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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Lesnar would be a much bigger asset if they were using the old PPV model. Having him pop up once in a blue moon doesn't work with the Network structure- too many casual/lapsed fans check in with WWE every now and then, only to see they have no champion, and they conclude, "Wow, WWE's gone a bit shit," so they're less inclined to spend money, even if it is only $9.99.


It doesn't really excuse the way they're using him though. Fair enough if they're resigned to the idea that Lesnar's heading back to UFC, but if you're paying him all this money, get your money's worth! The fact that they basically wasted a Lesnar appearance on him standing around is mind-boggling.

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More than one appearance has been him showing up unannounced and unadvertised and then standing about doing nothing. Sometimes even without his belt.
Not sure why or how people are still trying to defend his run as any benefit to anyone; it's not even a benefit to himself.

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If Lesnar's run is ending at Wrestlemania, it'll be interesting to look back and see if people considered it a success or not.


On paper, going in, it felt like a sure fire hit for him to come back to WWE. And whilst there have been moments of greatness (the pop his return got, ending the streak, that great match with Punk, murdering Cena at Summerslam), there's been just as many misfires (the Triple H feud going on forever and being dreadfully mediocre, the Taker match being absolute dog shit until the finish, losing to Cena in his first match back, this weird handling of him since his most recent return, etc.).


Should he fuck off after Mania I also think it'd be a waste that we never got Brock vs. Orton. It seemed such a logical pairing to make when Brock came back, it'd be a shame if we never got that match, epeacially considering how many times we've had him against Hunter and Cena.


I also reckon Brock vs. Rock would have been a tonne of fun too. It's crazy how close we were to seeing that angle until Rock bailed.

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They had the perfect chance to do Brock/Orton at Survivor Series, which I think was in Orton's home town.


They could have had him beat Cena at HIAC maybe with unwanted help from Rollins, and then you could have had Rollins put Orton out of action at SS instead of a few weeks before when it felt like he was getting hot again.


Anyway, I really can't see Brock going into Mania champion, I can't believe that they are going to have there top guy coming off worse against him 3 times in a row when in all likely Brock is off after Mania.


Cena/Reigns to headline Mania is my shout.

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I didn't mind Brock being the absent champion at first but it's gone on for way too long now. It's not done him, the other main eventers or the belt any favours. In hindsight, Rollins should have won it at NOC. 


The worry I have for Cena vs Reigns going on last at Wrestlemania is that there's a good chance the fans will shit on it.

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More than one appearance has been him showing up unannounced and unadvertised and then standing about doing nothing. Sometimes even without his belt.

Not sure why or how people are still trying to defend his run as any benefit to anyone; it's not even a benefit to himself.


I can't defend the way they've booked him. And you are fucking spot on about the unadvertised appearances, that is madness. But I'm still waiting to see how it plays out before I judge it. All this has been to set up big buys and a big angle when he loses the belt. 

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With Lawler hospitalised, Booker T is doing commentary tonight on Raw. I don't see why WWE insist on more than two commentators at the table nowadays, everyone talks over each other, goes on tangents, and generally the whole thing's a mess.


I actually feel bad for Michael Cole. All the shit he's asked to do, saddled with JBL (who could be great, but chooses not to give a shit), and now "shucky ducky quack quack". Poor bastard.

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