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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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They didn't all switch to airing the east coast feed? Surely that doesn't bode too well for WWE's TV rights. The cash they're chasing is on the basis that Raw's a "must watch live" show, like real sports. If some of the providers can't even be arsed to air it live rather than NCIS repeats, it can't be that important. Or do real sports get shown on a delay as well?


We've got AT&T. We used to get the East coast feed, which was great as we'd record it, and watch it after work and finish watching by 9.30-10. Now they've abandoned it and we get USA-W, but we still watch on DVR. Can't sit through 3 hours with all those ads. Looks like Time Warner carry it on delay as well. DirecTV still has the East Coast feed.

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I hope Batista doesn't win the Rumble as well. The last thing you'd want to do is bring one of your biggest stars back after 4 years and not give the people what they want. Send them home unhappy I say. And you devalue Batista in the process, so double thumbs up!

That went well. And I type this with 3 mem in the Rumble left.

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Might want to spoiler that, since people reading this may not have watched the Rumble, but ...

SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

that was in reference to the people who aren't loud mouth fucksticks who cheer for anyone who isn't a star. The guy drew almost 6 million viewers for his segment on Monday. Those people chanting "Daniel Bryan" didn't even pay to watch him at that SummerSlam that bombed.


Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Haha yeah, Batista returning hasn't been met with the superstar response I think the WWE higher ups expected. There was a ratings surge because people wanted to see how this former main event star would come back into the fold, but the crowd reactions have been pretty average, Batista looks rusty as hell and nowhere near the physical presence he was. He looks notably smaller than Ryback and possibly around the same size as Roman Reigns. He can't seem to do a rudimentary spinebuster or spear right now, and considering his entire gimmick was "power", it's not really working out.


But yeah, Batista's a real difference maker, exactly what the majority of fans want. :rolleyes:

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But yeah, Batista's a real difference maker, exactly what the majority of fans want. :rolleyes:

He is, though. Hence the fact his return drew more than any show in the last 18 months. Because pops aren't the measure of someones ability to draw. Who else got booed? John Cena. He's not a difference maker either, I assume.

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He is, though. Hence the fact his return drew more than any show in the last 18 months. Because pops aren't the measure of someones ability to draw. Who else got booed? John Cena. He's not a difference maker either, I assume.


It was a big return, hence the big rating, but I don't see it continuing. The major difference between Cena and this version of Batista is that Cena can deliver, love him or hate him, he's excellent at what he does. Batista doesn't look anywhere near as good as he did, and he's not going to be a special attraction performer either, so he'll be around for a fair while yet. We won't be able to use Wrestlemania buyrates to determine how much of a success Batista's return is, because it's freaking Wrestlemania 30, but if the ratings are consistently significantly higher on TV, and B- PPVs headlined by Batista rake in big money, I'll concede. Right now, it's not clicking, at least for me.


Cena can still put on an enjoyable product. Can Batista? I guess time will tell, but early signs aren't encouraging.

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It was a big return, hence the big rating, but I don't see it continuing.

Well guess what would give it a big chance of continuing? By putting him over, maybe? Or should they throw there hands up and go "fuck it, this wont continue". That's exactly what happened to Daniel Bryan. They thought "he's quite over, lets get heat on him by having him lose every PPV for months on end". And he lost a shit load of momentum.

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It seems that what's "best for business" is booking a show with crowd-pleasing moments...and Daniel Bryan sure ticks those boxes...but they seem more intent on proving we know nothing by pushing guys who are almost a novelty act, like Batista, or bland as fuck like Orton. Bryan gets the crowd into everything he does, and for his faults, so does Cena. They bring high energy to their performance- Orton is just so slow, from his entrance to his promo style. And his matches are boring slogs with a few high spots to break them up. Not "methodical, breaking-opponents-down", but just plain boring.

And this argument over who sells the most merch, thus proving who is most over....I have a Miz " I'm Awesome" tshirt! Who gives a fuck? Too many fans worry about the " numbers" as opposed to trying to enjoy the show. And when their opinions conflict with others, the numbers are wheeled out to prove they are right. Yawn.

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