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Really enjoyed the Jericho/Ambrose segment, this is the Ambrose I like, more serious, intense, goofy Dean can bollocks I want the Shield version. Jericho is just tremendous at the minute.


Great Video package for Owens/Zayn, excellent stuff.


Rest was garbage, that opening segment seemed like it went an hour, just get on with fucking announcements you attention grabbing fuckers. Shane is one of the worst promo's I have ever seen. He thinks flicking his arms out and wiping his forehead like some awkward teenager trying to be cool compensates for his absolute lack delivery.

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Enjoyed Miz burying Wreddit.


Miz is the best.


Minor Smackdown spoiler maybe.



Saw a video on WWE's YouTube recently of Miz prodding Shane O'Mac and cutting a great promo on him. He's the best heel in the business by far. The way he showed arse and bumped around for Shane, and even the little stuff like getting Maryse to check his teeth when he'd been thrown out the ring. Ace work. Spoilered because I don't know when it aired, I don't watch SD.


Here's the video



Edited by Undefeated Steak
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More that having potential isn't enough to make you interesting by itself. I don't think he could be the next Cena because WWE will let him plotter along for ages before he clicks, at which point he will have already wrestled everyone and will be a wasted opportunity

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A great first half with a slow plodding second as is always with 3 hour Raw. I enjoyed for the most part though.


So many scenarios of how this all plays out on sunday/monday!


I thought Gallows and Anderson looked incredible, in every way. Stormtrooper inspired colour scheme for their entrance gear was mint.


So anyone care to guess what BG4 will stand for (It probably said BG and then '4 Life' on Gallows tights but i'll assume it's BG4)? 'Bullet Gang?' I think it's clear there will be four of them. But who???


Anyone else see the Usos being split up and picking a side?


Does Roman go heel? I think its too early.


With Cena coming back who will get booed more if he faces Reigns (as heel or face)


Does AJ turn or get screwed? Is Finn involved?


Anyway based on the four members thing, I'm going with somewhere down the line it being Finn, Gallows, Anderson and Uso #2 vs Roman, Rollins, Ambrose and Uso #1 or Roman, Cena, Rollins and Uso #1. 

AJ will be back in the midcard having flippity flop matches with Apollo Crews et al.


I'm really just going on the fact I think after the pasting they took from Ganderson there's nothing else for them as a tag team and one should go heel. The beatdown was so prolonged and on one member it felt like it could be an iniciation for him to join the crew or for the less damaged one to be the stronger link. There also is a Samoan history with the Bullet Club (right?) in Japan so why not here. Of course that could be Roman, but I dont think so, yet.....


Pure fantasy I'm sure but i'm just booking ahead.

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So anyone care to guess what BG4 will stand for (It probably said BG and then '4 Life' on Gallows tights but i'll assume it's BG4)? 'Bullet Gang?' I think it's clear there will be four of them. But who???


It was "GB4Life" and it stands for "Good Brother 4 Life". Amber O'Neal confirmed it on Twitter.

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I just think there will be a MAJOR curve ball and it will require an additional man that isn't Styles/Roman/Finn on his own. I don't think three is enough. It was ok for the nWo because of who they were but not for two guys who most people don't know, Styles who won't be the top heel all year or Finn who possibly isn't equipped yet based off promos and when he doesn't have the demon gimmick which i would assume he wont.


4 will be better, for me anyway.

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