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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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It's doing the rounds that people were fucked out for chanting CM Punk. Has to be an oul work.

There's no way they could throw a paying customer out of a building for chanting somebodys name who's apparently not in WWE employment anymore? Are they going to eject the whole crowd for chanting Goldberg every time Ryback steps in the ring?


But yes, it was a septic Raw. I did quite enjoy the Shield/Wyatt bit though.

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He used to wear a band on his ring finger when he was married, but now he wears it on the right hand.


I'm pray-pray-praying that they don't run with Kane/Bryan. Eurgh.


I like corporate Kane, despite them not really bothering to flesh out the character, but its not a top level act. If they've just shipped in Bryan to plug a Punk shaped hole, then that's rather depressing.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Wow, another thread that points out how far removed I am from the general opinions of this forum.


Good show. Loved how Randy talked through the Punk chants. At a lot of other guys, Orton himself until recently, would have flapped at that.


The Shield vs Wyatt's has been shoehorned?? It's been talked about for months. And there's likely some twist with the way Hunter asked them to leave it on Smackdown.


Two good six mans, with some good promos from either side.


Good main event, and the Kane / Bryan rivalry makes more sense than the Punk one. Anyone remember the first three guys to beat The Shield in a six man?


For someone who notices the difference between the WrestleMania main events and the general mid card, that show portrayed what great potential is available!

Edited by thicko
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It's doing the rounds that people were fucked out for chanting CM Punk. Has to be an oul work.

There's no way they could throw a paying customer out of a building for chanting somebodys name who's apparently not in WWE employment anymore? Are they going to eject the whole crowd for chanting Goldberg every time Ryback steps in the ring?


But yes, it was a septic Raw. I did quite enjoy the Shield/Wyatt bit though.


Being removed from the building is one thing, but being raped as you go is quite uncalled for

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I think Big E needs to be careful, else he'll drop down the pecking order quick as anything. Especially with Rusev sniffing about ready to take the midcard strongman role at a moments notice. Big E seems to break someone's face in every match he has.

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Like nearly everybody else, I enjoyed the main event and Bray Wyatt's promo.


You wonder if Kane will somehow find a way into the Chamber match to help Orton retain and screw Bryan in the process, certainly makes the most sense. WWE being all about even booking, the Orton loss to Bryan probably signals Bryan will be staring at the lights for Orton at the PPV.


I'm not against Bryan facing Kane at 'Mania, so long as it means we're getting a Bryan v Triple H match at Extreme Rules. Ian's idea of having Bryan in the title match at 'Mania, followed by a Triple H match is still the scenario I'm after. Certainly, I'm not liking Triple H being a nice guy and a Bryan supporter all of a sudden, let's up they sort that out soon.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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I'm suprised that HHH vs Bryan hasn't been the plan all along since The Authority angle started. The logical conclusion to the whole thing is a match between the two of them with Bryan getting his revenge. I don't see why HHH/Punk was going to happen as it was Bryan who was getting shafted by The Authority

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In their eyes, Bryan bombed during his run on top and Punk apparently does bigger numbers than Bryan, signalling he's a bigger star. WWE clearly thought Punk v Triple H would be the bigger match, which it maybe is in fairness.


Zack Ryder fucked things for Bryan. WWE probably think Bryan is just a fad and fans only chant for him because they aren't supposed to. I'm sure they are expecting fans to eventually get just get bored of him, rather than seeing him as a potential big earner

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