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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Totally agree with all. Some good things upcoming for Owens back in NXT which I'll look forward to seeing.


Surely Owens is done with NXT now? There's nothing for him to accomplish in Full Sail anymore.
So you'd think, except surely he's got to have his return match with Sami Zayn, and it would make little to no sense to do that on the main roster. I could see him ducking in and out of NXT, in the same way that the likes of Zack Ryder and to a lesser extent Cesaro and Neville have done. Edited by Daaaaaad!
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The Rusev/Ziggler thing hit new levels of shit this week, and that's a real feat. Fucking terrible. Their actual match was good but ugh this fucking angle.

2 minute women's matches #vivalarevolution. God damn was I scared Paige would beat Sasha in that time, I'm always assuming the worst with the women's booking. Hope they have Charlotte and Nikki rehearsing something that can come off as not tepid on the night, as at least we're at the meat of this clusterfuck angle now, so conceivably it could start getting good.

Why's Ryback still fuckin around with Show and Miz? This is supposed to be a rebuilding job for Ryback so stop putting him with stale opponents!

Bit annoyed HHH and Steph are seemingly gonna go back to shitty tweener roles. The Sting promo made it waaay too obvious a Rollins/HHH programme's happening. Cena was great though

Interesting how this two title defence thing is pretty much exactly the same as what ROH is doing with Jay Lethal atm.

Braun Strowman's ace, and jeez his voice. And those eyes.

More disappointed than I have a right to be they gave us Dudleyz/New Day on TV. I guess they'll throw PTP in there for the PPV, which is fine I spose, but I'm not sure I want a third team potentially sapping the evident chemistry the other 2 already have. Xavier's hair looks soft and radiant.


Alright episode, had a lot to live up to after last week

Edited by sj5522
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Lana is a waste of time now. Her change from American hating Russian to American dating bimbo is a shame.


Sting's promo was badly thought out- "And at Night of Champions, I'm gonna prove that on his best day, Seth Rollins is not half the man that Triple H is"


Fans: Erm...yay?


Has Sting forgotten that HHH beat him thanks to a sledgehammer and outside interference? How is that less weasley than what Rollins has done? 

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Lana is a waste of time now. Her change from American hating Russian to American dating bimbo is a shame.


Sting's promo was badly thought out- "And at Night of Champions, I'm gonna prove that on his best day, Seth Rollins is not half the man that Triple H is"


Fans: Erm...yay?


Has Sting forgotten that HHH beat him thanks to a sledgehammer and outside interference? How is that less weasley than what Rollins has done?

In fairness from the sounds of last night's Raw, Sting was seemingly facing a deity at Mania so he was a bit buggered. Edited by WWFChilli
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Yeah Sting having 'so much' respect for HHH is such bollox. He came to the fucking WWE in the first place to take him down! Because he can twat you with a hammer you suddenly have an undying love for him?

It's so funny if it's all down to WCW bitterness lingering to this day. Half your fanbase didn't watch wrestling until WCW went out of business! You won, okay?

Edited by sj5522
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Wasn't it explained in the Steph/Seth promo at the end that it was just to get in Seth's head and it was "the oldest trick in the book"? Sting knows that to really stand a chance at getting that WWE championship reign he's never gotten that he needs to dismantle the Authority, who are the ones making sure Rollins walks out of each PPV still champ. At the moment you can still easily view this as part of Sting's revenge for that Sledgehammer shot at mania. Look at how everything from how he debuted as Crow Sting in WCW to long it took him to finally take that spot with WWE, we know he likes to play 'the long game', who's to say that 'badly booked' handshake at the end of his mania match wasn't part of a bigger play to really hit HHH where it hurts; his legacy.


I'm probably expecting way too much there.

Edited by CoreyVandal
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What a wanky crowd. I'm utterly biased seeing as I was actually there last week, but even understanding that the crowd was never going to be as good as the previous week's, but the Tampa lot didn't seem like they could be arsed to open their mouths or get involved in anything. It was obvious from the massive lack of pop for Sting at the beginning that they weren't into it.


That said, admittedly the show wasn't exactly on fire. Sting/Rollins is okay, Cena/Rollins too, but the Dolph and Lana shit is just so crap it's not even real. It's not even interesting enough to be WrestleCrap. It's just dull.

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Meh, I watched the Sting promo and steadily got bored as the show went on, so gave up. Wrestling is hardly the most subtle thing in the world most of the time, but they may as well have had Sting or Rollins say "by the way, Triple H v Rollins is probably happening in the next few months, we're manufacturing friction yo". The lines about the feud and the way they were crammed into the promos were well off, I thought. Then again, maybe I'm being a nit picking cock and am steadily losing interest in the WWE product again.


Still odd and brilliant seeing Sting turn up on Raw.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Still odd and brilliant seeing Sting turn up on Raw.


I kinda feel the same as I felt about Bret Hart in WCW. It doesn't feel right...


But you can't turn away. And obviously Sting has been in some cracking segments on Raws etc. But still it's just a bit odd...

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Crap show. The Ziggler stuff was terrible.


The Rollins stuff was just weird. Sting returning, and his first shot at the WWE title, and it's all secondary to him setting up a Rollins vs Triple H feud.


The Dudleys vs New Day already was an utter waste. 


The Braun Strowman bit was okay.


The divas didn't get as much time to be boring this week, so that was an improvement on most weeks. The promos weren't, though. Hopefully now there's a singles match to focus on, they can get rehearsing and narrow the story a bit.


Cesaro vs Owens was just treading water.


Were Orton and Sheamus on?

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Yeah, fucking shite show. Can't think of anything memorable that happened except the massive wrestlecrap that was the Ziggler angle. Did anyone else get a massive ANGLE ALERT signal the second there was a door with Dolph fucking Ziggler's name on it.


Agree with Pitcos, the Sting stuff really is just a build to Trips vs. Rollins.


And now we get Rollins twice on the same show. FFS.


Put me down for Cena vs. Sting though. Except I really want to see Surfer Sting vs. Cena.


A to F in one week. Impressive even for them.

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