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Where do we think this Cody and Goldust thing is going?


Cody continues to give Goldy new tag partners. They lose their match every week. Cody realises he wasn't the weak link in Codydust, Goldy was. Cody turns on him.

How about who his partner is going to be next week that no one has seen or heard of before?



Sting ;) . No doubt it will be Cody in a mask with a Lucha sounding name or something like that.


I'm really liking Sandow at the minute. Not sure if he is being booked in these comedy dressup segments as a punishment for something or not, but he is certainly making them work for him.


Is Orton injured at the minute as well? The Authority just inserting him into the MITB match without qualifying made sense, but with him not being on the show at all I was just wondering.

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Be interesting to see who gets the final three spots in the MITB match. I'd say that two are Cena & possible Wyatt, but the third is a bit more interesting. Maybe one of the Shield whilst the other has a match with Seth or possibly Seth himself. HHH could even slip in there.

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If Ambrose/Rollins happens at MITB I don't expect a decisive outcome, I see that match happening (even if its a rematch) along with Reigns/Tripper at SummerSlam.

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Hopefully Undi' will be healthy by then too.


I'll PM you every post I plan to make to check it meets your approval from hereon out.

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but Sheamus is stale

...which is such a massive shame because his work is fucking excellent. That match with Barrett was brilliant. I'd love them to give these two something to actually get their teeth into. Like a unification match at SummerSlam with a build where they don't fight each other 16 times.


A Sheamus heel turn would freshen him up but I dunno what he'd do. Shield are busy and we've seen Heel Sheamus vs. Cena a shedload. Trips/Orton/Rollins/Sheamus as Evolution? Can't see the faces to oppose them though.


Brilliant stuff from The Shield this week. Great follow-up by WWE. My prediction of Ambrose being the real star after The Shield has legs I think. What a brilliant promo.

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Sheamus is an odd one. He's a truly great heavyweight wrestler and he has a great ability to adapt to any style while still maintaining his hard as a donkeys rock ring style, but he's yet to develop a character that makes me give a hoot about what he's up to.


Of course, part of that is he's rubbish at reading the lines they feed him, but none the less it's a waste of such a talented bloke to have him float about doing piss all. Certainly, he would have been a much better choice to feud with Bryan post-Mania than fucking Kane.


Bad News Barrett has grown on me. I hope he wins the MITB briefcase. Imagine him trying to cash in during a UK show.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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First full Raw I've watched in years, coming off the back of enjoying Payback.


Ambrose is great, isn't he? He talks well, sells brilliantly and sets up a great hot tag. He reminds me of Shawn Michaels as much as Pillman, and that's a good combo. He just clearly "gets it" in all aspects of the job. He's also got an incredible back story for his Career DVD. Big fan.


Reigns I can see is going to get the main event push, and he's got the size but I'm a bit cold on him at the moment because he's not selling me his character. Maybe it's the hair. He's just a bit... there.


First time I've really seen the Usos, isn't it freaky that they both look just like the Rock? The Rybaxel tag team gave me a bit of a semi though. I enjoy a power team.


Sheamus I just don't get - I can see he's a good wrestler but he bores the shit out of me. Bad News Barrett on the other hand I can get behind. And RVD may be at 50% but at least he's putting the younger guys over. Cesaro should be fine now he's with Heyman.


Where's Lesnar and Batista then?


Edit: also liked the sly dig at TNA - King said that Colter in Italian is pronounced Carter when they were talking about where Colter comes from.

Edited by Loki
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