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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I need more time to process what they've done to the Rumble. Can't tell if I like or hate it. The main event was fairly fun until Steph & the multiple refs (good name for a band). I loved someone else's idea of HHH coming out followed by The Rock for the save, so anything less wasn't really gonna satisfy me.

Enjoyed the Charlotte/Becky match and angle, one of the finer things to come from the Divas Rev...why is that match happening on bloody Smackdown?

Popped big time for Heath and the jobbers (another decent name for a band) pinning Ziggler. Probably just to big up a few scrubs for the Rumble but we'll see where this leads, they probably deserve a modicum of effort before they're future-endeavour'd

New Day's new 'tron is awesome, obvs. The reveal of Jericho was nicely done, but difficult to care once he came out. Rooty tooty booty, ey? 6.5/10 - better than tater tots and Justin Bieber as far as "hey, chant this, WWE Universe!" goes

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I would love to see Lesnar suplex city Daniel Bryan over the top rope to piss off the fans.


Daniel Bryan, who is currently looking for a third doctor's opinion as to whether he should ever wrestle again - WWE's doctor saying "No," Nick Riviera saying "YES! YES! YES! everybody" - is not getting suplexed by Brock Lesnar any time soon. Or in my opinion, ever.


While we're at it, Megabucks, even assuming WWE would ever let Kurt Angle wrestle on their watch again - and I don't think they will - he's still contracted to TNA. The Rumble takes place the weekend before TNA's tour over here which Angle is appearing on.


Lesnar, on the other hand, I think will be in it. It will take all four Wyatts to throw him out.

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I won't lie, I am slightly disappointed that my "Cena wins Rumble, wrestles Reigns at Mania, loses clean" prediction from summer through to yesterday may not come true. Cena passing the torch to the next top babyface in a way Austin didn't get chance to and Hogan never did... that's the ideal for me.


If they don't go with that for WrestleMania 32, what are the odds they save it for 33? They absolutely should, but at some point they're going to be in a "well, it's that or he's defending it against Del Rio" situation and end up doing it at SummerSlam or Night of Champions or something.


It's an interesting point about post-WrestleMania, Reigns bringing heels up to his level. Austin did it with Dude Love after WrestleMania 14, but are there many other cases of it since? I suppose most years, there hasn't been such a lack of candidates that it'd take such a Herculean effort.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Rock eventually was used to attempt to elevate Benoit then Angle once he'd finished his hot potato with Triple H, I suppose. They stuck Lesnar with an incredibly green John Cena the month after WrestleMania XIX but that was smack in the middle of a card sold on Rock/Goldberg so nobody really paid any attention.

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What a cluster fuck of a main event, what the hell happened with Vince at the end, was he supposed to stay down facing the tron, or even out on the floor, he was up, and staring right at Sheamus when he had the pin, just count the 3 you old fool, he then fell backwards and beckoned Armstrong.


Vince looks bad, real bad, embarrassing stuff.

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Decent start to the year, the main event was a clusterfuck at the end but they got me believing Sheamus might win so it was a good effort.


Reigns defending the title in the Rumble is something fresh and if HHH/Reigns is going to be the main event at Wrestlemania then  it will have had a strong build, which is something they lack at Mania nowadays with all the part timers coming in at the last minute. Lesnar's kinda the odd man out this year with Cena likely facing Taker so interested to see if they set anything up for him at the Rumble.


Solid wrestling otherwise with the likes of Owens/Neville and Charlotte/Becky, though nothing much worth talking about other than the main event. Saddens me how little I care about Chris Jericho returning nowadays though as he was one of my favourites. He just never seems to do anything worthwhile when he returns, but hopefully that changes this time.

Edited by AndyUK
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I think roman putting the belt on the line for the rumble match gives it a huge shake up, If they take the belt of roman now i beleve that to be that things just haven't worked out as well as creative had hoped. Giving it to HHH to hold onto till mania seems pointless.

Raw just seems to be really mixed up within itself at the moment, You know what they say too many cooks spoil the broth

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HHH/Reigns at Mania will not get Roman cheered, I can guarantee you that.


HHH could beat the shit out of Roman's daughter on the Raw before hand and the Mania crowd would still want him to win.


I couldn't agree more if this is the way there going with this angle it is a loose loose situation for Reigns.

They want to build another superhero like john cena but Reigns just isn't that guy

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if Smackdown has 2 title matches this week and they're making a bigger deal of it on it's switch to USA, would it be worth digging out the buried Smackdown thread wherever that is?

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if Smackdown has 2 title matches this week and they're making a bigger deal of it on it's switch to USA, would it be worth digging out the buried Smackdown thread wherever that is?

Absolutely, if it's going to start being relevant then we might actually need to discuss it. I wonder what was last discussed in that thread? Daniel Bryan's Smackdown saviour campaign from early last year perhaps?

Edited by PunkStep
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It hardly ruined New Day - but yeah it was pretty weak. Saying that, the live crowd were glad to see him and i'd imagine casual fans would be pretty happy that Jericho is back.


Any 'name' coming back t o help out these days is fine by me. Jericho is one of the most unselfish blokes on the roster as well so if anything this return will be to attempt to put someone over. If anything Jericho has become too unselfish over the last couple of years - a win over him means far less than really it should - beating a former IC and World Champion from the Attitude Era should be huge - but he's lost so much it isnt. It's noteworthy though.


New Day will be just fine - there schtick is meant for stuff like this.

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