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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I take my hat off to you gents for saving me 3 hours each week.

Mate trust me it is such a chore.

What i don't understand is they have a 3 hour program but still seem to think they have to rush matches and give wrestlers 4/5 minutes........ crazy

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I take my hat off to you gents for saving me 3 hours each week.

Mate trust me it is such a chore.

What i don't understand is they have a 3 hour program but still seem to think they have to rush matches and give wrestlers 4/5 minutes........ crazy


Are you insane?

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When everyone was fantasy booking interesting cards for Wrestlemania with people and matches they actually want to see, my immediate thought was they'd do what they always do in a crisis. Temporarily heat up Bray Wyatt.


Nailed on we're getting Wyatt/Lesnar and something shit like Sheamus/Taker to round out that card.

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So the Wyatts are going to dominate the Rumble, again.

When did this happen before?


Wyatt dominated the early part of the Rumble last year. He had a reunion with Harper and Rowan but they weren't part of the family. Presume he means that.

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I imagine that's what he meant. Bray was the iron man last year, going nearly 50 minutes, before being dumped out like a sack of spuds by Kane and Show. That was their attempt to build him up again for the Taker match at Mania.

I thought folk were mad at thinking we might get a Wyatt/Lesnar match. I'm still not totally convinced it will happen, but I'm more in tune with it than I was this time last week.


I was under the asumption that Reigns was #1 when they announced the belt was being defended. If he came in after the match has already started the deck isn't totally stacked against him.


I reckon it could go down with Reigns being on his own just before #29 comes in. We know Lesnar is in, but HHH hasn't been confirmed has he? Having that 'whose it going to be?' moment for the live crowd could be quite fun. If Lesnar comes in #29, you've still got the possibility of #30 being a suprise entrant, who obviously won't be AJ Styles

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Logically, it would make sense for Reigns to be number 1 seeing as they are treating it as a title threat, but that tombola segment was brutal to sit through. It made Vince look even more feeble than he currently does. I think Vince has fallen into that category of old wrestlers/characters that were once brilliant, but now whenever you see them, it always feels like one appearance too many.

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I reckon it could go down with Reigns being on his own just before #29 comes in. We know Lesnar is in, but HHH hasn't been confirmed has he? Having that 'whose it going to be?' moment for the live crowd could be quite fun. If Lesnar comes in #29, you've still got the possibility of #30 being a suprise entrant, who obviously won't be AJ Styles


Great idea but I can't help but think one of the Uso's would come out at number 30. People wanting Lesnar, HHH, Bryan or AJ Styles and Jimmy Uso comes out to be eliminated by Reigns. The entertainment value in watching the WWE Universe implode on itself would be worth it.

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The Wyatts standing strong at the end was the only thing I liked about the show. Even the in-ring sucked this week, to such an extent that Brie Bella versus Natalya was the best match on the show. Onwards, eh?

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How bad was that Vince/Steph segment, seriously, I watch it and I'm sat here thinking "someone wrote this, AND thought it was good enough to put on TV in front of millions of people, who will watch it, and listen to it". I am dumfounded.


The opening segment just blew my mind, how can Jericho just make a match, and then declare himself the referee!!!! IT MAKES NO SENSE. NOTHING.


The New Day funeral bit was the only thing that cheered me up, "Canadian Kneecap".


I can't remember every single one but of the big 3 PPV's, Rumble, Mania and S'Slam this go home show takes some beating as being the most lacklustre I can recall.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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It feels like they never fully let themselves go. The shackles are still on, even if they've been loosened. That fucking Reigns and Lesnar GIF is the epitome. I suppose they've had the Attitude Era bubble burst, throwing everything at Lesnar who then fucked off, let Benoit win the title who flops as a champ and gets erased from history, let Punk do his pipe-bomb who then rips the company and fucks off to UFC, and lets Bryan have his moment in the sun who is now fucked.


You can see why they play it safe, especially with the lack of wrestling competition. It's just a shame that they have everything im place for an amazing show but they're so comfortable within their parameters. Even that Bryan hi-jack Raw thing was lame as fuck - that could have been made to look so much more authentic and interesting but it was naff. I look forward to the old guard in creative and, much as I respect what he's done, Vince being usurped.

Edited by Sphinx
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