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If it was a safe thing to do I hope the Miz and Daniel Bryan get a Mania match.


Same here. Even if Bryan has to do the Bret Hart 2010 type match. Just don't make it as long as Bret vs Vince, and make sure the bells and whistles aren't boring as fuck. I don't know if Bryan would be interested in doing a match where he can't keep throwing dropkicks and landing on his head for no reason, but even if it's basically nothing but kicks and the Yes Lock it'd be great. Fill it out with Miz stalling, some Maryse interference, maybe a run-in from Michael Tarver finally getting revenge for Bryan betraying the Nexus. 


The dream matches for DB are with the likes of Nakamura, Joe and AJ, but if he can't do a proper match, Miz is the perfect opponent for him to just give a hiding to.

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Have Miz jump him at the bell, and lay in a load of stomps to the body before showboating, then have Daniel hulk up and kick the ever loving fuck out of him before locking in the submission. Easy.


That's essentially what Pitcos said, isn't it? Should probably go with that then.

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So what do you think The Undertaker's role is going to be tonight? What if he comes out and puts a claim in that he should be on Team Smackdown. With that type of match, he won't have to do much besides his usual moves that the crowd will love. Remember the reports WWE wanted a 'Taker vs Braun match? Survivor Series could be the place to plant those seeds

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I'm actually wondering whether Rock's going to turn up again and have an interaction with Ellsworth as well? Although if he was going to turn up surely it'd been built and hyped to try and get eyes on the show.

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What's wrong with that though? Nakamura has his place (for now), Ellsworth has his. Let them make the most of the Ellsworth popularity for now until they run it in to the ground the way they always do. Ellsworth with Rock or Cena could be really enjoyable, may aswell enjoy it while it's still fun. Nakamura/ Joe/ Roode etc will get their chance to shine on the main roster, let the comedy jobber have his moment before he disappears in to obscurity again.

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I'm sorry, but the notion that Nakamura and Joe are fine on NXT is laughable to me. They are both seasoned vets, maybe getting top side of their prime, it's absolutely ridiculous that they are risking the longevity of there career by taking bumps in front of 200 people in a Florida High School. This is further intensified by the fact that Raw in particular is in a desperate state right now, with a lack of anything resembling depth and relying on 15 or 20 minute tirades by Steph and Bo Dallas/Titus O'Neil/Darren Young/Shining Stars etc matches, they NEED people like Joe and Nakamura, they are infinitely better than what they have on the main roster.


I'm also not having the argument that they are needed on NXT, they need to remember where the money is, they are paying Nakamura handsomely, he should be returning that investment by potentially dragging viewers to Raw, that TV deal is essential, not selling 200 tickets in an Armoury.  To me it's like holding back Lionel Messi and sticking him in Barcelona's B team to draw fans and create that bit more revenue whilst the first team has a potless year and wins nothing. It's fucking bonkers, get your best guys on the main shows and stop trying to be clever and over think things.

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