs Lesnar and Reigns sprinting down mid match, covering Rollins for Lesnar's title. This would be a huge screw you to Rollins though I know people didn't like the idea it would be the greatest revenge for Reigns a year after he was screwed out of the title. 

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