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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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The Bellas thing was bad, but nowhere near as bad as I was expecting. Nikki was alright in parts of it, particularly with Lawler. I liked her line about all the guys fantasising about a twin threesome but being too fat and ugly to ever have it... So she'll sit on her sister's face while sucking you off, but only if you're good-looking and ripped.


It was good to see Roman Reigns finally remember Seth Rollins, but I'm finding the continuity of this storyline very uninvolving. They put all the work into Ambrose vs Rollins and shifting Reigns back over now doesn't do anyone any favours. Where was Randy Orton anyway?


One thing I got from reading the results (forgot to tape it - d'oh) is that they have some serious trust in Bray Wyatt. I don't think the Cena beating means they see him as disposable, and nor do I think they've decided he's going to be pushed down the card. More that they think his character can take that and recover quickly.

He can, because his character is pretty rubbish in wrestling terms. Wins and losses make no odds to him at all. He's fairly entertaining, but there's nothing to get invested in when it comes to stakes and results of his matches.

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I didn't enjoy the Cena stuff this week at all. It's only been 2 weeks since he's had the biggest beating of his life. Put some fucking bandages on him and a fake black eye/bruises to really sell the beat down. The story would be a lot more interesting if they kept Cena out of the ring for the moment, having him say he's going to fight Brock again and win but no one believes him, all the other wrestlers and commentators show doubt and have Cena get owned by Heyman in promos, showing fear and weakness...then in the last show before NOC Brock and Cena come face to face...Brock punks him out, Cena looks scared and about to bottle it before hammering Brock and sending him out the ring. That's how I would do it. What they did last night was the same old thing, the fans don't buy it and it made the Wyatt's look like shit. Remember back in Jan-March when they were the hottest thing going at the time? It's amazing how WWE can get some things so right and then other so shit in such a short period of time.

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Yeah, I'm not trying to come across as having a Cena sux/can't sell attitude here but it annoyed me to see him like that too. He'd been taken apart in the most convincingly destructive fashion perhaps ever the night before. I know the superman act is part of his gimmick and I can accept that but it'd have been nice to see him selling the Lesnar beating more on Raw.

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I cant see Cena losing, a normal face cant take a beating and loss like that and not come back for revenge and the win without looking weak, Cena is on a different level with his 'never give up' stuff, if he loses at NOC then he'll come back for Hell in the Cell and so on unless maybe Seth Rollins or someone takes his focus off the title/lesnar 

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If Cena wins at NOC, a month after what happened at SS, esp what Brock did to him, it would be pointless and stupid IMO and they may as well not have given Brock the damn belt. But of course everything must lead to Cena, right.

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I agree, Lesnar being champion is so fresh and unpredictable it would be a huge waste so early.


Cena has been on top and champion for most of 9 years,I enjoy him but for the most part he's beyond stale and often doesnt add anything fresh to a feud, his promo's are usually great but mostly are just 'Im here for my true fans despite the boos, I love wwe, never back down'.


I do dislike how they still try and paint him as an underdog that 'defies' the odds, its probably part of the reason some fans dislike him

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After ranting about the way Reigns has not really progressed since the break up whilst his two ex-Shield partners have I must say I was very happy with the whole Rollins and Reigns stuff happening on this week's show.


I recorded Raw last night and was getting eating my lunch watching today as Rollins was doing his eulogy for Ambrose and when I heard Reigns' music (granted it is still The Shield music and he still has the same attire I've been moaning about) I actually stopped eating to look up at the TV and make sure I wasn't hearing things. It's about time Reigns decided to get revenge on Rollins, I must say I'm surprised it's taken this long, especially as he's the guy Rollins initially belted with the steel chair. But anyway back on topic, yeah I loved it, Reigns going after Rollins, throwing him around the ring and using the stand to hit him was great. The actual match was very good too and showing how Rollins was planning to do the same trick with the blocks that he did to Ambrose, only for Reigns to end up throwing one at him which smashed against the ring post really was awesome.


I hope this wasn't just a week or two long thing now though and hope they proper run with it and have Rollins face Reigns at a PPV or two.


My only worry is, I reckon Ambrose will be out for a while now (think he's taking time off for one of those WWE films) and obviously no Ambrose for a while sucks a lot and what also would suck is if his return is to mess up Rollins' cash in, I do really want to see Rollins have a successful cash in but worry now that their plan would be for Ambrose to make his return by costing Rollins his cash in.

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I'm surprised (for Cena) that he didn't mention the title in the match. He wants to beat Brock up, plain and simple. How likely does a Cena win look at Night of Champions? Quite a lot of booking on this show points that way. 


Has Vince lost his bottle and can't comprehend a non-touring champion?


Aside from this, whomever's booking Swagger / Rusev is a bubble to the main event. They did the "pass out instead of submit" thing, now ref stoppage... both potential outcomes for a Cena / Lesnar match.

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Well if Cena's losing again, he needs to spend the build-up doing what he did last night on Raw, and then put up a fight at Night of Champions. So I'd say it's pointing more towards that at the moment.


The champion doesn't really matter a jot to touring, because you've got Cena on one show and Reigns on the other, but they can't really half-arse the pay-per-view lineups. Or I suppose they can, but at the rate people have been getting rid of the network, they shouldn't. The shows that Lesnar doesn't work are already the B shows, and they probably become C shows if he's swanning off with the title for months at a time.

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I would think the plan is surely for Ambrose and Rollins to face each other in a Hell in a cell match at that PPV in October, it makes logical sense as a way to keep Kane from interfering once again costing Ambrose (though of course being in a cell hasn't prevented interference in the past but I'm sure they'll skip mentioning that) 


I don't think Reigns and Orton are done with each other and would bet on that being a more likely match at NOC then a Rollins/Reigns matchup, though that does leave Rollins as a bit of a spare part at NOC, unless they lump him and Kane together as a Team in a Tag Team turmoil title match or it could be a 3 on 1 Handicap Match with Reigns vs the Authority (Orton, Kane and Rollins) which would lead to Ambrose returning to help Reigns during the match.  

Edited by MVP RULZ
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I imagine that if Reigns faces Rollins at NOC it ends in a no-contest or Rollins goes over via cheating, Kane and Orton and Rollins are all hammering on Reigns then Ambrose comes out to save the day, Reigns and Rollins stand tall.


A PPV match of Reigns/Ambrose vs Rollins/Orton (maybe in a HIAC) would be pretty good actually.

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