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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Not been this excited about an episode of Raw since it went head to head with Impact.

Same here, but it was Impact I was more excited about. MUCH more excited. I want this to be exactly the same. Get Knobs and Sags along in their NASTY.I.AM get-up

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Match wise it was a pretty standard Raw. Surprised me how much the crowd shat on Reigns and Bray. I can't believe they are still going with Batista Orton. Got a sneaking suspicion Punk may end up getting added to it somehow next week. The end segment was class. Taker looked in top shape. Actually excited for Mania now.

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It's always a shame about the crowd and their chants these days, much easier to watch on mute with music in the background. Drowns out JBL too.



Loved the ending, they've already built this up fantastically, that Lesnar wants to be a history maker but Taker never even crossed his mind, having Taker show up and land the first blow there's just a different dynamic to this match.


Great couple of TV Matches, Big E vs Cesaro was fantastic for me, shame about E deciding to plant himself on his head at the end, hope there's no real damage there.


Cena's knee is being reported as a legit injury, and that he is at a medical facility with an MRI being done. Rowan could be in some serious shite if the injury has happened, he just yanked at the knee.


Emma while attractive, that dance is fast becoming worse than JBL.


Hogan managed to fuck up one of his earliest lines but it is fantastic to see him back.


It's probably a completely unpopular opinion but while I know Reigns is the definite star coming out of the Shield, Rollins is easily my favourite. There's much more of a reckless, just hit them with anything mentality to him that easily makes up for being one of the smaller members of the roster. That dive was brilliant as well. The entire Bray Wyatt on RAW throughout the evening was for sure.


Boo-tista really can't deliver a promo blown up after like 8 minutes as well.

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There's a difference between crowds shitting on a poor product, and crowds trying to get themselves over at the expense of whatever quality show is on.


The latter was around tonight, you know people are just being cunts when they start Husky Harris chants through a pretty decent match. Overall a good show tonight, though the only thing that bothered me was using the same style dusty finish twice, teammate enters the ring to attack opponent when it's unnecessary and cost their partner the match.


On a positive, the thing I still love about wrestling are those little moments of disbelief, I'm still not entirely sure if Cena was selling that well or actually fucked his leg up unintentionally and they just ran with it.


Edit: Less positive, the dirt sheets are saying it's suspected actual ligament damage. Fuck =/



Ultimately, great start, but a brilliant ending, only thing missing was he should have used Lesnar's blood from the pen nib to sign the contract (ok it wouldn't actually be his blood, and you don't need a close up with a fake blood pellet to convince people. Michael Cole screaming that "HE JUST SIGNED THE CONTRACT WITH BROCK'S BLOOD" would have been enough to get the concept over) just to add the cherry on top of the mysticism and intimidation factor that is the Undertaker.

Edited by Pyrotechnik
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Yeah, say what you want about the Rumble or last night, but this episode of Raw was just a shit crowd shitting on stuff for no reason. Sure, Bray and Roman Reigns wasn't a masterpiece but only the most fickle of cunts would have turned on it like they did. Boo Batista all you want, there's an argument he deserves it, but the crowd booing during Reigns vs Wyatt did my head in. What happened to seeing where the journey takes you? I've seen so many shit matches over the years and part of the charm of wrestling is going "well, I'll stick this out and see how it goes". I usually dont agree with Lance Storm but he was absolutely spot on what he said. WWE put the fans over when they highlighted how great the crowd was the night after WrestleMania last year. Now look what you have. So many cities trying to turn matches into their own wankathon. Shame, really. Reigns and Wyatt aren't the finished article, but a fans job is to look past the flaws when they have the amount of upside this pair have.


As far as the rest, some of it delivered. The Hogan thing was a bit rushed, but I've seen how its best to book Hulk Hogan. And its probably best to give you him in small bits when you have 40 days left until WrestleMania. As much as I'd like to have seen him do more than plug the Network, it was probably best he established his role and got himself involved later on. I'd say it would have came off 50 times better if they didn't already announce his role as guest host in other outlets. His interview on the Post game show was good. Seeing Renee Young's reflection in Hogan's shades got me semi erect. The Undertaker looked pretty amazing with that Ministry beard. I've said it for months, Undertaker matches look unappealing on paper, but when you get him face to face with his opponent its usually magic. Fuck knows what they are playing at with Batista and Orton. They are admitting Dave is as popular as he is round Mickie James house, so that seems like a massive hint he's turning. But its all arse backwards fuck knows how they are going to get there. And what they do with Orton. Do they turn him face? Christ knows. And Cena's injury? If its legit and serious, I think he'd have to be actually dead not to work WrestleMania. Even then I think they'd just run a replay from the TLC against Edge or something. So yeah, decent Raw, although the crowd were dicks for the sake of it tonight. Great to see Hogan and Taker back. Also someone elsewhere described Ric Flair's head as an unshaved scrotum.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I'd say there's a chance Hulk adds Bryan to the match to "give the people what they want", either before the event, before the match, or after the title match. It'd be kinda cool to see Bryan get a MITB-style title shot over, say, a retaining Orton to really bring the whole deal since Summerslam full-circle.


Loving the Network. Had hiccups with the pre and post shows not loading, but after some tinkering (which resulted in Chrome fucking up and having to do a system restore :/ ), I can now enjoy live content as well as the archives. I may never leave the house again.

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Quick heads up for those with Sky. For some reason my Raw record and series link has been completely removed from my planner. This happened to my 2nd box upstairs as well.


Might be worth having a quick check to see if your Sky is set to record tonight's show.


Man, I wish I saw that last night. :angry:

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