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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I agree with the above about Bray maybe being the unfortunate one with show re-writes and what not. Cena looked like he didn't care about what happened at the Rumble, there was no real reason for him to come down at the start and attack the Shield, and it didn't make sense for the Wyatts to basically help Cena qualify for a title shot.


Nothing ever phases Cena though, its one of the reasons why people dislike him (not me personally). I have the fear of Cena putting alot of comedy into this feud which is what it certainly does not need.

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Theres still 2 spots in the Chamber to be decided. Anyone see Lesnar doing what they did with Edge a few years ago and belt one of the remaining two on the way to the ring and take his spot? Or better yet, imagine if they did that to Bryan, the meltdown would be even worse than at the Rumble

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Really, the easy way around this is to do a three way for the title. Which can lead to that Bryan/Batista cum buster at Extreme Rules.


Depends if they want to shaft Sheamus or not. Sheamus can gain a lot of momentum by turning on Bryan and calling the fans out on their nonsense. Done well, Sheamus v Batista is also a feud with plenty of potential.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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I wouldn't mind Bryan vs Sheamus to be honest. Their matches were awesome before and it's a reversed heel/face dynamic if they do it again making it a bit fresher.


The match itself would probably be a cracker but its not where Bryan deserves to be on this card.


An upper mid card tussle is about where I'd expect Bryan to be, to be honest. Above The Shield, below your Undertakers and Lesnars.

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that video of Jakes HOF induction was a bit odd. Showed some good promo stuff but in terms of in-ring stuff it was a 'Jobber takes a DDT' montage. The only person I recognised was Ric Martel and that was a blink and you miss it moment. I know it was a 2 minute video and you can only do so much in that frame, but when you think that Jake had feuds with Steamboat, Dibiase, Savage, just felt a bit cobbled together

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Theres still 2 spots in the Chamber to be decided. Anyone see Lesnar doing what they did with Edge a few years ago and belt one of the remaining two on the way to the ring and take his spot? Or better yet, imagine if they did that to Bryan, the meltdown would be even worse than at the Rumble


I quite like Daniel Bryan but must admit it would be pretty funny seeing the internet explode! In many ways Wrestling is pretty unique. Can't see any Coronation St fans organising petitions because Dev Alahan's character is being given the Zack Ryder treatment while Roy Cropper is being given a big singles push after his barber shop window moment with Hayley.

Edited by garynysmon
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Vince and all the ladies and gents at the top know best.

Bryan - and I do think he's a joy to watch - is an obvious great hand to have around, but just isn't what they're looking for. I'd say if they did give him the run as top boy, it wouldn't go as the likes of us fans think/hope it would.

Now, Reigns got a great reaction from the fans in the three way, which will most likely add further fuel to the fire behind the top brass' 'Keep Bryan in the RVD/Jericho spot and put extra energy into this fine specimen of a man in Reigns' reasoning.

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If you're deliberately trying to troll the smarks/IWC/hardcores/Bryan fans/whatever you call them, I can't think of anything better in 2014 than "It's OK, he'll be working with Sheamus at WrestleMania, so you know they'll get a decent amount of time and have a great match."

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The highlight of Raw:


It was bound to happen, sooner or later. I always thought he'd somersault onto the steps one day, to be honest.

It's the attempt at redemption by doing a roll akin to what someone in the schoolyard would do when actually impersonating Rollins that had me chuckling.

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Screw Daniel Bryan. He loses at the rumble and then comes out and whines about not being in a match he was never announced as being in to try and sulk his way into a title match. I think his sulking fana have gone to his head. I hope the WWE listen to their proper adult fans who tune in for the proper wrestlers like Cena and Batista and not the kiddie wrestlers like Bryan with all his childhood fans who don't even buy the show or watch it on the telly. If the self entitled hipster headlines wrestlemania I'm going to stop watching the highlights on YouTube and sell all my replica belts and get a real hobby like stamp collecting or model trains. They've got cooler t-shirts and everything!

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