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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Good Raw again,Triple H and Steph are brilliant in their roles,particularly liked HHH hiding behind Steph with a smirk on his face when Show threatened to clatter him.Ryback was good value again this week too,plus he beat that tosser Ziggler which is a bonus.Ricardo has to be turning on RVD at Night of Champions.


Also that Jojo one seems to have grown a cracking arse since Total Divas was filmed.

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I'm sort of hoping we get Ryback/RVD, in a battle of the singlets, after RVD has taken the title off of ADR (fingers crossed).


I guess it's pretty easy to set up, you can have RVD out of the arena for some reason and have Ryback pull his bullying shit on Ricardo (to make him more sympathetic, have Ricardo white knight for some poor soul only to get the bullying himself).


I like Ryback. I want to really like Ryback but they need to give him something proper to chew on soon.


Actually, fuck that for a minute, they owe him something proper to chew on for how much they've messed his character up over the past year and to his MASSIVE credit he's managed to keep some presence, some aura and stay there or thereabouts.

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I think they figure it's a fake story and it doesn't really matter that much.


They've figured that with pretty much every aspect of the current Big Show storyline.

and they've been right.

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The last couple of weeks I've thought "Oh wow, Big Show is quite a good actor" until this week when it hit me that he only has one sad emotion, crying like a baby. There's no range of emotions there, it's not like a scale where he goes from a bit upset to devastated, he just cries. Pretty shit and is starting to make some of the segments look bad.

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Yeah JBL's commentary standard has definitely dropped, probably to do with the fact he's on two shows weekly now. That plus he lives in Bermuda and so doesn't really have to give a fuck. I don't think he's quite as bad as Annoying Michael Cole, but that's mostly because I'm used to him as a heel character.

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I think they figure it's a fake story and it doesn't really matter that much.


They've figured that with pretty much every aspect of the current Big Show storyline.

and they've been right.

Ehhhh, not so much for me. When the story so carelessly and unnecessarily contradicts WWE's own logic and backstory, it's starting to come off as "Look! Big Show can cry on cue! This is drama!" They've overegged his pudding this week.


Daniel Bryan was a right little bell-end on this show as well, but that was very consistent with his character and the weak link stuff.

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Honestly I'm more bothere by the iron clad contract stuff because that directly contradicts the story they've presented. At no point did I stop and think "hang on, aren't they basically the same age?" though. Maybe I'm in the massive minority though

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It's all a load of shit with Big Show. His ironclad contract that's not ironclad, Stephanie confusing him with Andre, and him being scared to have a wrestling match in case he kills Daniel Bryan. I like Show and he's good at his part, but I've had enough of him crying over nonsense now. I'd rather him have been kept off another month or two and then brought back as the bloke with an ironclad contract who HHH couldn't push about.

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I don't know why they've run themselves dizzy with this Big Show angle. Surely, if you desperately want to use him in this role then you go back to wrestling logic 101; the titles are the most important thing to a wrestler.


You could have the same angle; The Shield battering Bryan, Triple H bullying everyone, threatening to fire everyone if they interfered, only for Big Show to puff his chest and start a walking towards the action. Then Triple H can play his trump card; 'you might have an ironclad contract, I might not be able to fire you but as long as I'm COO you'll be lucky to get on Superstars. If you don't do exactly as I say then you'll never wrestle for a title ever again..'


If they still wanted to go the money route, they could say that owning a title triples a wrestlers revenue.


Surely it'd have made more sense.

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Then Triple H can play his trump card; 'you might have an ironclad contract, I might not be able to fire you but as long as I'm COO you'll be lucky to get on Superstars. If you don't do exactly as I say then you'll never wrestle for a title ever again..'


If they still wanted to go the money route, they could say that owning a title triples a wrestlers revenue.


Surely it'd have made more sense.

I would have gone with a loophole in that they can not fire him but they can give him a indefinite unpaid suspension which in many ways is worse then been fired as if you fire him he can get another job but if he is just suspended he can't

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