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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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This show was utterly fast-forwardable. The never-ending closing beat downs can fuck the fuck off. Even during the height of the nWo angle, that shit was the worst bit of every show. On here, it's suicide inducing.


Had to laugh at the big "Dolph and Lana go public" tease before the ads. Their entire relationship has played out on TV. How can that possibly not be public?


Few general thoughts:


When was the last great promo in WWE? I was thiking about this during Rollins loooooong opening. There was nothing wrong with Rollins delivery and some of the material was decent but it hit home how few memorable promos we get these days. They seem to fall into four categories.


1. Long promos like this one or the majority of John Cena's where they are well delivered and have a few good lines but have no focus, no structure and no real point.


2. Short and sweet to avoid exposing guys like Ryback.


3. Well delivered but totally repetitive to the point where nothing stands out a week later. Like Wyatt especially but also New Day and others.


4. Utter shit. Like Ziggler's on this show. Imagine the worst, most poorly acted, unconvincing, wooden rom-com you've ever seen. And then realise that compared to Ziggler - that was fucking Broadway.


I'm struggling to recall the last stand-out promos. I can't think of many since Punk's sit-down on stage and John Cena destroying The Rock. And they were fucking years ago now.


Something else is the myth they often peddle about how unimportant booking is and how the guys have to "grab the brass ring". We saw that disproved recently with Dean Ambrose and its been utterly debunked with Wyatt. He looked like a star again appearing from nowhere, throwing Reigns around and standing tall. And the crowd utterly buy it. But they just cannot be arsed or are too fucking stupid to capitalise. Once he loses to Reigns, he'll be back to talking nonsense and pissing about with some lump. Such a shame.


Highlight was another PPV quality match (by previous standards) between Cena & Cesaro. Loved the finish. You bastard Owens.

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From recent memory the last stand out promos for me was one or two from the Wyatt Family vs Shield feud from both sides and Wyatts in the lead up to his match with Cena at Mania. 


Having said that I do enjoy the New Day and right now they seem to be the most fun act on the show.

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Christ, looks like WWE are finally killing tiger rick's enthusiasm for their product.


They should just let Cena do an hour of whatever he wants. Almost nothing else (and I include Lesnar's dull reappearance after going all Stone Cold) is cutting it, at the minute.

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this episode was really bad, yeah. I rarely even say that.. The opening segment was decently amusing, but screams FOLLOWING THE SHOW FORMAT NO MATTER WHAT, one of these days a Raw episode will break the formula for once and I'll lose my shit. They could have Fandango v Mark Henry and I'd be excited cos no obligatory 20 minute promo.

This is the trouble with main-eventing part-timers, the heels have gotta carry it for weeks now, this is pretty shit.

The beatdown at the end was so badly done. Dragged so much and rather than Wyatt coming back out to pick the bones, he should've been the vital part of why the beatdown was successful, it might help build this shit feud a bit. The way they did it was completely pants though


Worst part was the Ziggler stuff though, obviously. Was so cringe hearing Dolph attempting to explain how he had 'gradually fallen in love wiith this woman', when Rusev came out with Summer Rae, I went outside for a cigarette even though I'm allowed to smoke indoors - was fucking freezing as well. Got back in and there's a 'chick fite!!!!!1'. Kill me


Think I said a while ago to make the E the very best it can be, every promo contains Cena and every match has Cesaro in it. Point proven.

Edited by sj5522
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I know you shouldnt judge anything by reading spoilers, but from what I've read about that Ziggler/Rusev segment I'm terrified to watch it. It reads like the worst thing ever.

From Rusev coming out it was just crap melodrama with a pretty average cat fight. The bit before was some of the most skin crawling stuff I've ever seen.

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The opening promos are just dreadful. Even if they started with a beatdown instead of having it at the end every week it might make it slightly less tedious. Ultimately their writers stuck, the formula sucks and the execution, save for Cena, Owens and occasionally Heyman, sucks also. Bad times.

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It sucks to see their lack of care feeding down. They decide to stop Barrett's crazy losing streak by feeding him jobbers like Ryder and Swagger, which is fair do's, but then you don't give Barrett 2 minutes of mic time after it? What's the point? Where's the story?

Edited by sj5522
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That Dolph and Lana segment was just pure cringe. I've never been happier to hear Rusev's music hit. Surely Lana will be seeing some in ring action at Battleground in a mixed tag match. Bray Wyatt's promos really bore me now. And was anyone else expecting  J & J's new car to get smashed up before the show ended? I'm actually amazed it didn't.

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I enjoyed the first 90 minutes or so of the show. They went from one thing to the next quite quickly, the crowd were really hot. Rollins amused me in the opening segment. I liked the build to the IC Title 3-way that they did here. The Divas match even had some drama.


Then, you had the really good Cena vs Cesaro match and extended version of the 8-man from Smackdown. Unfortunately, they ran out of fun things. By the time we had to put up with Barrett vs Swagger, they'd killed the crowd, and the main event couldn't quite get them back.


I have no words for the Ziggler segment.

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I quite liked the opening segment, reminded me a little of The Rock when he was in The Nation, minus humiliating Faarooq.


I think what WWE needs is semi-regular appearances from Rufus 'Pancake' Patterson. I keep watching that PTP skit from a couple of years ago and it kills me every time, Titus is brilliant. Plenty of charisma.

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