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I don't mind them splitting up The Shield, I just hope they don't blow their load and give us every imaginable combination of Reigns vs. Ambrose, Ambrose vs. Rollins, Rollins vs. Reigns and Triple Threats that they can, as fast as they can. It's inevitable that they'll cross paths, but if they end up making it a 3 way version of Cena vs. Orton, it'll be tragic.

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Money in the Bank ladder match with the DiBiase/Luger/Tatanka story that one of them has secretly signed up with him.


That would be great actually. It would have to be Dean, or possibly him and Rollins as a tag team. Both do the dirty on Roman.


Just to carry it on a bit, if it was a 3 way match (preferably TLC) you could have it so both Seth and Dean have joined the elite, but neither of them know the other one has until after the match. HHH could come down during the match to ringside and do a few snide cheers, claps with the occasional, 'finish him off, you're the man' style comments, suggesting that someone has aligned but not giving it away. Probs give the pin to Dean and HHH enter the ring as it all unfolds.


Or this won't happen as Ian has posted something interesting below

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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Looks like WWE mag or the kids version. I wonder if that's an editorial oversight from an interview conducted pre-Mania, with the planned split before the face turn.


That's what I assumed, but Ethan from boro and Mark from Essex threw me

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For the last few years, the WWE magazines that come out here are different to the US ones. I think there's a lot of crossover with the US edition of the main magazine, but the kids one is probably very different to the US version. Possibly to the same cringeworthy extent as that Chris Benoit "come in for your tea, love, your mam's on the phone" story in Take a Break or whatever it was.

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Not so sure about that. Before their face run, The Shield were mercenaries for hire. The Shield dressed it up as doing it for "justice", but they essentially sided with the blokes that were willing to give them something in return for their services, whether that be Heyman or The Authority.


It would make sense for one of them to default back to their rotten ways, by joining back up with The Authority. It's not like, from a storyline standpoint, there is nothing to gain joining up with the powerful higher ups.


I'd love Rollins and Ambrose to turn on Reigns and have a feud that is essentially the World v Reigns. One feud that really pushed Goldberg to the next level was when he feuded with the 50 members of the Flock. It made Goldberg seem like the baddest man on the Planet, as he ran through the Flock to get his hands on Raven.

Maybe have Reigns eventually batter everybody, leading Triple H to get desperate and call in a man that nearly ended his career, Brock Lesnar. Built right (i.e. maybe not my fantasy booking pish), Lesnar v Reigns is a tit wank of a match.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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It's taken me a few days to build up enough enthusiasm to post my thoughts on Raw, which I watched live in its entirety, because....


I get the overwhelming feeling of the WWE as a plane cruising at a set altitude right now - absolutely nothing is happening of note. Dead bloody boring.


.... they're basically this.


The only thing that held my attention was the character development of Alicia because it feels like a novelty having a Diva on the main roster actually have character without having to watch Total Divas to know what they're all about. Summer-Rae used to be with Fandango, now she isn't, great. Bree's character is limited to "Nikki's sister"/"Daniel Bryan's wife." At least Alicia is getting some personality. It's a shame it coincides with a PPV match which will basically just be a longer version of one they've given away for free on TV three times within the last month. I know nobody actually buys the PPV based on the womens title match (or indeed normally any ONE match) but they could at least have preserved interested in Paige v Alicia by not having them wrestle quite so many times on TV. It's unthinkable to think a match has been overdone when one participant has been on the roster for less than two months, but they've managed it.


As for the rest of the show, even the segments involving wrestlers I'm interested or invested in, were dull to me. I was not remotely interested in Cesaro v RVD because to be honest, I've been/will be bored of Van Dam since the day he debuted in TNA until the day he retires. Announcing the contract signing was farcical because you don't have to be watching for very long to know that "contract signing" angles always degenerate into violence, and I always find it a bit off to only get the contracts signed after they've been promoting the match as happening for weeks... but that's throwing unnecessary logic at a show that (let's remember) is predominantly for kids, not anally retentive manchildren like me.


On a final note specifically from the fapper's point of view, I was really impressed with Eva Marie's winning cradle on Summer-Rae because of how tight it was, and how she got the full body weight on top. Most schoolboy/schoolgirl finishes look really crap and loose because of how little weight is actually supposed to be keeping the victim curled up with their shoulders down, but that actually looked like someone trying to keep someone down.

Edited by air_raid
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It's a shame it coincides with a PPV match which will basically just be a longer version of one they've given away for free on TV three times within the last month.

It's not a guarantee that it'll be longer. WWE does this all the time, with the men as well as the women. Sheamus and Cesaro have had at least two TV matches in the last month, and I'd expect the PPV match to not be much longer than those. The TV shows are full of matches that are on par with the big event matches, rather than being full of stuff that makes people excited to see the big event matches. Outside of the top few people, there's rarely a midcard match on a PPV that stands out as different from what you'd see on Raw or Smackdown.

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Based on the 6 minute Paige vs Tamina match at Extreme Rules, I have assumed Paige vs Fox at Payback will go longer than the 3 minute matches they've had on Raw.

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