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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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just seems everyone who comes from NXT excluding bray wyatt goes on a mad run of 3-6 months unbeaten ending in nothing

It's only natural. The easiest way to establish someone's place in the pecking order is for them to beat the guys who are already established in the crowd's eyes to be a certain level.


Plus, you want to convince the audience that this guy is a capable fighter. You aren't doing that if he loses unless he's losing to real upper echelon talent.

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They should have Bo win the Intercontinental Title in the upcoming Battle Royal and have him go on this unbeaten streak as champion.


Will get him and the belt over and also whoever they decide to make beat him for it.

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Winning us or intercontintal belt pretty much guarantees a loss to next ppv headliner in the 3 weeks per ppv. Give him his own belt, add to his delusion.

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just seems everyone who comes from NXT excluding bray wyatt goes on a mad run of 3-6 months unbeaten ending in nothing


How else do you get someone over? You have two choices, have an undefeated streak which will ultimately end when Cena beats them, or have them lose every week to Kofi Kingston but they have some good moves so hopefully they'll still be over when they get hot shotted into a feud with Cena, which ultimately ends in them not really being over because nobody who loses to Kofi is really a threat to Cena.


There's always that middle ground though. Personally my answer would be engaging storylines / fueds and not burning through every match possibility on free TV, though I appreciate with the amount of hours they have to fill that this is pretty hard in this day and age.


Mind you there's nothing wrong with the "talented underdog who often loses" push. Did wonders for Daniel Bryan.

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I know its probaly going to be nothing but i am so excited for raw this monday soley for the sting factor. I really hope he is on.


I havent been this excited to watch a wrestling show like this for ages. Whether he is on or not its got be hyped for it.

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They could have him undefeated until Bryan comes back. Bo in the ring talking about by how he's undefeated and you can be to if you BOlieve etc then Daniel Bryan comes back and beats him.


I'd rather Bo get to 21-Bo, then get destroyed by Brock Lesnar, leaving Bo at 21-1

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just seems everyone who comes from NXT excluding bray wyatt goes on a mad run of 3-6 months unbeaten ending in nothing


How else do you get someone over? You have two choices, have an undefeated streak which will ultimately end when Cena beats them, or have them lose every week to Kofi Kingston but they have some good moves so hopefully they'll still be over when they get hot shotted into a feud with Cena, which ultimately ends in them not really being over because nobody who loses to Kofi is really a threat to Cena.


There's always that middle ground though. Personally my answer would be engaging storylines / fueds and not burning through every match possibility on free TV, though I appreciate with the amount of hours they have to fill that this is pretty hard in this day and age.


Mind you there's nothing wrong with the "talented underdog who often loses" push. Did wonders for Daniel Bryan.


I think often the problem with the pushes new talent often receive in WWE is that they are forced down the thoughts of fans in a prominent spot and its often to much to soon and it gets tiresome seeing them pushed in the same routine way, squash matches and a undefeated streak the ends when fans or the office grow tired of them or because the wrestler drops the ball and hasn't got the tools to get over properly. I think instead of force feeding them to fans and allowing them to walk before they run would really allow them to find their feet and get to grips with their abilities and were they fit in.


I think new stars should be allowed to simmer lower down the card with a small amount of promotion prior to their debut, they should have very little gimmick and they should have competitive matches and be given they opportunity to prove themselves against talent and experienced hands. A slow burn push that gives the fans the opportunity to judge for themselves wether or not they want to get behind them or not. The process should take a year or there about. Daniel Bryan and CM Punk are key examples this system works. They weren't forced upon the fans, they worked from the bottom up and were allowed to grow slowly and naturally. To much to soon doesn't work as is the case with Rusev, Ryback, Tensai, Adam Rose. Rose shouldn't have been given such a big gimmick early on because it hasn't worked and the reason being its probably a million miles from the person he really is, now that his gimmick has crashed and burned its going to he really difficult for him to pull himself back up. Its not his fault, it was to much to soon, he should have been allowed to find his own feet and be built slowly through competitive matches to see if had what it takes and if he did then gradually pushed and if not be gradually and silently pushed out the door. Its obvious WWE are desperate to create new stars because their old ones are getting....old but WWE is not doing themselves any favours by pushing the life out of new stars because the interest, excitement and buzz burns out to quick. Wrestlers need time to develop before they are pushed to the moon.


Everyone likes a under-dog story, i think new talent should pay their dues as well, Randy Orton jobbed to alot of people prior to his push as did John Cena when he he first started out. I think the problem in WWE also is that they are attempting to push to many wrestlers at one time, Rusev, Rollins, Reigns, Rollins and the Wyatts and there's not enough creativity and experienced wrestlers for them to really get over properly because there's to much going on. Only one of them can be the break out star that ultimately becomes the face of WWE and they others will probably burn out and fall by the way side when that happens. If you put all your good ideas and creative momentum behind a wrestler early on it proves difficult to maintain that creativity, especially if that wrestler hasn't got a great deal of experience or lacks in certain areas wether it be his wrestling or promo skills. There's not enough creative energy for everybody to effectively get over enough to the point were they are established enough to coast through and remain at the top of the card no matter what because they simply are who they are ie Cena, Orton, BigShow, Triple H and the like.

Edited by C-Rock
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  • Paid Members
They could have him undefeated until Bryan comes back. Bo in the ring talking about by how he's undefeated and you can be to if you BOlieve etc then Daniel Bryan comes back and beats him.


I'd rather Bo get to 21-Bo, then get destroyed by Brock Lesnar, leaving Bo at 21-1


"My client Brock Lesnar beat Bo Dallas' undefeated streak".

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  • Awards Moderator

Does anyone else think they've maybe missed a trick by having a Battle Royal for the IC title at Battleground? I'd have thought it's the best opportunity they could have to do a World Cup style tournament - or call it, say, the Intercontinental Cup.




You take Swagger (USA), Del Rio (Mexico), Sheamus (Ireland), Gabriel (South Africa), Kofi (Ghana), Khali (India), Cesaro (Switzerland) and Rusev (Russia).


The first round goes thusly:


USA vs. Ghana

Mexico vs. Ireland

India vs. Russia

South Africa vs. Switzerland


USA beats Ghana, just like in the World Cup, Del Rio cheats to beat Sheamus, Rusev powers through over Khali and South Africa/Switzerland's the filler match, which gives us Swagger vs. Del Rio and Rusev vs. Cesaro in the semis, leading to the same Swagger vs. Rusev match we're getting at Battleground anyway, but with the title on the line.



You cash in on WWE being a global entity at a time where the whole world's watching, by and large, the same thing (plus the slightly increased interest in the World Cup in America. Hell, you could have had Tim Howard present the belt to the winner)


You don't over-use the Battle Royal gimmick, seeing as it's already been done twice on a fairly large scale this year, at WrestleMania and for the US title.


You might not get as many people on the Battleground show, but you probably fill in more time if you have the semi-finals and the final on the show.


And while you still have the same midcarders having the same matches against each other, but you at least give a bit more meaning to half a dozen of them.

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They spunked Sting on that? The music was fucking awesome! if they had done that live the pop would have been huge.


I aint watched raw yet but what was the reaction of the live crowd when they showed the ad?

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