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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Another really run of the mill show was lifted by Kalisto's shocking US Title win and Lesnar throwing some people around.


The "one vs. all" main event that was essentially Reigns vs. Owens was ridiculous. As was the fact that when it came time for "all" to attack Roman, several people just vanished!


The opening segment was a mess again. Vince is done. Put the bullet in his head.

I did notice that. The Wyatts just seemed to wonder off. I guess that they did not want Brock throwing them around, leading me to believe that they are going the route of having the Wyatts eliminate Brock from the Rumble and Lesnar/Wyatt at Mania.

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That Del Rio vs Kalisto match was my favourite thing on Raw for ages, good promo by Del Rio beforehand, showed some passion finally, really good match and the underdog victory for a feel good moment.


Great stuff, Kalisto could be a star I reckon, the people are genuinely behind him, seems a decent, humble sort of guy, stick him in more underdog matches against big guys and watch the merchandise fly off the shelves.

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It was so obvious that they had absolutely no idea what that main event was supposed to be. They came up with a name and then didn't have time to devise a match. So it was essentially a shit singles match with a run in. They're running on about 10 failures for every one successful story/angle/segment. At least the women are finally doing something decent. Amazing what happens when you get rid of Paige and the Bellas.

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Great stuff, Kalisto could be a star I reckon, the people are genuinely behind him, seems a decent, humble sort of guy, stick him in more underdog matches against big guys and watch the merchandise fly off the shelves.

Let's see if he drops it back on Smackdown before we get excited!


Amazing what happens when you get rid of Paige and the Bellas.


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What are the odds on WWE bringing back Mysterio for a short run and giving Kalisto a rub at Mania? Probably very unlikely, but haven't there been rumours about WWE trying to bring him back? If his knees can handle it, a nice little match with Kalisto could be decent. Lord knows they could do with another big-ish name for the event and it could raise Kalisto's profile too.


Plus they can finally do that mask record thing they've supposedly wanted to do at Mania, whatever that was about.

Edited by PunkStep
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Everyone sat through a 15 minute chin lock waiting for Brock to turn up, could have been so different. Brock comes in rescues Reigns from the beat down and then says I'm saving you to the main event of WM. 


The whole Vince authority stuff now is just FFWD now, it is just a rehash of everything done in the last few years, even New Day have been ruined and god knows what Jericho is meant to be. 

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Definitely. People are still buying Sin Cara's shit, and he's been A) rotten and B) pretty much treated as such too. Imagine how many masks Kalisto will shift with a nice guided push. The number of upsides he has compared to both Sin Cara's is extensive.

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For some reason I've had it in my head that WWE have been wanting to push him for a little while, with the win over Ryback recently and then the following saves Ryback made for him in the following shows, so Sin Cara going down might have been a blessing for WWE.

He's a solid worker, and has all sorts of crazy things in the bag to use as/when he needs it. He'd be a decent upper-mid card guy to have about for a while.


Then again Del Rio will probably muller him on Smackdown.

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Oh he's definitely been groomed as heir apparent to Rey after their Mistico project failed, that's for sure. He is perfect to step into his boots, much more than Sin Cara. Speaks English, works the crowd well, draws sympathy, YOU CAN SEE HIS FUCKING EYES, doesn't have his mouth covered with his mask so his promos don't sound like the original Smackdown theme. Plus his music is much more catchy than the dreary Enigma-sounding theme that was based on Mistico's theme in Mexico.

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Yeah, I think a Kalisto singles push has been bubbling under for a while, at very least since the big spot at TLC and subsequent Slammy Award. Sin Cara's injury has actually come at quite a convenient time I think, although I suppose they could have done an injury angle with del Rio taking him out to advance the feud with Kalisto, or similar. I think Sin Cara's days in the company might be numbered, now.


By the way, ESPN have just announced that the National Championship game gained the 3rd highest rating in the network's history, so the Raw rating might be a little bit ugly. (It was much better than Raw too. And the good guys won.)

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Have the obligatory feud with Sin Cara when he comes back, leading to Mask vs Mask or something, (Thats forgetting this Sin Cara has been unmasked previously by the old Sin Cara), then fire him or something.


I used to feel bad for Sin Cara (the new one) as he seemed to be the better of the 2 Cara's.......although he looks shite recently, like in all areas, his body shape, his effort in the ring, everything.

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