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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Terrific stuff. Loved this show, solid in ring stuff in that multi man tag match, cracking intensity from Miz and Ziggler, proper old school feeling to it with Ziggler shoving his career up against the title. Really good main event, and John Cena, what a man he is, raises the level of anything he is involved in I could listen to him all day long, such a fascinating guy. Also, AJ fucking Styles, there can surely be no argument that he is the best Wrestler on this planet, the way he adapts and has different matches with different Wrestlers, he really is a once in a generation talent and I'm going to appreciate every minute of him as you never know when it might end.


The only down point for me me was Wyatt, just what the fuck is he even going on about.

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The only down point for me me was Wyatt, just what the fuck is he even going on about.

This is exactly why I am so bored of the guy.


Despite being around for god knows how long in that gimmick now, his shit has gone absolutely nowhere in so long. There's no purpose to his words, no follow up actions or anything. It's a load of empty, boring threats and wishy washy bullshit.

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Great viewing apart from the Orton & Wyatt nonsense but that was easy to ffwd, really looking forward to the Miz v Dolph match now and it makes you wonder how they can do things like this that make you want to watch and other times make you want to switch off.

No Mercy is shaping up to be a decent little PPV for SD

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People constantly moan that they don't do enough out-of-the-ring skits/angles and when they do with Orton and Wyatt, people whinge about that to. I thought it was alright to be fair and enjoyed the fact it ran through most of the show rather than just one bit like they normally do. And good to see them making an effort with the environment rather than stand in the middle of the screen in between a telly and a poster of some shite. SmackDown is getting their backstage segments a lot better than RAW currently.


Eight man tag was great. And the Uso's new music is boss. Even with one of them wearing a t-shirt and the other not, I still can't tell them apart. American Alpha are looking great, Heath and Rhyno continue to be entertaining as a pairing and even the Ascension (who did very little) were given new face-paint, so they're at least trying with them. From a couple of weeks back when we were concerned about the Tag Team division to now where it's looking a million times better than RAW, is mighty impressive for SmackDown.


Womens stuff was a bit of the same old in my opinion. Although Carmella has improved drastically since turning heel, I wouldn't be arsed if I never saw Naomi or Natalya again. Even Nikki I'm not that fussed on. I liked the Bliss attack on Becky though (who was Becky meant to be facing?). It was something the women don't do too often so it was a nice change.


The Miz is proving his worth a million times over right about now. He's absolute gold and deserves to retain the title at No Mercy, forcing Ziggler to retire. And credit where it's due, Ziggler's mic work has been on point of late. His feud with Ambrose was some of his best promo work to date and this feud with Miz, he's doing his share as well. Think Ziggler will win it though, possibly with help from Bryan who will not want somebody else to lose what they love like he had to. 


Main event was a cracker. It had AJ Styles in who is on another level to anything else on the roster right now. Cena was good on commentary. And Ambrose was good in his spot. Should be a belter of a triple threat at No Mercy.


SmackDown is easily the more enjoyable show right now and last night's effort proved it.

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I'm liking the little touches on both shows, people finally wearing street clothes like Orton has been or Lynch Bliss last week, guys shaking up there look and music like Uso's, Ascenssion etc.


Both entrance sets look swish, so do the rings and the grey mats on Raw


I'd like Wyatt to go more Raven, early on SD after the draft he looked more grungy with his hair and attire, could be a decent evolution of his character and move away from the hillbilly cult stuff that hasnt been fleshed out enough and ran its course

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When Orton put the mask back on they started to speed up the skit and then it strangely cut back to Bray talking but you couldn't hear him. It was hard to tell if it was meant to be like that or they fucked it up in the truck.  They wasted too much time on Orton searching for Bray in the back, this type of shit would've been more suited on Raw to help fill the 3 hours.  As I said last week I'm really liking the new attitude of the Usos. The Miz and Ziggler cut a good promo but the stipulation blatantly told us that Miz is losing at No Mercy.

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The Usos have gone from like 2/10s in my estimation to 8's in no time at all, great work from them, didn't know if they were up to the job but they've really committed to it.

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