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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I'm not saying she's actually got any talent, I'm just saying she's fit as fuck, especially when she's next to hideous Naomi


As sexist as it is, I'd rather see fit as fuck, likes a drink Cameron as opposed to Naomi who is supposedly decent in ring (for a woman) but looks like shite, if anyone wanted to see decent womens wrestlers then Molly and Victoria would still be there getting massive ratings, no one cares if they're any good in the ring so just keep the fit ones and the ones with some charisma on


Oh and is that Lawler/Barrett thing leading anywhere? I assume they won't let Lawler get in the ring ever again so what was the point of it?

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Will a pay off be a monster, Menry perhaps, pushing Barrett off his huge lecturn on to some crash mats or something..


Glad they've let Harper speak and Rowan at least say 1 word.


I did FF most of the show, but the Shield/Wyatt interaction has certainly piqued my interest.


I know people hate on Christian's physique, but he can still certainly work a good match.

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Agree with most of the consensus. Fuck all happened on that show. How do they write this stuff. Do they not make a lit of goals or outcomes that they want from the show to further the stories? Surely they must measure the success of the show somehow? All I've got is that the Shield & The Wyatt's feud went up a notch, Kane has some heat now and then fuck all else.


They even got the timing wrong on Kane's pyro at the end. I presume that was because the director fell asleep.


Most of it was the usual throw two people to have a match with fuck all reason or consequence.


Hated it.

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They fell in a pit of pillows with the New Age Outlaws, didn't they?


I mean, if they'd have had literally anyone else out there whilst the dozy arses were struggling to get the cage down they'd have been in trouble. They'd have brought Cody/Golddust out a few minutes earlier and they might have been lumbered with about 5 minutes of awkward standing around.


But, being the old pros they are, they padded their segment out beautifully. Slow walk round the ring? Check. Fan interaction to pad out segment? Check. Long pauses? Check.


It was about the most creative thing on the show.

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They fell in a pit of pillows with the New Age Outlaws, didn't they?


I mean, if they'd have had literally anyone else out there whilst the dozy arses were struggling to get the cage down they'd have been in trouble. They'd have brought Cody/Golddust out a few minutes earlier and they might have been lumbered with about 5 minutes of awkward standing around.


But, being the old pros they are, they padded their segment out beautifully. Slow walk round the ring? Check. Fan interaction to pad out segment? Check. Long pauses? Check.


It was about the most creative thing on the show.

Thought that segment was odd. I found it a bit uncomfortable too, mainly because that crowd was utterly dead. Even their "CM Punk" chant at the beginning was pathetic.

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The match was terrible.


Really, really poor.


The bit before where they had to cover for everyone shitting themselves at the cage stalling was great, but the match was a bit of a disaster.


I think with a lot of these showpiece gimmicks, they're defined by 'moments' and then, in time, those moments become more than just the standout memory, they become the only memory. So now, post attitude, you've got a lot of people who remember cage matches for extreme violence; or see HIAC matches as vehicles for someone to fall off something; or ladder matches as something that has to top the last Jeff Hardy effort.


It happens a lot of these days that when you don't have real, bonafide stars in these matches the crowd sit on their hands for a bit because they've forgotten that prior to these big moments, there was a wrestling match that was building to said event. The crowd weren't interested when the NAO/Brotherhood were wrestling but once they started eating steel or climbing cages, they livened up a bit.


I guess there's no real escaping it, as its human nature. Everyone remembers Solsjkaer scoring against Bayern in the last minute, few people remember the pedestrian one-two between Staam and Irwin that started the move that led to the corner*.


Though, I think you can argue that the attitude era exacerbated the problem with their mental booking and mental matches.








*the Stam/Irwin one-two may or may not have happened. Predictably, I don't remember.

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I only watched the highlights on YouTube but even there you could sense that nothing really happened. Probably made worse by those heavy days plotting the New General direction. They were probably too exhausted after that to worry about a single episode.


Do we know how many writers they have right now?

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Cameron is garbage. I don't know whether that knee to the eye she took was real or not, but either way she made a right scene of it.


You mean Naomi, right?


Yes, that knee to her eye WAS legit and I think, in her defence, it must have hurt like a mother fucker.



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The match was terrible.


Really, really poor.


The bit before where they had to cover for everyone shitting themselves at the cage stalling was great, but the match was a bit of a disaster.


I think with a lot of these showpiece gimmicks, they're defined by 'moments' and then, in time, those moments become more than just the standout memory, they become the only memory. So now, post attitude, you've got a lot of people who remember cage matches for extreme violence; or see HIAC matches as vehicles for someone to fall off something; or ladder matches as something that has to top the last Jeff Hardy effort.


It happens a lot of these days that when you don't have real, bonafide stars in these matches the crowd sit on their hands for a bit because they've forgotten that prior to these big moments, there was a wrestling match that was building to said event. The crowd weren't interested when the NAO/Brotherhood were wrestling but once they started eating steel or climbing cages, they livened up a bit.


I guess there's no real escaping it, as its human nature. Everyone remembers Solsjkaer scoring against Bayern in the last minute, few people remember the pedestrian one-two between Staam and Irwin that started the move that led to the corner*.


Though, I think you can argue that the attitude era exacerbated the problem with their mental booking and mental matches.



*the Stam/Irwin one-two may or may not have happened. Predictably, I don't remember.


Cracking post, couldn't agree more. I've said it before, long term anyway, the Attitude era was the worst thing that happened to Wrestling.

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The attitude era is the hardcore porn of professional wrestling.


It's cracking, really exciting at the time.


But, it dulls the senses and the regular sex that follows inevitably leaves many bored.


That, and lots of teenagers get injured imitating it.

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Does anybody else think that del rio was rushed out to save the crowds reaction to batista?


It was really strange,his music knocked off and del rios started in less then 5 seconds. In which time the crowd just booed batista


It was if to say we will wait to see what the reaction is "bbboooo" get out there del rio. Del rio didnt even seemed dressed properly.


Batistas return is looking a bad move at the moment i think

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I wouldn't base anything on that crowd.


They hijacked a Daniel Bryan match with a CM Punk chant. They were just an extension of the try-hards you get in 'smart' towns. They just weren't very good at it.


Away from the live audience, I think the Batista returns been pulling in good numbers. I think.


But, yeah, Del Rio looked a bit haggard. Bless him. He clearly needs a new man servant to shave him and press his suits.


*edit* though, on the Batista front; THIS is fairly embarrassing.


ill copy and paste, for efficiencies sake


I google searched Batista to see if there any reports on his return and found this piece on cagesidesets...


According to The Wrestling Observer, Batista appeared via Trinatron prior to his segment with Alberto Del Rio last night. In a promo designed to get the beleaguered returning Superstar some cheers, or at least minimize any boos, The Animal talked about being a big sports fan, especially baseball and the College World Series, which made him especially excited to be in the home of that event, Omaha, Nebraska.


The segment only aired in the Centurylink Center and was shown during the commercial break prior to Batista's appearance and subsequent confrontation with Alberto Del Rio. According to Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer, the sole purpose of the quick interview was to help make sure the right man was cheered during their following in-ring encounter.


Do you think it worked, cSs? Are there any lengths WWE won't go to to try and keep Big Dave as the returning hero rather than the Hollywood heel that live audiences (and many in the internet wrestling community, this writer included) want him to be?

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