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I'd say Lesnar beating Reigns, narrowly, then Rollins cashing in on Lesnar would be a better option. Reigns can come close and get his rematch with Lesnar at some point. But you also have Rollins being chased by both Reigns and Lesnar. Lesnar can automatically turn face that way too.

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I'd say Lesnar beating Reigns, narrowly, then Rollins cashing in on Lesnar would be a better option. Reigns can come close and get his rematch with Lesnar at some point. But you also have Rollins being chased by both Reigns and Lesnar. Lesnar can automatically turn face that way too.

Not if Lesnar is off after Mania, as is the speculation. If Reigns is in the main event, he has to win it, otherwise everything before it would be a great big waste. It'd be like Ryback but on a much larger scale. Edited by PunkStep
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If I'm Vince and Lesnar is going after Wrestlemania for definite, I'm getting the title off him at the Rumble as I don't want the more knowledgeable crowd shitting all over my Wrestlemania main event and ruining the torch passing because they know he's off like XX.

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It won't be exactly like that though, will it? Goldberg was also leaving, I think that's the big reason they shat over it, as both of them were going.


Back then he was seen as the new big hope, then within two years he's fucking off, whinging about the schedule and having to wrestler Bob Holly or something. This time around I think the crowd are just grateful to see him in any capacity, maybe I'm naive but I don't think even the smart-strong Mania crowd well get on his case this time around.

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It's a different time though isn't it. Back then the crowd needed a good reason to shit on Goldberg. Now all someone has to do is not be Daniel Bryan and there's a danger the "more knowledgeable" crowd will turn against them.

If everyone knows Lesnar is leaving and they keep being less than subtle about how much of a lob on they have for Reigns, it'll be exactly the same as Wrestlemania XX.

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In that case, that wouldn't be a bad thing. If Brock is the heel and the crowd give him shit, whilst getting right behind Reigns in the process, job done.


If they get behind Reigns, rather than spit the dummy because the machine's behind him and he's not Daniel Bryan, and I don't think a positive reaction for Reigns is guaranteed from that crowd if he's got the rocket strapped to him.

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I saw someone on here recently mention that the people who still boo Cena probably don't even remember why they boo'd him in the first place but just in case anyone forgot, it's because he was pushed too fast, too soon and was a green as fuck worker main eventing shows with the likes of Angle, Benoit, Guerrero, etc on the undercard. He was over exposed and looked really poor in comparison to others not getting anywhere near the push he was and so there was a backlash.


Reigns is still getting great reactions but he's not a very good promo and his singles matches haven't been all that great. At least Cena had decent mic work. It puts WWE in a tricky position but hopefully they can see where they went wrong with Cena and protect Reigns from a similar fate.

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I saw someone on here recently mention that the people who still boo Cena probably don't even remember why they boo'd him in the first place but just in case anyone forgot, it's because he was pushed too fast, too soon and was a green as fuck worker main eventing shows with the likes of Angle, Benoit, Guerrero, etc on the undercard. He was over exposed and looked really poor in comparison to others not getting anywhere near the push he was and so there was a backlash.


I don't think that's right.


As I recall, the speed with which Cena was pushed and how green he was compared to the rest of the roster had almost nothing to do with the backlash. He was already WWE Champion and was still beloved when he got traded from Smackdown to Raw. What truly started the backlash was when his character began to change around that time, becoming more and more cartoony and cutting more and more of those, "JBL is poopy," promos. Those promos were fine when he was feuding with JBL, but once he came over to RAW and began feuding with cool heels like Christian and Jericho, that's when the crack began to show, the boos began to get louder and the duelling chants really took off. In fact, I'm almost certain you can pinpoint the first women and kids vs. adult males "Let's got Cena....Cena's sucks!" chant to his match with Jericho at Summerslam 2005. Jericho was portraying himself as the cool rockstar, Cena was turning into this weird rapper-aimed-at-children guy, and the adult males in the crowd chose accordingly. It snowballed from there.


But yeah, whilst Cena's in-ring work probably played an eventual part in the backlash, it certainly isn't what I'd call the main catalyst. That was simply his character transformation at the time co-inciding on who he was feuding with. I know it seems hard to believe now, but Christian was cool as fuck back then.


The point remains though, that the same thing could still happen to Roman Reigns. Like sweary-rapper John Cena turning into a child-friendly chap with bad material, you can already see Reigns going the same way. That bad ass who destroyed everyone a year ago is now a smiley pretty boy who stutters through badly worded promos.

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I could take to Reigns but I need four things to happen:


1) Change his outfit. It sucks.


2) Stop the coming through the crowd bit. It doesn't fit his character.


3) Drop the Superman Punch. It's awful.


4) Don't let him talk. Ever. Silent sheriffs are great.

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