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It's not just Toronto though. It was this week's Raw too. When Goldberg was challenged by Heyman they cut to the crowd and whilst most were cheering there were a few miserable fucks sitting on their tod shaking their head in a disapproving way.


It's GOLDBERG. Coming as a special attraction. If that doesn't at least make you smile then wrestling isn't for you.

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I think the WWE could be a little smarter too, by announcing it they run the risk of boos, if he just showed up and starting spearing everybody that might be more of an impact.


Likewise Toronto is always going to be a challenging/vibrant crowd who will react in a smark way so he will get mixed reactions there, if he was to main event a pay per view in his home state he would probably be backed to the moon. 

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Rusev making Brock tap is the best case scenario to end Brocks run. Make someone look a million dollars out of his endless build. It will never happen, but could do there business the world of good.

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That's the trouble with fans attending WWE events these days, just because they've paid for a ticket they think it entitles them to make an arse of themselves on TV and boo the fuck out of talent and fuck up the atmosphere of the show for everyone else watching.

Paying for a ticket entitles fans to cheer whoever they wish. WWE has spent years drilling that into everyone to cover for the Cena backlash.


If they get in for free or are paid to be part of the show then they should follow the script like a studio audience, but paying for a ticket gives them the right to react however they want.


Some fans may be bored of nostalgia acts and want to see current stars, which is totally fair. Goldberg has been away for a while as well, so it is reasonable to assume they weren't all fans when he was at his peak. What emotional attachment should a 20 year old have to the Goldberg character? What attachment should someone who never watched WCW have with that character? Why should they cheer him? What reason is there to cheer him other than it is what they are supposed to do?

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This all goes back and full circle to the product WWE delivers and the characters too. I can't blame anybody for booing when a face is being forced down their throats without any meaning or conviction. The fans have to buy into the character and get behind them. But then the product is far too PG for my liking. 

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It's WWE's fault, all there fault, they have conditioned fans to not give a single fuck who is heel and who is face, because well there aren't heels and faces. They actively preach that they are entertainment, I recall Cena coming out on Raw asking the fans "are you entertained, we hope we entertained you tonight", they break character on TV and give these little nods to the audience, as for twitter, don't get me fucking started, people putting there real name on the WWE associated account and then underneath "plays Wade Barrett on TV". It comes from the top, Steph does not know whether she is heel or face so it's just what mood she wakes up in, if someone cuts her up in traffic she will be a heel on that weeks Raw to get some of this underlying anger out, the whole system is poisonous they think this is awesome chants and you deserve it chants for heels are something to be lorded and encouraged. Then you have the whole subject of 50/50 booking, the absolute cancer of the company for the last few years which plays in to the heel/face dynamic, how the fuck do I get behind a loser like Dolph or Ryder, they build a bit of hope then the next thing they get pinned by Titus O'Neil in 3 minutes because he's a good Dad and does charity work, there is no hierarchy or momentum, wins and storylines are done for wrong reasons.


Heels and faces, especially in WWE are dead, Bryan was the last real, proper specialist in his role as an ultimate babyface, now it's just "throw 2 guys together, we will kind of give reasons to cheer both so we have an out either way and the crowd can decide who they wanna cheer". It's lazy and almost a consolation of defeat. As long as Mania sells out a super stadium they are happy, I think the next 2-3 years in WWE are going to be very very telling, the TV deal is up for renewal and the Network has seemingly reached a plateau (at least domestically) so I can't wait to see the next phase of WWE play out.

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I wasn't really making a point about them cheering for Goldberg. My post was really just a rant about most fans being wankers when the cameras are on.

Oh sorry about that. My mistake, I assumed you were because that was what everyone was talking about



Were also talking about fans acting the cunt.

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